Chapter 30: Back from the Dead

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We were almost there.

The closer we got, the more I was filled with dread.

Something was wrong.

Like really wrong.

"What's the plan when we get there?" I asked Leigh-Lana.

"Oh now you ask? I thought you had a plan with the way you were trudging ahead," Leigh-Lana said annoyed.

"Well excuse me for not waiting another day to rescue your sister," I retorted.

"You call this rescuing? We're in the middle of the woods in Hunter territory, with no plan to rescue Ava," Leigh-Lana countered.

"Come on guys. Do you really think this is the time to be arguing?" Jay commented nervously.

He really didn't like the fact that they were blatantly arguing in the middle of the woods.

They were practically begging to die.

"Shut up!" Leigh-Lana and I said at the same time.

"Don't tell my Beta to shut up," I snapped.

"Why not? You told him to shut up. Isn't this how you treat all of your subordinates in the pack?" Leigh-Lana questioned.

"They would be treated worse if they talked back as much as you did," I countered and Leigh-Lana gritted her teeth.

"No wonder my sister is doomed. You're such a great catch," Leigh-Lana replied with sarcasm.

I had a great rebuttal at the tip of my tongue, until I suddenly doubled over in pain.

"Oh don't be so dramatic. I told you you could live a decent life," Leigh-Lana said rolling her eyes.

"Wait. I don't think that's it," Jay said concerned and I clutched my heart.

Why was I in so much pain?

The feeling was suffocating, almost as if a ton of bricks were sitting on top of my chest.

Dropping to my knees, Leigh-Lana grew concerned.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Leigh-Lana said feeling bad.

"This isn't normal. We weren't attacked were we?" Jay said looking around for a culprit.

I continued to whither in pain, and I ripped open my shirt to see if I was hurt.

I didn't notice anything, and my body looked in tact.

That's when it finally clicked for me.

"Ava!" I shouted hoarsely.

"Ava? What about Ava?" Jay asked.

"Their mate bond," Leigh-Lana registered.

"Something's wrong," I gritted out and another flash of pain hit me, nearly causing me to stumble.

"I don't understand? What do you mean their bond? They haven't mated yet," Jay said skeptical.

"He's right," I muttered.

Our bond wasn't supposed to be strong enough for me to feel her pain, which only meant one thing.

"If you guys aren't mated then what else could it mean?" Leigh-Lana said with crossed arms.

"Ava's dying," Zane said in all seriousness and Leigh-Lana and Jay's eyes bulged.

With those two words, I felt Ace push to the front of my mind and take over.

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