Chapter 46: Having Doubts

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Ava didn't realize how grandiose the ceremony was going to be until she passed by the common square area of the pack.

She nearly fainted in shock when she witnessed a huge stage being constructed with hundreds of chairs being set in place.

The thought of being in front of so many people was nauseating.

She needed to speak to Zane immediately and confront him as to why he withheld something so important from her.

She only agreed for him to be her mate not too long ago, now she was required to help him run a pack!?

Ava nearly knocked into a server as soon as she entered the pack house, and they hurriedly apologized before running into the kitchen with plates and silverware.

She could smell various foods being prepared and caught a glimpse of Stacy in the kitchen barking orders.

Was there going to be a dinner party too?

Her anxiety was intensifying.

Ava made quick work going up the stairs and her first stop was Zane's office.

To her dismay and utter annoyance, he wasn't there, so she tried their bedroom next to no avail.

Where was he!?

On a whim, Ava decided to go to the library, and to her surprise she found exactly who she was looking for.

However, she did not expect to find her sister leaning over Zane as she pointed at something in a book.

"What is going on here!?" Ava roared.

She didn't know why, but her immediate reaction was anger.

Seeing Zane and her sister, alone in a secluded place, bothered her.

"Oh hey Ava, we were—," Leigh-Lana began but Zane grabbed her arm to silence her.

Leigh-Lana frowned at Zane, but he just shook his head as an answer.

"What are you doing here?" Zane asked.

He stood up and closed the book behind him as he turned to face Ava inquisitively.

"What am I doing here? You know what— never mind. I came to tell you that the ceremony is off. I want no parts of it," Ava said matter of fact.

"What!? Why!?" Zane said, catching Ava's hand before she walked away.

Ava immediately retracted her hand as if the sparks burned her, and she glared into Zane's soul.

"Because you lied to me! And you KEEP lying to me," Ava said referring to what she intruded on.

It was clear there was something going on between Zane and her sister, and they didn't want her to know.

"What are you talking about? What am I lying about?" Zane said clueless.

"I had to find out from Felix that the Luna Ceremony isn't just an official introduction to the pack. It's much more than that. How could you not tell me that I would be sharing your responsibilities in taking care of everyone? That I would be the Luna of the Blood Moon pack," Ava replied accusingly.

Zane reached for Ava again and this time he held onto her firmly.

"I didn't want to freak you out. As my mate, the Luna position is automatically your right. It's not something I can just give away and you can opt out of. I figured after the ceremony I could just ease you into it," Zane explained.

"Ease me into it? So you were going to tell me after the fact!? Becoming the Luna of your pack is a huge decision and you weren't even going to let me have a say in it!? If I knew that becoming your mate would entail all of this, I wouldn't..." Ava trailed off.

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