part 12

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What should I wear maybe something easy to move in hot, short? I think to myself I found the perfect outfit. I grab a sheer pink long sleeve shirt with feathers at the end and a short pink skirt to match. I put that on with some thigh-high white socks and white platform heels. I put golden hoops and my hair into a bun with pink lip gloss and cheeks with white liner. "Now this is what I call a party outfit."

But then I see my nipples eh nobody can touch them except for him and I should be fine the only undergarment that I am wearing is a thong but just so I don't get yelled at I put on nipple patches

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But then I see my nipples eh nobody can touch them except for him and I should be fine the only undergarment that I am wearing is a thong but just so I don't get yelled at I put on nipple patches. I grab a purse and my keys and walk down stares going to the liquor and grab vodka, "Well don't you look good."

"Thanks, mom," I say taking a shot I turn to her she grabs the drink from me putting it away.

"I will tell your dad were you going to be, so be safe and have fun." She says I nod and leave the house getting into my Ferrari and drive off to pick up the girls.


"BITCH YOU HAVE A FERRARI!" Aaliyah gushes I smile and she gets in the front while Jade gets into the backhand we go to the party. I try to call Alejandro again and this time he picks up.

"Hey baby girl." (Alejandro)

"Hi where are you it sounds loud?" (Mavis)

"Oh I am just a the gym sorry I am blasting music let me call you back when I finish." (Alejandro)

"Um okay talk to you later." (Mavis)


And like that he hung up, asshole I pull out another joint and light it up inhaling it I hold my hand out and Jade takes it out of my hand. We get to the house and I can hear music thumping and see people outside dancing and the traditional red solo cups. This is going to be fun. We walk into the house and it's filled with hot sweaty bodies finding together and music blasting in my ears with smoke all over the house I go straight to the drinks I see shots going on and part take.

"I give me two jello shots," I ask the lovely man he smiles and winks at me I smile back and he hands me two blue ones. I turn and hand one to Aaliyah, Jade is not drinking because she is driving. We throws the shot back but it's not enough so I order two vodka shots and take those quickly and for my last drink I just grab some of the fruity punch before going to dance I sway my hips to the music.

"Why are you dancing alone." Jade shouts she pulls me to her and Aaliyah and we all dance on each other. It felt good I take a sip from my drink finishing it up and dance some more.
I feel an arm pull me and look to see it's Sebastian he pulls me into the sitting area where people are smoking I take somebody's joint winking at them and have some for myself.

"What are you doing here?" He asks with panic in his voice I look at him confused exhaling in his face he takes it away from me giving it back to the person.

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