part 48

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"Mommy I love your dress so much!" Lexa smiles I giggle and pick her up and kiss her. She touches my stomach talking to her siblings.

"Thank you, baby."

"How many are in there." She asks poking my belly I giggle kids. For the past year since the night, Alejandro and I made love I got back into my groove well my new and improved groove. I start planning my wedding and in the midst of this, I have gotten pregnant with triplets! Apparently, multiples run in the family.

"There are 3."

"Can I have one boy and a girl and a boy? They need to be equal." She smiles I laugh and let her down. I finish doing my makeup as the girl's flood in.

"Oh my goodness you look so fucking beautiful. My daughter is getting married." My mom gushes she is in tears ruining her makeup. She pulls me in for a big hug. But I pat her back telling her my stomach hurts. Truthfully the only people that know about my pregnancy are Alexandra and me. If you bride a kid with enough sweets then they will keep a secret.

"Oops sorry."

"Wow, I knew you two would be together." Jessica smiles at my mom and her high five and I laugh they are funny. The rest of the girls and I hang out the help me with the finish touches before Aaliyah claps her hands.

"Okay, ladies it time to walk the aisle." She announces I promised Aaliyah she can be my wedding planner and I still haven't been able to see the venue still I know she has been working very hard and has dome a done a good job. Aaliyah walks up to me and starts fiddling and fixing me up.

"You ready?" She asks I nod and then the music starts. I don't feel nervous at all I have been thinking about spending the rest of my life with him for a long time now and I finally get to do that. First walks Jade, next is Raven, and lastly Julia they all walk out in their nice blue attire. Lastly, it's my turn and my dad walks up to me and grabs my hand holding me.

"Are you ready?" He asks I nod confidently we start walking confidently.

Oh my gosh, Aaliyah did beautiful job lilies are hanging from the ceiling and blue rose petals under my feet. I look at my dad and he is crying I smile and giggle a bit, "Cry, baby."

"Who's crying?" He says wiping his eyes I giggle we get closer to him I haven't even looked up yet. We come to a stop I hug my dad who is trying not to cry anymore. I laugh as he places a kiss on my cheek he then places my hand on top of Alejandro's. I finally look up and see him and my world just pauses for a few seconds in those seconds I just think this is it. Where my life begins and ends. He smiles winking at me we walk hand in hand up to the altar where the pastor awaits us. He starts his speech and I don't really listen I just can't take my eyes off him.

"The couple has decided to say their vows so we will hear them." He announces I take in a deep breath my time to speak.

"Alejandro Santos from when I met you I always get this pull even when we were little kids I felt this pull like I was supposed to be around you or near you. That night when we confessed to each other was the best night of my life and I will never forget it. You will always be my first, my last, and my only love. With Lexa and her siblings," Alejandro looks at me confused I give a small giggle and place a hand on my stomach rubbing it. He gasps and mouthing 'are you' and I nod.

"With 3 to be exact. With these four kids and our house, I know our future is going to bright. I love you so much in sickness when you piss me off, and in health, I will always care for you." I finish my vows j hear few laughs in the crowd on the last statement.



"My love, light, and my whole life as well as future. I am not good at speaking but I want you to know. No matter what happens to you I will always love, care, respect, and adore you. When your down and need someone I am always here for you as a shoulder to cry on. Now with our 4 kids and our house, we can finally start a new life. You Mavis are my past, present, and future and I will always love you in sickness, health, as well as days where I piss you off." I laugh as tears fall on her beautiful face. I wipe them off we look at the pastor as he finishes our ceremony.

"I do."

"I do." She says smiling.

"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." After the pastor announces it Alejandro doesn't hesitate and he grabs me by my waist and pulls me in kissing me in a hard and passionate kiss. My favorite kind.


I change into my traveling outfit which is a bit more comfortable and way sexier. It's a white lacy bodysuit under a cream-colored suit and nude heels.

I walk out of my changing room and we head to the plane I still don't know where Alejandro is taking me for our honeymoon but I know it's going to be great as long as I am with him. I meet Al at the doors of the airport and we walk hand in hand to our private jet as our family and guest throw flower petals at us. Once we get to the door we turn around and wish family goodbye. My mom comes up to me and hugs me crying even more than she already has today.

"Do still not know where you're going?" She asks I shake my head no and she sighs.

"Well just be safe and have fun. The honeymoon is the best part about getting married." She winks I laugh pushing her away.

"Ew! Mom TMI." She laughs and we hug once more before my dad comes up hugging me.

"My baby is all grown up." He wipes another tear I laugh. He is such a cry baby.

"Mhm, that means no more telling me what to do." He laughs.

"You never listened anyway." He says frowning I lift the corners of his mouth making him smile.

"No true." I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Alejandro waiting for me with a smile. He holds out his hand and I grab it. We board the jet waving bye to the family.


"So Rio huh?" I say Alejandro carries me into the small beach house threshold.

"Yup, do you like it?"

"Yes, you like it?" He asks I nod and kiss him.

"I love it."

"Good, this is the start to our future baby girl." He says laying me on the bed I smile as he kisses me christening the beach house.

~The End~

*Thank you everyone for reading my books. I really do appreciate all of the comments, votes, and follows. I will continue to write new books and expand my collection so keep reading. Thank you guys so much. I love you. Stay safe 😘✌🏾.*

Xoxo Chocolat Queen

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