Chapter 33

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"Guys! Over here!"

Shouto and Ochako smiled as they walked over to Izumi at her shout, waving at her and the two Gen-ed students flanking her as they did. The icy-hot teen still couldn't believe that he'd made real friends at UA, the greenette being his first and closest despite only knowing her for a week. He took more than a little pride in the fact that he'd managed to gain something like this under the old man's nose, something he could claim as his own that couldn't be taken away or challenged by Endeavor. It was nice.

"Hello Izumi. I take it Shinsou and Setsuno are here for similar reasons to Uraraka and myself?" the bicolored boy asked, earning a million-watt smile from the quirkless girl. "Yep! Himiko's visiting her dad to tell him about her week so far and train with him." The blonde in question chirped excitedly "We practice our swordsmanship together! We finished katana and wakizashi, so now he's going to teach me to handle odachi!" the vampiric girl squealed happily "I'm so excited!"

While Himiko skipped excitedly as they walked Izumi continued "And i'm introducing Shinsou to three of mine and Himiko's trainers that will help him prepare for the Sports Festival this year."

The brainwasher chose this moment to ask "What am I gonna be learning anyway? You never said." causing the greenette to flush in embarrassment. "Ah, sorry! I forgot."

Once the violet haired boy had gotten the quirkless girl to stop apologizing for her lapse of thought she explained. "I set you up with Katsukame Rikiya and Rappa Kendo, who were our physical trainers. They're going to put you through a lot of running and work outs, and teach you hand to hand combat."

Himiko giggled and added "They look all big and scary but they're just a pair of softies deep down. Just don't say that to their faces."

"And I also asked Nemoto Shin to train you as well, since his quirk is a little like yours." at Shinsou's questioning purple eyes the greenette explained "Shin's quirk, Confession, forces people to tell the truth when they respond to his questions."

There was a brief lull in conversation as the group took in the sights of the city, Izumi and Himiko waving at a few of the local sidekicks and heroes they passed with a familiarity that spoke of just how often they'd seen them. At Ochako's query about it the greenette explained "While Himiko and I were home-schooled and trained here we ran into a lot of the local heroes and their sidekicks during patrols. After a while we started waving at each other, getting used to how our walk and their patrols overlapped enough to realize that we shared a routine." Shrugging the quirkless girl muses "A few of us are even on friendly terms; Centipeder is really nice and Bubble Girl's shared her lunch with us once."

"Really?!" Ochako shrieked happily "Lucky! I'm so jealous!"

Himiko laughed and threw an arm over the brunette's shoulder "Don't worry Ochako-chan, we'll introduce you someday!"

The group stopped in front of a large traditional compound that reminded Shouto a bit of his childhood home, the high walls and gate flanked by suited men making the teens unfamiliar with the place a little nervous. Their nerves vanished when the guards smiled warmly at the girls guiding them "Hey you two, how's school?"

"Great!" Himiko chirped as the men opened the gates to let them in "Izumi totally kicked ass!" The greenette blushed, swatting her friend on the arm lightly "Himiko!"

To her dismay Shouto, the traitor, agreed "You really did, Bakugou's pride will never recover." earning laughs from both men, who watched their boss' wife-to-be drag her friends into the compound with wide smiles before they closed the gate.

Strolling through the picturesque gardens and pathways of the japanese mansion Himiko pointed to the buildings they passed and explained their functions (more or less). "That one's the mess hall and kitchens; the compound staff, cooks, and security live there. That one's were my dad and the other upper management employees live. That big building in the center is Kai's house, we'll go inside there at around dinner knowing Izumi." The greenette shot her friend a look but didn't rebuke her statement, letting the blonde finish "And this building right here is where the gym and training room is!"

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