Chapter 2 - Meetings in the Park

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Kai held his breath as he led Eri into their third park of the day since their arrival in Musutafu. This one was quiet and, thankfully, empty. Finally.

The man relaxed and motioned for his daughter to go play. There was no one here to potentially be rewound or bother him while he made sure she didn't hurt herself in her excitement. Even in a town this small, so late in the day, it was remarkably difficult to find a park empty enough for their needs.

"Don't wander too far!" the brunette warned when he noticed the girl doing exactly that, disappearing into the nearby foliage with a riot of laughter. "Eri!"

When she didn't respond, her giggles growing fainter, Kai sighed and went trudging after her. The yakuza boss was glad he told Chrono to stay behind and make sure Eri's mess was cleaned up properly as he wandered through the bushes in search of the child's pure white hair. Knowing his assistant the man would've laughed his ass off the entire time at the sight of his boss running around, making a mess of himself as he chases after his playing 5 year old.

'The things I put up with for Eri...' he thought as he resisted the overwhelming urge to rub his arms in a very likely futile attempt to remove the dirt, leaves, and that spiderweb he just WALKED THROUGH (Ew! Gross! NOPE! ALL OF THE NOPE!) from his person.

"Eri please come back now. I'm really not in the mood for-" Kai cut himself off as he stumbled through a bush to find his daughter sitting with a girl in her teens who honestly looked like she had seen better days. Her curly dark green hair was a mess, half falling out of its high ponytail and full of leaves... probably not too different from what his own must look like right now, he mused. Her admittedly cute face and shapely body was littered with as many scrapes, burns, and bruises as their were tears running down her freckled cheeks. Kai actually felt a little insulted looking at her state. What kind of asshole beats up a girl in the park and leave them to rot?!

"Actually... They beat me up at s-school. I just wanted t-to be alone um... W-who are you?"

Oh... He said that out loud.

Eri's excited voice brought the pair's attention to her as she smiled at the injured girl "That's my dad, the one I told you about. He can make you better with his quirk! It's awesome!"

The greenette smiled awkwardly at the red eyed girl, her tone fond "So you've told me." Her attention shifted to Kai, nerves and embarrassment gripping her upon noticing his gaze fixed on her "I-I'm guessing you have some kind of healing or regeneration quirk? Eri didn't actually explain much besides "you can fix people with your quirk by touching them"..."

The yakuza boss snorted at Eri's extremely simplified explanation of his overhaul quirk. "It's a little more complex than that but yes, I can use it to heal people."

"If you d-don't mind-" before she could finish asking he was kneeling in front of her, removing one of his gloves to touch her face. She felt a sharp jolt of pain for an instant, overwriting the throbbing ache of her injuries briefly, before all her pain was gone. Looking down at her bare arms and mostly bare legs she found herself good as new. Even the damage to her uniform was gone! "H-how?"

The brunette helped her up with his now gloved hand. "My quirk, overhaul, allows me to disassemble anything I touch with my bare hands and then reassemble it to my liking. When I use it on people I essentially tear them apart at the molecular level and put them back together healthier than before." Kai was prepared for the ensuing freak out that always happened when he explained his affliction, people didn't like being pulled apart after all, but to his surprise the girl looked elated of all things.

"That's so cool! The number of uses it could have are practically limitless! In battle alone it could-" Kai cut her off mid-ramble "Wait, wait... You mean you don't mind that I just remade you? At all? It doesn't bother you?"

"No. Why would it? Honestly, I wish I had a quirk even half as great as yours."

Kai's curiosity peaked, he said a line those who knew him would immediately recognize as lying through his teeth "I'm sure your...quirk is wonderful."

Green eyes filled with tears, making the yakuza immediately tense. Not crying! He can't handle crying!

"I... I don't have a quirk."

Kai stared at the teen with open awe. She looked ashamed of her purity, her superior genes. "Why are you crying? You're perfect, beautiful, a flawless human being. I wish I was like you... What is your name?"

The now violently blushing girl stuttered out "M-M-Midoriya Izumi."

The brunette lowered the black medical mask covering his face to smile at her in a way that made Izumi's heart flutter. "Chisaki Kai. It was a pleasure to meet you Izumi."

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