Chapter 35: Coping

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Sat in a chair in Taka's room, Apollo looks around the place with a scowl on his face.

Apollo: Sheesh... what a mess...

Furniture was flipped over, the bed was messily arranged, it was like warfare had struck onto the battlefield.

Apollo: So, this is what's inside the Moral Compass's room huh? Honestly... I'm quite disappointed in you, Taka.

He glances over to see the depressed, ghostly expression on Kiyotaka's face.

Apollo: You call yourself the Moral Compass, a person who guides others to distinguish the rights and wrongs, a person that morally appropriates behavior to his peers... and yet your room's this messy? Even a toddler could have a better room than yours!

Taka: ...

He lets out a sigh.

Apollo: So, you're prolly wondering why I came here, huh? 

Taka: ...

Apollo: Well... I take it that you don't know this since you weren't present at the time, but... I'm the traitor. I've betrayed you all and was actually working with Monokuma in this Killing Game from the very start.

Taka: ...

Apollo: Yeah, it's quite surprising, I know. I wouldn't expect it, either. But hey, the surprise is what makes it so good!

Taka remained silent, remained unnerved.

Apollo: And you're wondering why I'm telling you this and all. Well... let's just say... it WOULD be bad for you not to know that I'm the traitor, ya know? What if you walked into the hallways and felt a knife stab you in the back? Then, you looked back to see that I was the one who did it? It would be surprising, no less depressing, am I right?

Taka slowly nods.

Apollo: So yeah, that's that. Oh, and...

He stands up and walks beside Taka.

Apollo: I found a way to get you to talk with Mondo again.

At this, Taka's ghostly expression fades away into surprise.

Taka: W-What...?

Apollo: Yep. I found a way.

Taka lets out a raspy gasp.

Taka: H-He's... alive...?

Apollo: Physically, yes. Artificially? No.

With all his strength left, Taka placed his hands on Apollo's shoulders.

Taka: Please... let me... see him... I want to... talk to him...

Apollo: Oh, of course. It would be tragic to simply let the chapter die off without any closure, would it not?

Taka: ...

Apollo: Follow me. Oh, and make ABSOLUTE sure that you don't attract unwanted attention. Got it?

Taka slowly nods.

Apollo: Good. 

He then walks to the door and opens it. And, once Taka walks out of it, he silently closes the door.


Slowly, silently, and stealthily, the two walked over to the bathhouse. Apollo then motions over to the laptop in the lockers.

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