December 17th

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Annabeths POV:

"Where is he!" I yelled at the three kids, not stopping to feel guilty. There was a elven looking, mischievous Latino boy, who seemed extremely ADHD even by demigod standards and a beautiful girl with choppy brown hair and kaleidoscope eyes who seemed to be trying to downplay her own beauty. Finally, there was a blonde boy with the most striking blue eyes. Not green-blue like the ocean (or like Percy's), they were more like Thalias, striking blue. Yet they were also dissimilar, as they held more resemblance to the sky than to lightning. Strangest of all, he couldn't even seem to remember his own name.

Still, I persisted on shouting all Hades at them until Butch brought me back to the issue at hand. There was still a nasty looking storm spirit (sorry, been a while since I read 'The Lost Hero' so some bits may be innaccurate. the dates however are all correct, Annabeth found Leo, Piper and Jason on the 17th and Percy went missing on the 14th) following us and we needed to get the three demigods and Gleason back to camp, preferably alive.

If I didn't kill someone (accidentally of course) for not being Percy that is.

After a while of the one called Jason talking about flying -I don't get it either- and Gleeson shouting about cupcakes, we were finally safe. Or as safe as a demigod could be, and the elfish kid called Leo started talking to Butch.

I almost laughed at the interaction that could of easily gotten Leo pummelled.
I almost smiled thinking about when I first met Thalia and Luke.
I almost turned to Percy to tease him about his arrival at camp and how he drools in his sleep.
I was almost happy for a second...

But when the second was up, I was still alone, Percy was still missing and there was still very little I could do about it. So I didn't laugh, and I didn't smile and I didn't reminisce about the good times.

Instead, I moved ahead of the group, and cried silently by myself. I could head Butch explaining my coldness and I felt a little bad about how I'd been acting over the past few day, but in the end I was still so sick of having to be strong and tough.

When we got to camp, we explained everything to them and I took Piper for a tour of camp halfblood. It was weird I guess, looking back over all these places I've called home for so many years as though they were new. I haven't done that since... since Percy first came to camp.

After shaking of that thought, I had to explain to Piper that Jason was never her boyfriend and that it was an illusion of the mist. Considering everything I told her, she seemed pretty strong through it and if it wasn't for the fact that her eyes aren't grey, I would have thought she was a potential daughter of Athena. Probably not a daughter of Aphrodite anyway.

Between her strength and her choosing a dagger as her weapons of choice, I think she will make a great friend in the future. When I can think about things other that Percy.

We'd find out who her mother was at the campfire that night though, and to be honest I was dreading it. It was so horrible watching everyone song along to "I am my own great great grandpa" when Percy wasn't there singing along terribly.

Thinking about 'I am my own great great grandpa' had sent me to a weird place the night before anyway... about how technically Percy is my second cousin. So if we had kids then I would be their mother and their third cousin, which is messed up. Whoa I thought why in Hades am I thinking about having kids with my missing boyfriend?!

And then I started thinking about how if we got married then I'd be my own cousin in law, which again is messed up. And if me and Percy had a baby, would it spring from my head and be born from mine and Percys ingenuity or would I have a mortal pregnancy. I guess if it's the first one we're not having kids considering how hopeless Percy is.

After thinking that I immediately felt bad for thinking of Percy in such a mean way that I almost burst into tears, but I was shaken out of it by the new kid, Jason, making a speech about a quest. Just like Percy and I had so many times back in the day.

Then Leo was claimed by Hephaestus who Jason weirdly called Vulcan (his Roman name of all things) and then Piper being claimed by Aphrodite!!! How surprising that was, but before I could make any judgments, she was blessed by her mother and she did not seem happy about it. Can't blame her, although she did look beautiful and Jason was not hiding his dropped jaw well.
But then the craziest thing happened. Jason was claimed by Zeus!!!

I didn't get much time to get to know the three new arrivals before they got a quest but I did have a fun little argument with Chiron about how I should be with them to find Percy. Even he was starting to look at me with some kind of experienced pity, like this has happened before and it won't end badly. But I refuse to accept that.

I will find my seaweed brain.

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