part 32

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"What?" I ask he looks me up and down and then leans to look in to see a half-naked Emilio.

"What the fuck Mavis." He replies coldly I sigh and yawn leaning against the door frame.

"Listen okay I am in the middle of something can I help you if not bye." I say bluntly he glares at me and I cross my arms.

"Keep the noise down or I am coming in and kicking both of your asses." He says I flip him off and he leaves I close the door and walks back to my bed and see Emilio getting sleepy I smile and crawl on the bed.

"Wanna cuddle?" I ask and he smiles nodding I get up and change into a big tee and take off my makeup. I then slip into the bed and cuddle with him until I fall asleep.


"Mavis, rollover I have to go." I look io and Emilio smiles at me I nod and roll over and he gets up and kisses my forehead.

"You owe me one." He says I hum in response and he leaves I roll over and go back to sleep.


Oh, I am so tired. I sit up and rub my eyes I start stretching and get I'm up out of the bed and head to the bathroom and start my shower. I wash all of the glitter and sweat and partying from last night off of me. I wash my hair and then get out wrapping a towel around me I go to my mirror and clean my face, and brush my teeth. When I am done in the bathroom I go to my closet and put on simple shorts and a tube top with a lair of converse. I grab my shades and keys to head downstairs I finish getting dressed and go downstairs to the kitchen. Great there in here.

"What the fuck are you guys doing here. Get out." I say Al looks up at me and rolls him I stare back like what the fuck.

"First your mom said we could live here second we need to talk because you a liar and third don't disrespect me ever again." He says I laugh he thinks he is so cool trying to boss me around.

"I don't know what type of drugs you are taking but don't talk to me like that plus barbie needs to leave." I say she opens her mouth to speak but I stomp at her.

"Shut your fucking mouth I don't want to hear it." I glare at her she closes it good little rat. I grab some water and head to the door but I get stopped when he calls my name.

"What!" I say agitated he grabs my arm and I turn to him trying to yank my arm out of his grip. "Get your hands off of me."

"I said we need to talk." He says I shake my head no and he sighs. He picks me up and halls me over his shoulder and he starts walking.

"Let me go now you asshole!" I say beating on his back but he doesn't stop walking until I hear a door click and lock. That's when he lets me down I look around and see that we are on a desk. He traps me down placing his and on either side of me.

"Oh my gosh, what do you want." I ask really annoyed now he is pissing me off now.

"Why did you lie?" He asks angrily I shrug what's he talking about.

"What?" I ask confused he sighs he looks really pissed now.

"About her about the little girl, don't lie again Bae told me. She cried saying you were so mean to her calling her names and that you cut her hair for no reason seriously." He explains confused I look at him with shock she is a fucking lier I am going to kill that bitch.

"Let me explain okay. I told you that because you had betrayed us and still are also I was just going to come clean when I called you that day which was on my baby shower but you were so fucking busy slamming your dick into Barbie." I explain he looks at me and sighs he looks a bit sad but then it goes back to his new cold expression.

"I am sorry okay I have to. You know I still love you." He says I laugh love the fucking lies he tells.

"Your lying because if you loved me you would have never fucked her." I say I can feel the tears coming but I have to be strong. Alas, it never works and I start breaking down crying. He lifts my chin and wipes my tears away he then looks me in the eyes and leans in landing a soft kiss on my lips. I known shouldn't let him do this but I need to feel his touch one more time one last time before I let him go. I pull him in kissing him harder he places his hand on my hips and gives it a light squeeze. I pull back before it can get any more heats he looks up at me and I give him a small smile.

"I can't do this with you. If you want to ne involved in her life that's done but I will not be number two ever." I say he nods and let me down off of the desk I look up at him and smile.

"Let's just be friends." I say he looks down and nods I open my arms to hug him and he pulls me in for a hug. When we are done I kiss his cheek and leave the office I check the time it's almost time to pick up Lexa. I leave the house and go to Macdonald's to get her a happy meal before picking her up.


When I get out there I go to Lexa's class section and she sees me with teary eyes she runs to me crying, "MOMMY!"

I pick her up and he puts her face in my chest and cries I go to the teacher and she smiled at me, "Lexa had a good day but there were some girls that were teasing her about not having a dad so I had to talk to them."

"Oh okay please get that sorted out."  I say I then walk away and get Lexa in her car seat I then get in the driver's.

"Don't be sad okay I got you MacDonalds." I say handing her the happy meal she smiles sadly and opens it to start eating it.

"Mommy," she calls I look at her through the mirror her little bottom lip trembles, "Where is daddy?"

"Do you wanna go meet daddy?" I ask she nods happily and I smile I can't stop her she needs her dad.

"Okay, let's go meet daddy." I say smiling at her she brightens up and I drive back to the house so she can meet daddy.

*any thoughts because all I have to say things are going to get crazier and better from here. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all 💞🎄. Stay safe 😘✌🏾.*

Xoxo Chocolat Queen

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