Chapter 35: Murderer

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Victoria slowly opened her eyes and she squinted as the harsh light blinded her.

Felix must've seen her discomfort because he immediately dimmed the lights.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" Felix asked and he grasped her hand comfortingly.

Victoria could see the concern in his eyes, and she pulled her hand away in disgust.

"I'm fine. I've suffered worse," Victoria muttered.

"Worse!?" Felix said upset and Victoria rolled her eyes.

If only Felix knew all of the things she had been through, he would have a heart attack by the time she finished.

Victoria smiled at the thought, and her smile slowly faded away as she recalled Zane's words.

"If only you knew what kind of person your mate truly was, you wouldn't rush to save her so quickly," Zane said through gritted teeth.

"She was one of Evita's puppets. A killing machine that showed no empathy or mercy when taking a life. What she did to our family is unforgivable," Zane continued.

Victoria looked up at Felix as he gingerly dabbed her cuts.

Would he forgive her, if he knew the truth?

Felix caught Victoria staring at him and he smiled in return.

That didn't sit well with Victoria as the guilt bubbled up inside her.

Usually she wouldn't care.

She was an expert at stomping on others' feelings and leaving a trail of fire in her wake.

But now...

Looking at Felix's innocent and naive face, she didn't want to hurt him.

She didn't want Felix's loving face to turn into one of hatred.

His heart tainted by her evil deeds.

She couldn't go through that again.

"Get out," Victoria said coldly and Felix's smile faded.

"Victoria," Felix breathed and Victoria turned her face away.

He thought they were finally making progress.

That she was slowly opening her heart to him.

"I can't stand to look at you. Get out," Victoria retorted and Felix quietly stood up.

He never argued with her and always respected her wishes without a second thought.

If Victoria told him to jump off a cliff he gladly would.

And that's what made it worse.

She didn't deserve him.

The moon goddess had cursed Felix by pairing the two together.

"I'm sorry," Felix whispered and Victoria's eyes swelled with tears.

Those were the words she should be saying.

Not him.

Felix exited the room in anger, and he punched the wall next to him.

He was trying his best to get Victoria to open up to him, but he just wasn't good enough.

It was hard trying to compete with Zane when he was her first love.

Victoria didn't have to say it, but he could see it in her eyes.

The way she looked at him said it all.

Now the person she loved was hurting her physically and mentally.

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