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I elected to skip the campfire and head to the Hecate cabin to get my clothes enchanted to hind the lump growing out of my stomach like a cyst. Call it one last desperate attempt after Will banned me from corset tops.

I knew the head counsellor of the Hecate cabin would be in there, she's not exactly a people person. I went to knock on the door.

"Enter." A voice interrupted me before my fist had time to make contact with the door. I cautiously entered the cabin and was faced with Helena, head of the Hecate cabin silently playing mariokart in the dark.

"Hey Helena, I was hopi-" I started.

"2 Drachmas per clothing item." She interrupted me without looking away.

"Deal." I knew better than to try and make sense of Helena's tricks.

She glanced at me like she was making a mental note of how unstylish my outfit was. "What you're wearing I'll do for free, leave the rest and the drachmas and I'll have it shipped to the Argo 2 by some tree nymphs before you leave."

She flicked her wrist in a half arsed manner and muttered something underneath her breath and my bump disappeared underneath my shirt. She then thoroughly cussed out baby mario repeatedly for hitting her with a red shell.

I left my stuff in a neat pile before exiting and thanking her.

By the time I return to the campfire the rest of my quest mates are already saying their goodbyes. I figured it was necessary to say goodbye to Malcom but he was gone and our other siblings informed me that he hadn't wanted to be there to see us leave. I said my goodbyes to my other brothers and sisters and one little girl ran up to me and hugged my legs crying.

"Don't go Annabeth, please. We need you." I held back a sob as she rested her head of my stomach and for the third time the cluster of cells decided to once again kick.

She giggled.

I was drowning.

"I have to go Lillabet, but Malcolm will look after you guys just fine and I'll be back very very soon." I detached myself from the eight year olds embrace.

Now is not the time to regret how I've treated my camp mates, now is the time to find my seaweed brain.

We climbed onto the Argo II and I sat in my bunk while we took off. It was actually happening. We were actually going to see Percy again. And I was going to be lying to him the whole time. Part of my thinks it might even be better if he didn't remember me at all until this quest is over.

It wasn't long before the gentle lull of the ship sent me drifting to sleep.

It also wasn't long before we encountered the first of many hurdles on the way to saving Percy.

I knew it was a bad idea to let Leo make the ship controller a wii remote...

June 1st

After being on a ship with three people for long enough you begin to learn a lot about those people.

For one, Gleeson Hedge does not approve of boys in the girls bedrooms and vice versa. Probably my bad. Several nights Jason has been caught sneaking into Pipers room and it has rarely ended on a positive note. It's beginning to impede on my sleep schedule. Last night he even ended up failing to dodge a brick being hurled at him by Coach Hedge. I heard the impact from my bunk.

One upside of the new living situation is that without the pressure of an entire camp watching my every move it's been much easier to eat regularly. A downside of this is that I no longer look a little bloated. I am visibly pregnant. Thanks to my new clothes curtesy of Helena, it's barely visible but it's definitely there.

Here's a list of things the sixth month of torture has landed me:

1. Heartburn. Why. Just why.
2. Back pain. If Leo swerves the ship one more time and I drop another pen I'm dragging his behind to my bunk to pick it up for me.
3. Fainting spells. Can't wait for that in battle.
4. Hot flashes. There is no AC on this ship.
5. Mood swings. Oh how fun.

All in all things on the ship socially have been decent. However we've experienced a few issues. Since leaving camp we have been attacked more than a few times. A child of the big three, three kids of major gods and the unborn child of two demigods makes for a strong dinner beacon. Not to mention the fact that right now the monsters seem to be unkillable.

"DISTURBANCE ON THE PORT-SIDE" I hear Leo scream from the upper deck. He's really leaning into this whole shop captain role. I run upstairs as fast as I can. Fast enough to beat Jason and Pipes at least.

By the time Piper and Jason arrive Leo is screaming in a high pitched voice and I am still unable to decipher the issue.


I freeze. Memories of Luke and Percy come flooding to me as I remember the state Percy was in after Luke attacked him.

I think of what a sting from one of those scorpions could do to the cluster of cells taking over my body.

All of that leaves my mind.

I don't stop to think as we scramble around, attempting to fight.

I don't hesitate to throw myself between Piper and the scorpion inches from her when it raises its tail to sting.

I don't feel regret as I stumble backwards and collapse.

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