part 42

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3 years. 3 FUCKING YEARS! I HAVE BEEN WITHOUT HER FOR 3 YEARS! "Daddy, why are you crying?"

"It's just daddy really misses mommy right now and can't call her." Lexa sighs and pulls on me I look at her.

"Silly daddy get up," she fake pouts I get up, "now give me a hug," I give her a small smile and hug her, she has been the only thing keeping me going.

"Mommy will be back anyway now I can feel it." She says I smile wider and kiss her cheek she is my light. I pick her up and sit her on her bed. "Better?"

"Yes much better. Now it's time for bed come on." She sighs and climbs on her bed, I tuck her in and kiss her forehead.

"If you can't sleep you can come to sleep with daddy okay." She nods happily and I turn off her lamp, "I love you, princess."

"Love you too daddy."


"Hello, niece." My uncle says getting up he wraps me in a hug. I freeze before hugging him back trying not to cry.

"Uncle it's been so long." I sniffle he sighs in relief and kisses my head.

"Tell me Mavis what has happened." I can't hold it anymore and I break down and cry.

"It's been so horrible, I can't even say all the vile and disgusting he has done to me all the times I thought about ending it! I can't wait three days I need to go now!" I cry he continues to hold me and I just let it all out onto him. For the past 3 years I have been used, abused, beaten, and just flat out hurt and destroyed.

"Make the call we are taking her home now." He orders the man with the red bowtie he nods and takes out his phone dials a number. I'm leaving!

"They're ready." Bowtie says.

"Okay let's go, " he pulls away and looks me in the eyes sighing, "wanted to do this quickly and quietly but hearing all of that I can't let you stay here anymore." He explains to me the plan of how we are going to do it.

"How are we going to leave this place." I ask confused.

"Through the front door, we are going to keep send him a message showing him not to means with us." My uncle smiles I nod, I can feel it under all of this sadness, and fear I can feel it. The rage. It's rising and it's pushing back all of the fear, grief, and suffering I have done for the past 3 years and it's rising holding me up it's helping me power up. I can feel my vein choosing with hot blood pumping I can feel myself waking up from the thought of getting out of here.

"Tell me niece how has your diet been for the past 3 years."

"The first year and a half I barely got fed because I fought him and then when I gave up he start3d giving me two meals a day the portions would vary sometimes."

"Okay so you won't be much help with combat but you would still be of use with a gun." He hands me one and I nod. Everybody loads up as my uncle gives the heads up. Suddenly two gunshots ring through the halls, screams of people my uncle nods his head I cock my gun and we run through the chaotic crowd guns are firing at us and we fire back. I run and his two men right in the head. I hear a scream.

"MAVIS!" I turn and see him looking at me I glare and point my gun at him he shouts my name again but I ignore him and shoot him in his hand.

"That's a warning shot the next time I see you, I will kill you!" I yell, I see a gun aimed at me and I shoot the girl catching up with the rest of the family. We do exactly what my uncle said we were going to do we walked right out of the front door guns blazing shooting every armed person. Oh, and I didn't hesitate I shot every single person aiming at me. They are all protecting a monster, a fucking mad man. A car pulls up we get in and drive off goodbye hell hole.

"Are you ready to go home?" My aunt Sophie asks, she rubs my shoulder and I nod I miss Lexa I wonder what she looks like.

"I miss my daughter Alexandra."

"Daughter?" My uncle looks at me and I nod.

"How old are you?"

"21 my birthday is in a month." I say awkwardly I guess they don't know about my daughter. I guess a lot of the family don't know.

"And you have a daughter?" He asks quizzically I nod sheepishly.

"Yea I had her when I was 16 she is 6 now." I explain he nods and I give him a short awkward laugh.

"Oh, Alex told us that you guys had another baby girl and two adopted ones." Sophie says I nod. We get to the airport and the private jet is already prepared when we get there. I step out of the car and head right into the jet and take a seat exhausted. Uncle Maximo, aunt Sophie, and bowtie will a couple of bodyguards bord with us.


We finally lift off and everybody is buckled up. A servant comes around taking drink orders and I just order water. She comes back with our drinks and I grab my water taking a sip. "Are you okay? Mavis, you don't look so good."

"No I am fine I'm just really tired." I smile and finish my water. I lean back and sigh, soon I drift off to sleep.


Trigger warning mentions of rape⚠

"Please no! Let me go you monster!" I plead he doesn't listen and pins me down I am too weak for this.

"Shut up before I kill you!" He slaps me and starts pulling down my pants. I go cold


"Mavis wake up you're having a nightmare!" I open my eyes gasping for air. I fight the person on top of me before I realize it's bowtie.

"It's okay Mavis your safe." He says looking into my eyes. I don't think and pull him into me hugging him, it's weird because he just emits this calming aura. He pulls back and looks at me with concern on his face. I look around and see everybody looking at me concerned. "Would you like to talk about it?"

*Hey guys how are you? I have some sad news the book is coming to an end. Sorry for the people who really like it but it's time to close the book of the Ferrari family. Don't be so sad because once this book is finished I will be publishing my new book My Cute Little Wolf. Stay safe 😘✌🏾.*

Xoxo Chocolat Queen

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