Chapter 34: Unexpected Guest

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Xavier  transformed into his adult form as he reached Leigh-Lana in two strides and he enveloped her in a hug.

Leigh-Lana didn't know how to react as Xavier held her tight and she could hear his heart beating erratically.

Was he relieved to see her or was he pissed?

"How could you do this to me?" Xavier said hurt, and Leigh-Lana knew the answer.

Xavier did find out the truth.

Leigh-Lana pulled out of Xavier's arm's and she distanced herself from him.

"I don't know what you're doing here, but you need to go back. You're going to lead the Watchers here," Leigh-Lana retorted.

"I erased all traces of the portals I used. The Watchers won't find you here," Xavier said taking a step towards Leigh-Lana and she took another step back.

"There's no way for you to know that. You could be placing everyone here in danger," Leigh-Lana countered.

She was exaggerating, since she knew how careful Xavier was, but his presence totally threw her off.

"Will you really act this cold towards me? Shouldn't I be the one furious right now?" Xavier said with a frown and Leigh-Lana swallowed a lump in her throat.

"If you know what I've done then why are you here?" Leigh-Lana questioned.

"I want to hear it from you. I want to know the reason why you severed our connection and erased my memories?" Xavier stated.

"You know I can't tell you that. My powers won't allow me to do so," Leigh-Lana said curtly.

"Liar!" Xavier roared.

Leigh-Lana was taken aback by Xavier since he never raised his voice at her, and her eyes began to water.


She had no right to cry.

Xavier had every right to be upset.

"You of all people should know how rare it is for a warlock to find their soulmate! How important it was to me. So could you take away the one thing I desired the most in the world!" Xavier said emotional.

Xavier and Leigh-Lana always knew at a young age that they were adopted. Their adoptive parents never hid the truth from them, and loved them to the best of their abilities.

Even though they felt loved, there was always an emptiness, a whole they could never fill.

Xavier and Leigh-Lana shared a common connection in feeling abandoned by their biological families, and found solace in each other.

Xavier had high hopes of finding his soulmate one day, and vowed to never abandon them once he found them.

Meanwhile, Leigh-Lana had promised to reconnect with her birth parents, and find out why they left her in the Magic Realm.

Now both of their realities panned out to be completely different.

"I know it's not much of an excuse, but I did what I had to," Leigh-Lana said coldly, and Xavier clenched his fists at his side.

"You did what you had to?" Xavier reiterated.

Was that a joke?

When he woke up from Leigh-Lana's spell, memories he didn't recall came flooding back to him.

Images of him discovering Leigh-Lana was his mate when he turned of age, his mom crying into his fathers chest as Leigh-Lana performed some ritual on him.

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