part 43

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"Here follow me we can talk in private back here." He points to a door and I gulp he senses my worry, " We can leave the door open if you're scared."

"Yes, I would like that." We get up and he guides me to the room. Like he says he leaves the door open. I take a seat and across from him.

"I never gave you my name, my name is Archer. I am a certified therapist so I hope that calms your nerves a bit." I give him a small smile and we start.

"Mavis tell me how you feel." How do I feel?

"I feel disgusted with myself, and dirty, weak, I-I just f-feel broken." I cry and I do. I don't think I will ever be the same and I hate that.

"Mavis, I have talked to a lot of women who have been forced against their will and I need you to know that a lot of the girls had similar feelings and they got through it just like you will." He explains I shake my head holding my hands in one another he places a hand on my shoulder and I look up he has hope in his eyes.

"But how?"

"Now that's what we have work on. But for now, where we're at right now I need you to get this off your cheat so you can get home to your little girl at least a tiny bit better." He says with a small smile. I nod and take a deep breath.

"I feel hate towards myself too every time I get into the shower I take cold showers and I scrub my skin till it burns a bit." I admit he nods I tell him a lot of the things I did to cope during the years and by the time I was done I was a hot mess.

"Mavis, it's okay how about when you get home I want you to start with lots of sleep don't overwork yourself. Let's work on building yourself back up." He concludes I nod and we leave the backroom. I sit back in my seat and soon drift off to sleep.


"Here eat you need your strength." My uncle hands me a fruit bowl. I thank him and start eating. My favorites. We are almost home by the time we get there it will be midnight.

"Does everybody know I am coming?" I ask looking up from my fruit bowl.

"Only your parents we have to keep it down low. Why?"

"Oh, I just have someone that I really need to talk to." I say stabbing my fruit.

"Mavis you can't exhaust yourself so please don't try to fight with anyone for at least a week." Archer says I sigh and nod. My emotions a little all over the place and I hate it.


"Now we have a little bit left so get all the sleep and energy that you need." My aunt says I nod and do as she says. I am feeling a bit tired.


"Mavis wake up we're here." I groan and sit up. The car door opens and I get out with everybody else and walk to the front door. My breath hitches in my throat and I can feel my heart racing.

"It's okay all you have to do is walk through that front door and they will be so happy to see you." My aunt Sophie says she places a hand on my back and I relax. It's comforting.

I take a deep breath and hold it, "Okay let's do this. I mean I am in a badass dress and I look hot as fuck."

"Yes, that's the mindset."

"Okay." I exhale and open the door walking through it. I find the kitchen light on and walk in to see everybody sitting at the table. The room goes quiet when Sebastian makes eye contact with me his mouth drops and I give him a small smile. My mom turns her head she looks so different her hair is longer and she looks like she hasn't slept in days but she still looks good. My dad turns to and he looks the same. They both scramble to get up and run hugging me making me fall a bit. I wrap my arms around them.

"Mom Dad." I cry I don't realize it until tears run down my cheeks. My mom shakes and pulls away she grabs my face and looks at me. She's looking at the bruise on my cheek and cries more I place my hands on top of hers and give her a small smile.

"It's okay, I'm okay." I say to her my dad looks at me and he looks sad and enraged. I smile at him and tell him the same thing. I am indeed okay. I am home. She nods and my dad sighs.

"I missed you so much princessa."

"I missed you too dad."

My brothers come up and hug me in a group tight bear hug I giggle and I hear sniffles and cries coming from them. "Mavis you can't leave this house ever again."

"Of course you would say that Dante." We all laugh and they pull away. They all stare at me and I get nervous do I look that bad.

"Does he know?"

"No, but he's upstairs sleeping. He's been lining here since you left taking care of Lexa." Sebastian says I nod and walk to the table taking a seat. My mom walks up to my uncle and they start talking. Dante stands in front of me and grabs my hands I look up at him and he looks defeated.

"I missed you, everyday little sis."

"I missed you too. For right now I just wanna see my baby." I smile he chuckles and nods. I head upstairs and walk to my old bedroom I look at my bed and see Alejandro sleeping and my baby Lexa curled up to him. My two favorite people in the world. I wall to the other side of the bed and lay down I place a hand on her face and stroke her cheek she looks like me with Alejandro's nose. She stirs a bit and I kiss her cheek calming her down. I then brush Alejandro's hair out of his eyes. My heart flutters every time I see him but this time it breaks he looks so sad and tired. His eyes flutter open but then closes and a single tear falls.


"Just sleep I am right here."

* she's back but that's not the end of the drama. Sadly the book is coming to an end but I do have other books I am working on so don't worry. Stay safe 😘✌🏾.*

Xoxo Chocolat Queen

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