part 17

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This fucking hike had been going on for too long! I have to pee, I am tired, and my mouth is cold but, my tongue is getting smaller and numb. "I am such a genius."

"Why?" I ask I can feel his hand rub on my ass and of course, he picked it for that reason. He then squeezes my breast and I slap his hand away.

"Come on you have a nice ass which I would sleep on any day and your boobs are nice and squishy." He whispers I blush a deep pink he puts an open mouth kisses my neck and I can feel the cool metal hit my skin, wow.

"Stop not here, later." I whisper I peck his lips and he smiles, "now carry me on your back."

"As you wish, baby girl." He says squatting I get on his back and he starts walking.

"Are we almost there cause I am ready to go back now!" I yell to the group my mom looks at me and makes a 'come here' motion and Alejandro walks to her.

"No fair, someone carry me!" Julia whines.

"Mavis get down and you and Alejandro walk to the front we are a couple of steps there." She says I groan and get down to start walking. At this point, I am ready to collapse.

"Okay, we are here." My mom says and I look around still more wood with just a van is this what we came here for a fucking VAN!

"Bob we're here!" My mom yells the van door opens and out comes a tall, skinny man in a black suit with a bald head and some glasses carrying walkie talkies. My mom walks up to him and grabs one handing it to me.

"Nowhere comes your real punishment you two will only have a bottle of water and this walkie talkie and you guys have to walk back. Toodles." She says waving and I stand there dumbstruck as everybody gets in and the van drives away. I just scream and start breaking down crying.

"ASSHOLES!" I shout I have to fucking pee!

"Go pee in a bush and then we can leave." He says I sigh and nod handing him the walkie talkie.


"Well hello guys," My mom says I smile and roll my eyes ignoring her. I upstairs and head straight to my bathroom, I start my bath and strip instantly of those sweaty ass clothes. Once my bath and bubbles are all in I slide and finally relax.

"Don't forget about me." I look and see Al stripping, it's always a great site, he gets in on the opposite side. He then starts rubbing on my legs and feet.

"Mmm, you don't have to do that." I say he chuckled starts lifting my leg and placing kisses down it.

"I know I just want to treat my baby girl like a queen." He whispers I look up at him. Alejandro is always so sweet, and kind and caring no wonder I fell- I didn't mean fell I meant like. Am I in love with him or is it just my hormones? I don't know which one it is but I am not in the mood to find out right now.

"Mavis I have something to tell you." He says sadly I look up at him getting pulled out of my thoughts.

"I have a mission in Brazil for a week my dad and I are going because we have some business with the Brazil mafia they have been acting up so if I am not around as much I want you to know I am just preparing for it." He explains I nod and sit up I go over to him and sit in-between his legs and lean into him sighing. "What's on your mind."

He says into my neck, letting go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. He grabs my face and turns it to him looking at me. "I might be falling for you."

"Really?" He asks and I nod looking at him. He puts his face back into my neck and kisses it sweetly, "That's a good thing because I already fell for you."

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