Chapter 39: Platax

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Zane and Xavier walked around the pack analyzing potential weaknesses and magical defenses that could be put up.

Zane didn't want to admit it, but he didn't completely hate Xavier.

He didn't know how to explain it, but they were somewhat on the same playing field in terms of power, so he had respect for him.

Not to mention the ideas Xavier came up with were halfway decent.

If only they could actually battle it out and see who was the strongest, but they had more important matters to deal with.

"So how have things been since I last saw you?" Xavier asked.

"I found Ava and my sister and discovered an enemy that I thought I buried in my past. That same enemy just happens to be the same person after Ava as well," Zane stated.

He wasn't big on sharing information with other people even if they were close to him, but for some reason he felt like he could trust Xavier.

"That sounds complicated. Fate works in mysterious ways," Xavier commented.

"I don't believe in fate. If fate were real, why would it allow me to be captured and tortured by a lunatic and my parents to be killed. I can't accept that," Zane retorted.

"Understandable. Sometimes I question fate myself. My parents were killed by the Royals in the Magic Realm because they thought they were a threat. They were simple people with big hearts, but because they possessed a power the Royals could not obtain or control, they put them down like they were animals," Xavier said through gritted teeth.

Then the rest of his family abandoned him after the ordeal, since they were too afraid to associate with him for fear they were next.

His neighbors would ostracize him and whisper nasty rumors about him and his parents.

So far fate had not been too kind to him, but meeting Leigh-Lana and his adoptive parents made up for it.

They were the best things to ever happen to him, and he didn't feel alone in the world.

"By the way. Are you really 1400 in the Magic Realm and 14 in the Earth Realm?" Zane asked out of the blue.

Xavier couldn't help but laugh at the question.

"Did Jay really believe me when I said that? Man he's gullible. I'm actually 24 in both the Earth AND Magic Realm," Xavier said, shaking his head amused.

"And you thought disguising yourself as a pubescent teen wasn't weird?" Zane questioned with a raised brow.

"It raises less suspicion," Xavier said with a shrug.

"So tell me. Why did you risk everything, even jeopardize your parents safety, to come here?" Zane asked.

"Isn't it obvious," Xavier replied.

"Leigh-Lana... she's your mate," Zane stated.

"Was my mate. I'm here to know the reason why she severed our bond," Xavier said.

"Is that even possible? Leigh-Lana looks like the type to be into all that destiny and soul mate stuff," Zane said surprised.

"She may look it, but I know Leigh-Lana better than anyone. She's willing to sacrifice the entire world for the ones she loves, including herself. Severing our bond isn't something that can easily be done. It most likely nearly killed her in the process," Xavier said, swallowing a lump in his throat.

So why was Leigh-Lana willing to go so far?

"There must've been something or someone that she would risk severing your bond for. Maybe family?" Zane questioned.

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