part 20

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*What Mavis is wearing.*


I run upstairs and throw on a hoodie and some sweats taking off the heels k then go back downstairs and open the door again smiling at the guys. "Um please come in."

I say embarrassed they come in and I lead them to my living room now that I am looking at the guys correctly the go to our school as well as work for Al. Shit! "Hi, Mark and Dolan."

"Hola Princessa, nice ears." Mark says I nod and but then I realize what he said and I snatch them off.

"Don't be embarrassed we just came to use the restroom and ask for a snack." Dolan reassures me and I show them the bathroom and snacks they bid us goodbye and I look back to Alejandro to see him laugh and punch his arm.

"Stop laughing that was embarrassing." I cry he laughs even harder and wraps me into a hug.

"You were so cute in the outfit." He states kissing my cheek I giggle and break away from him this is his last week here I need to leave him with a special gift.

"Okay go upstairs and sit on the bed and wait until I get out." I instruct he nods and I back upstairs fixing myself and putting the touches on. When I walk out I see him sitting on the bed. He looks up at me and I can feel him undressing me with his eyes I love it.

"So what do you think?" I ask going a 360 he hmms tapping his chin acting like he is thinking.

"You already know you look sexy, now can we have hot maid sex." He asks and I shake my head no making him pout he is a horndog. "So what are we here for?"

"You leave in a bit and I know you will probably miss me so I wanted to give you some pictures so you can remember me," I explain shyly this is very embarrassing but I love him too much to make let him suffer. He chuckled and I roll my eyes.

"Wow baby girl that's so thoughtful, but I already have so many pictures of you." He reasons and I take a seat next to him leaning my head on his shoulder

"But not any sexy ones, so do you want the pictures amour not." I ask annoyed and embarrassed he nods and gets up taking out his phone. This is for him I keep reminding myself as I do these photos. He always talks about me in costumes so I might as well deliver his wish.

"Where is the tail." He asks and I blush hard.

"I can't wear it." I whisper and he sits next to me.


"It supposed to go up my butt and I am not prepared for that." I explain and he laughs he takes his pictures and we finish.

"So now can we have quick hot maid sex?" He asks and I push him back on the bed while climbing on top of him.

"Whatever you want, master."


"Sorry for being late." I apologize walking into the kitchen I see my mom talking with a woman that I assume is cousin Wanda who I haven't seen since I was 6.

"It's okay Princessa say hi to your cousin Wanda you probably don't recognize her since it's been so long." She introduces I turn to her and smile she looks at me excitedly wrapping me into a bear hug I giggle and hug her back.

"Hi, baby girl I can't believe you are all grown up, well almost." She laughs and I nod cousin Wanda from what I can remember is like a firecracker. "How have you been?"

"Oh I am great you know high school and school work got to keep those grades up." I answer smiling she pats me on the shoulder congratulating me on my hard work.

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