part 19

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"Say it again." He says with a hopeful look in his eyes I giggle and get on my tippy toes close to his face.

"I love you," I repeat exaggerating every word so he can hear it. He smiles and closes the gap between us capturing my lips in a slow heartfelt kiss.

"I love you too." He responds and I giggle pecking his lips. We break away and leave the office I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to a smiling Emilio he grabs me into a tight bear hug.

"That was amazing luv, congrats." He says spinning me I giggle and he lets me down I hear Al clear his throat and turn to him.

"Thanks, Emilio this is Alejandro, Alejandro this is Emilio my best friend," I say exaggerating the term best friend so he doesn't get any ideas, men. I turn to Emilio a give him a knowing look to behave I start to walk around the arena with Emilio making sure everything is going right.

"So that's your boyfriend." He asks looking at the girl lifting weights. I punch him in the arm to stop gawking and nod.

"Yea, why how do you feel," I ask, knowing that he had or may still have a crush on me might put him in a weird position and I don't want to make him feel any type of way.

"I am good as long as you're happy I am happy." He states I nod well that's a good sign. We continue to talk as I finish my rounds and when I see Al at the door waiting for me I wish my friends and grab Alejandro's leaving the arena.

"So you love me." He says I look up at him and smile he is too cute. I stop us and he looks at me and I pull him down and place a kiss on his lips.

"Yes I do love you, now I am tired and we have school tomorrow. You also have preparations for your trip to Brazil." I explain and he groans and nods I smile and we go to back to my room I head straight to my bathroom and strip.

"Baby I am going to get into the shower for a bit." I inform him and minutes later he comes I'm stripping.

"Well then let's go shower."


"Yay fried chicken and waffles!" I exclaim walking into the kitchen one of my favorite foods I take a seat next to Julia. She is gushing too I pause and look up at my mom who is on her phone.

"Mom why are we having chicken and waffles." I ask her we usually have Italian dishes never really 'black people food', "Is grandmas side of the family coming down."

"Yes, and you know how they are big on how 'black you are'." She says sadly I feel for mom I get up and hug her. We are not close to my grandmother's side because of how ignorant they can be.

"Don't worry cookie you are who you are whether your Italian, black or even white you don't have to prove yourself." My dad says holding her hand she nods and I take my seat again and dig into this delicious food."

"So Mavis I heard that you had to teach someone a lesson in the arena today. I am proud of you but next time don't beat her to death." He critiques and I nod I continue to eat and it is too good. I need more so I grab seconds.

"So there is a gala this Friday before Bae and her family leaves for a big mission. So cancel anything that day also you guys your cousins will be staying with us, they arrive tomorrow after school." He explains and we all nod in agreement. We finish up dinner a d I head to bed bidding my family a good night.


"Hey, guys!" I exclaim Jade and Aaliyah come up to me and wrap me in a group hug. I giggle at the affection and hug them back. The gym teacher blows the whistle meaning that it's time to stretch so we start our stretches.

"Hey girly, how was your weekend." Jade asks I groan while doing my toe touches.

"Well, guys I need to tell you something important." I say I guess it's time to tell them I trust them enough. They are my best friends after all.

"My family is the head of the Italian Mafia." I confess they look at me shocked and surprised. I try to talk veer they get to it before I can.

"That's cool, I knew something was fishy with all of those fancy cars and big houses." Jade exclaims well at least she is handling it nicely it's just Aaliyah hasn't said a word yet and it's making me nervous.


"Oh sorry I was just a bit surprised bit that's awesome but as long as you don't shoot of harming me or Jade we are good." She jokingly warns I nod and we finish stretching. The teacher blows the whistle again so now we start jogging our laps.

"Wait so can we join the mafia and be like the gay couple in the family. Like one of those Wattpad stories." Aaliyah says giddily I nod and laugh she is always reading those Mafia romance stories.

"Sure we can do that." I reassure her she jumps up and down while clapping, I love them too much to say no.


"You're finally here." Dante says patting Alejandro on the back he nods digging into his lunch.

"Yea you know preparations for the mission might take longer." He explains the mission seems to be serious. I need to do something before he leaves so he has something of me for him.

"Is anything serious going on now." Sebastian asks he sighs and the atmosphere seems to go down with the mention of the mission.

"Well, they started to cause a lot of havoc to do the mission is going to take longer than predicted." He explains this is bullshit why can't people just follow orders. I get up having enough of this conversation and throw out my leftovers.

*text messages are italicized*

Me: I need you to come to the apartment at 6.

Bae❤👅: Okay sexy I will talk to you later😍.


Bae❤👅: ❤

School is finally over and I am currently sitting outside of Barbies very nice, shiny, white Jeep. I see her walking out pink heels clicking against the pavement. She comes up to me glaring. "What peasant."


"What the fuck is wrong with you!" She yells o laugh and walk away I hear her clicking behind me. I turn around and stop her.

"If you try it I will shoot you right now. Now we know why you can't have a boyfriend." I laugh she looks with anger and disgust and it's making me laugh even more I must have hit a nerve.

"You fucking bitch." She glares.

"Now you ever hurt anybody I love I will shoot you." I say ending the conversation. I know I said I would beat her ass but I already beat one Barbie the other one is going to be spared, for today.


"That shower was great." I say stretching I take a look in my mirror fixing my ears and heels. I hear a knock at the door and spray myself before walking down the stairs and I wipe myself off while I open the door. I look up to see Al and three other guys looking at me wide-eyed.

"FUCK!" I shout while slamming the door.

*she can never have a nice time without being embarrassed. Lol. Anyways stay safe 😘✌🏾*

Xoxo Chocolat Queen

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