Rage on Olympus

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Annabeths POV:

"600th floor." I said, my voice empty of emotion.

"There is no 600th flo-" the man started to respond, but I quickly pulled out my knife anticipating his response.

"Cut to the Chase (sorry had too). I need to see my mother and I need an audience with Lord Zeus." I said, getting more angry with each word.

"Uhhh sorry miss, Olympus is closed to outsiders right now, I could schedule a meeting for December 15th," I stopped to consider it ,"2089. Is that ok for you" he spoke like it was tommorow, so this guy was clearly some minor god.

"Listen. To. Me. I am Annabeth Chase, and I NEED an audience with the Olympians, you wouldn't be the first diety to have their ass kicked by a demigod this year. So listen very carefully. Let. Me. UP!"

He gulped nervously "Maybe there is an opening let me check again. Yes, lord Zeus seems to be available right now. Go right ahead Miss Chase!" He said cowering behind his chair.

Percy always said I have a tendency to be scary but I've never actually tried to be before. I guess that's my mother in me. I didn't recognise the music in the elevator, it was something about betrayal, which just added fuel to my ever growing fire of anger.

When I arrived at Olympus, the vibe was different to every time I've been before. The atmosphere was kind of stale like it had been left unattended for too long. I marched right into their throne room, and they were all gathered around their thrones, looking gloomy and morbid.

"Where is Percy!? I yelled at my mother, "why did he disappear from his cabin this morning. Where is my seaweed brain."

"SILENCE CHILD! I do not know where Perseus is, just like I do not know why you were in his cabin this morning. I have no intention of discovering either. We have bigger problems than that sea spawn!" My mother responded, with barely controlled rage.

This did nothing to dampen my own rage however and it did seem to ignite an anger in Poseidon. "How dare you Athena?! My son is just as much a priority as the-"

Demeter interrupted him, "Brother, I must remind you that we are in the presence of a demigod, hold this argument until later." Again, I decided to disregard my own safety by directing my anger at Zeus. "Haven't we done enough for you? Fought enough of your own battles? Mediated enough of your petty, meaningless squabbles? After everything we've done for you, this is one step to far! Where. Is. PERCY!"

Sparks started flying around the air, filling the staleness with static electricity. "Athena, control your demigod, or else I will!" Zeus said, still trying to hold back his anger. Looking back on it, it is a miracle I hadn't been vaporised yet.

"I do not know how to reason with her father. She seems to be ignoring any kind of logic. I did not raise you like this." Athena said turning from Zeus to me.

A new kind of anger engulfed me at that statement. 'raise me'?! I'm pretty sure that over the past 16 years I've seen her 9 times, and only 3 of them were pleasant. Somehow, I managed to slide past her comment without releasing my rage onto her. I was far to focused on how Percy was missing.

Oh gods Percy, I thought to myself, letting my anger be replaced by sadness only briefly. The entire room seemed to change in mood along with my brief slip in focus. Ares looked bored, Dionysus looked more interested in his diet coke and Hephaestus looked incredibly uncomfortable. Artemis looked disappointed by my becoming unravelled by a boy and Apollo, Demeter, Heista, Poseidon and even Zeus looked sorry for me, Aphrodite even looked devastated. But Hera and Athena just looked unreadable.

"Please, just tell me where he is." I said, giving into the exhaustion and sadness, "I need him."

At this, my mother perked up, "Fascinating, it looks like your loyalty has grown stronger since you met the sea spawn, although not to Olympus, just to him. This is almost as dangerous as your pride, do not let loyalty cloud your logic child, he is just a boyfriend. There will be others."

Red. All I could see was bright. Blinding. Red.

"Athena, you know as well as I do that this isn't what she needs to hear right now." Poseidon interjected, "I cannot see of Percy's whereabouts, nor do I know who took him, but I sense he is safe. Whoever took him has no intention of harming him. I do not know how long my sons safety will last, knowing him not long at all, but he is safe for now. So please calm down child."

"I suggest that you leave Annabeth, before your emotions get the better of you again." my mother said, disapproval evident in her voice. For a moment it stung like centaur blood, but then my fingers tightened around the promise ring Percy had given me the night before and the pain went away.

I was thinking logically again, "First, I want you all to swear upon the river Styx you had nothing to do with his disappearance mother. To put my mind at ease."

I think I saw a hint of a smile on her lips at my return to sanity, "I swear on the river Styx that I did not have anything to do with Perseus' disappearance child, now return to camp half-blood. I am sick of having Malcom praying at me not to vaporise you. Now go."

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