Chapter 32: Twin Sister

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Ava sat on the bed expectantly as she waited for the person she was supposed to meet.

She didn't know a lot of people so she had no clue who Zane was referring to.

Now that she thought of it, she didn't know a lot of the people in Zane's pack.

A knock at the door drew her attention and Ava bolted up from the bed.

"Relax. They won't hurt you. I think," Zane said.

"You think!?" Ava retorted.

That wasn't reassuring at all.

What sort of criminal was he going to release on her now???

"I've only known them for a couple of days, so I'm not entirely sure if I trust them yet," Zane said honestly.

"Then why would you let me meet them!?" Ava said panicked.

"Because you need to. This person can answer all the questions you have. About your family and your past. I wouldn't have let them see you if I didn't think it would be beneficial. Just trust me," Zane said and Ava resigned.

She would trust Zane this once.

She was curious as to who this person was and how they would have the answers to her questions.

Zane approached the door and he placed his hand on the knob before slowly turning it open.

Ava held her breath as she waited for the person to appear on the other side of the door, and her face immediately deflated once she saw who it was.

"Felix!?" Ava said confused.

"Is this some sick joke!?" Ava said upset.

"No! It's not! What are you doing here!? Where's Jay!?" Zane said equally confused.

He had requested Jay to bring Leigh-Lana, so why was Felix here?

Had something happened?

"Sorry. Jay couldn't make it since he's still by Hailey's side. He hopes you understand since she hasn't waken up yet," Felix said solemnly.

"Hailey!" Ava said in realization.

It was all coming back to her now.

"I'm such a terrible person. How could I forget about Hailey?" Ava said distraught.

Her memories were a little fuzzy from the incident, so she could only remember some parts clearly.

Her mind had blocked out the horrific parts in order to protect her.

That's why she was somewhat collected now.

She had been kidnapped alongside Hailey to Evita's lair after being possessed.

Ava was too busy trapped in her own madness that overtime she had forgotten that Hailey was separated from her.

What exactly happened to her?

Ava attempted to exit the room and Zane blocked the entrance.

"Where do you think you're going?" Zane said with a frown.

"Where do you think? I'm going to see Hailey," Ava retorted.

"You can't," Zane said blocking the way again.

"How can you say that? You said you understood what I had been through. What your SISTER has been through," Ava stated.

"It's too dangerous. We don't even completely understood how you two became possessed and walked out of the pack. It's not a good idea to place you two in the same place," Zane voiced.

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