Chapter 14 - Day (date) at the Aquarium

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When he went to pick up Izumi for their outing (date) at the aquarium the next day Kai became acquainted with her mother. Inko was simultaneously exactly what he expected the teen's mother to be like, and not at all what he expected. As he sat on the couch and chatted with his potential future mother in law while waiting for Izumi to get ready, Eri asking her a million questions likely the reason she was taking so long, the woman stated seriously. "I never thought i'd be giving this talk to a yakuza boss, but I expect you to treat my little girl with respect young man."

Gold eyes fixed the small woman with open shock, earning a laugh. "Relax Overhaul, I'm not your enemy here."

"How do you-"

"My husband is very familiar with the darker underbelly of our world, he's known who you were since Izumi gushed about you and that job you gave her on day 1." Inko shrugged, crossing one leg over the other and folding her hands in her lap "I meanwhile worked it out after I spotted your assistant's lovely neck tattoo yesterday. So... What exactly are your intentions regarding my daughter?"

The brunette swallowed, decidedly less sure of his plans to win the woman over now. "I intend to ask your daughter to marry me once she's of age." he admitted, telling her his intentions bluntly "She's a remarkable girl and I want nothing more than to see her happy."

Green eyes peered into gold as the mother smiled "I do too. That's why i'll just let you off with a warning." Her expression was glacial as she continued "I expect you to behave yourself until after you're married, whether that be when she's 16 or 20. So if I find out you've done anything more than kiss my little girl... Well. Organs count as small objects. I'm sure you're creative enough to see how I could use my quirk on yours should you decide to ignore this warning."

"Yes ma'am." he replied with a shiver.

"Good!" she chirped cheerfully as the girls entered the room, oblivious to what had happened in their absence.

Izumi was wearing a preppy blue dress that had a star pattern that made her look like she was wearing the night sky that was flowing and cut off at the knees, a pair of black tights, and a long necklace made up of a black string with a silver star pendant at the end with matching stud earrings. Her curly green hair was down for the first time since he'd met her, reaching her mid back, with the exception of her bangs - which were held back with a blue handkerchief headband, the knot looking a bit like bunny ears at the top of her head.

'God, she's even more adorable than last time.' Kai thought as he took her in with a smile. The giggle he heard from the teen's mother next to him and amused look on her face reminded him that she was there, causing him to flush. "You look wonderful Izumi." the glowing smile he received was worth the embarrassment. "Thank you Kai!"

Picking up Eri, who was also wearing a deep blue dress, after slipping on her bright red sneakers the teen waved goodbye to her mother. "Bye mom, see you later!"

The brunette slipped in his own white sneakers and bowed to the woman respectfully. "Thank you for having me ma'am. I enjoyed our conversation, it was... enlightening."

"Likewise." the elder woman replied with a sweet smile "Don't you be a stranger young man. I'd like to get to know my future son in law and granddaughter beyond names, after all."

"Mom!" Izumi exclaimed with a red face, earning a laugh from the woman "I'm your mother Izumi, it's my job to tease."

Groaning the teen pulled the equally red faced yakuza boss out of the house.


"This is far larger than I expected." the brunette stated as they finished paying, walking into the main room of the Musutafu aquarium to take in the massive aquarium inside with no small amount of awe. He didn't know you could make a tank big enough to keep whale sharks, but there were 3 of them slowly dancing around a small mountain of coral covered rock. The many schooling fish sharing the area glittering silver in the imitation sunlight from above the water.

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