part 9

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"Come on baby girl do your best!" Alejandro says I roll my eyes, my dad is making us fight everybody one on one I throw some punches at him and then roundhouse kicking him he falls and I get on top of him I try to throw a punch but he catches it catching me off guard and flips us pinning me to the ground.

"I am but you are hurting my wrist." I whimper he loses his grip and I buck my hips making him lose balance I get back and get up.

"That's not fair using your cuteness you know it's my weakness." He says I laugh and he stalks towards me and he throws a punch and knocks me down I pull his leg and he falls with me I pin him down and he loses I get up and pull him up with me.

"Good job baby girl you won." He says hugging me I smile and hug him back.


"I need a shower." I groan I turn to my phone Alejandro has been home for the past week so we have been face timing all the time.

"Come on let's go shower." He says I nod and take him with me to the bathroom I place him down, " what are you doing?" He asks I go to the phone and raise a brow, "I wanna see."

"Your such a horn dog," I say propping him up with the view of the bathroom," happy now perv." He nods and I start undressing I get into the shower and wash up then get out wrapping a towel around myself. I go to my closet and lotion on the I put on one of Alejandro's shirt and a thong I grab my phone and go to my bed getting under the covers I plug my phone in and look at Alejandro who is smiling at me.

"Are you not tired." I ask he nods and I smile we talk a little bit more until I fall asleep on the phone.


Another day of fun I roll my eyes at my sarcastic thought I change into some booty shorts and a sports bra grabbing my dance bag I head to the dance room. "Hello, ladies today we are going to focus on lap dances."

"You guys need to be good enough to get the boss's attention and keep it so we hand two volunteers to grade you guys on how well you can do." My aunt explains they are serious the door opens and in comes Alejandro and Raven's boyfriend Axel I greet him and look at Alejandro who is smiling brightly at me.

"Shut up," I say even if he didn't say anything his face said it all. My mom splits the room and has the guys sit in chairs she starts the music and instructs us to use body language. I slowly walk up to Alejandro running my hands up and down my body I open his legs and start swaying my hips in between his legs I turn and grind on him. Of course, Alejandro is enjoying this he starts lightly and slowly touching my hips. I do more moves using the stuff I learned and I hope that it good enough. After finishing up our dances my mom drips the decider.

"Both of you did do good boys what do you think."  My mom asks I turn to Alejandro and he looks at me smiling.

"Amazing," They both say I punch the air and do my little victory dance I take off my shoes and grab my dance going to the gym I see everybody working on their skills and I go to the knife-throwing area and pick up some daggers I throw it at the dummies and aim for the important parts.



"Okay, today we are going to go and scope out the place get better into your roles so girls we need you guys to get ready for auditions and get in Bae, Alejandro, Dante, Alex you guys already have your job we just need these two to get the job." My father explains we nod and I hang up the phone getting ready for my audition I didn't know you had to do all of this to become a stripper. I put on A dress over my outfit and grab my bag and keys leaving I walk downstairs where Raven is waiting for me.

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