Chapter 15: Maddox

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'Are you sure you want to do this!' Ace exclaimed as I dropped Ava into the cell.

I pulled down the rack filled with torture devices and I started setting up my table.

'If you do this you can't take it back! She'll never love you!' Ace continued.

'Good. That's exactly what I want,' I retorted.

Ava groaned as her eyes fluttered open and close.

She was sweating profusely and her body was shivering.

Bending down to pick up Ava to place her in the chair, Ava instinctively wrapped her arms around me.

I sucked in a breath as a wave of her scent infiltrated my nostrils.

'I will not cave in,' I thought gritting my teeth.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as her head suddenly snuggled into the crook of my neck.

She looked so vulnerable.

'I'm begging you. Just look at her. Don't do this,' Ace begged.

Ava's head lulled back as she struggled to keep her head up.

Suddenly her eyes flickered open and her brown eyes were now a pitch black.

"Zane," Ava whispered and I sucked in a breath as I suddenly got flashbacks of my mother.

Her head was cradled in my arms, just like Ava was, and she looked up at me through teary eyes.

She too had called out to me and her bloody hand had reached up to caress my face.

Those were the last words my mother uttered to me as she died in my arms.

Suddenly, my legs became weak and I dropped down to the ground with Ava still in my arms.

I cradled her more gingerly and a single tear fell down my face.

Why was I thinking of my mother at this time?

Ever since Ava entered the pack I've been having more memories of my parents.

Was our mate bond forcing me to relive my past somehow?

The painful memories were already hard to bear, which was why I tried to numb myself as much as possible.

Now Ava was evoking these emotions out of me without trying.

"Zane!" Felix said suddenly appearing at the cell entrance.

"Hand her over to me," Felix said inching closer to me.

I didn't protest as Felix collected Ava out of my hands, and I watched as he walked out of the cell with her.

'You did the right thing,' Ace coaxed.

That memory of his mother might've just saved their relationship.


I was scared out of my mind as I brought Ava into my arms.

Zane was a ticking time bomb and his different colored eyes reflected it.

He was in his hybrid mode as he held Ava in his arms, and one wrong move would cause him to explode.

It was my first time being up close and personal when Zane was in his hybrid state, and hopefully it was the last time.

Bringing Ava back up to the main floor, Michael immediately swarmed me.

Because Zane had commanded him to stand down, he couldn't go down to the dungeon.

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