Chapter 34 - Back to School!

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On the following Monday from the group's weekend at Kai's home the group in class 1A were beset upon by their curious classmates. After it was clear that Mineta and Kaminari's badgering was getting them nowhere with the group Iida brought the class to order and the asked them about their weekend far more politely, actually getting a reply.

"Izumi introduced me to her older brother. Tomura-kun has a contact quirk with the same limitations as my own, so he was able to help me a lot with training and controlling Zero-Gravity. And look!" Ochako held up her hands, showing off the pink gloves covering only her thumbs, pinkies, and ring fingers. "He got me some gloves I can wear to nullify my quirk! Aren't they cute?!"

Mina cooed when she saw them "They are!" prompting the gravity girl to gush further "Tomura-kun was so fun to hang out with too! He looks scary at first, but he's really just a huge nerd! He even explained our training plan in video game terms and spent our free time talking about our favorite game series!"

Seeing the other girl's excitement Hagakure teased the brunette playfully. "Does someone have a crush on her new teacher, perhaps?"

Ochako's face flushed red "What?! No! Nonono! Tomura-kun's too much like a big brother for me to see him like that!"

Todoroki hums, nodding in agreement. "True. Not to mention that he made it perfectly clear when we met him that he's dating my older brother Touya."

That was when their classmate with the least tact (Mineta) asked "Wait? You have an older brother?!"

"I actually have two, and an older sister. I never really got to interact with any of them growing up though, except for my sister Fuyumi." Shouto replies calmly until the last sentence, which he growls out bitterly. "The old man thought it would distract me from my training."

Everyone except for Mineta notes the tension and implication in his response, and decides to leave it alone. Mineta meanwhile takes that moment to crack a very poor joke. "Man Todoroki, your mom must be seriously hot for a man as serious and unfond of kids as Endeavor to get her pregnant so much. Got any pictures of her?"

...No one else in the room is surprised when Shouto freezes the creep up to his neck and glares at him, a white-hot burst of flame flickering on the fire side of his face briefly in a visible response to his livid emotional state. The icyhot teen glares at the mostly frozen boy with cold dual colored eyes as he growls "Talk about my mother like that again and I promise it will be the last thing you ever say or do in your life, understand?"

"Y-y-yes!" The grape boy cries squeakily "I understand! J-just p-p-please unfreeze me!"

The bicolored teen huffs angrily but complies, Mineta isn't really worth expulsion.

While Todoroki thaws the class pervert Mina breaks the tension. "So, Izumi... What did you do over the weekend while the others were training?"

The quirkless girl's green eyes sparkled with excitement as she replied "Oh! First I got to help Eri train her quirk a bit more, she's making lots of progress! Pretty soon we'll be able to move her onto harder tests, since she's almost mastered plants! I'm thinking that i'll move her onto small animals next." The greenette paused briefly, crossing her arms and humming contemplatively before continuing "I also got to spend some time with my fiance."

The teen's face wore a fond expression as she added softly "At one point his work kept him so busy he was worried he wouldn't be able to spend any time with me at all, so he let me know to apologize in advance. I told him I understood and asked what was keeping him so busy, and after he told me I ended up helping him with it all. We got so wrapped up in working together that we didn't even notice we were doing his work until one of his employees came in and said something about it."

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