December 13th

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All rights go to uncle Rick, I don't own PJO or HOO. This fanfic is set during the HOO books and this chapter is the day before Percy goes missing. Enjoy!!!
—^—Bob says hello—^—

Annabeths POV:

I was sitting waiting outside that seaweed brains cabin, thinking about our date in Paris and what Cacus had said about cutting off Olympus. Whatever his plan was, I had a bad feeling, he'd already succeeded in the first part of their plan, and 'awakening Gaia' had disaster written all over it.

When Rachel had given the second great prophecy, Chiron had assured us all that the first prophecy had taken decades to come into being, the second would probably take longer. He was probably right too, he usually is, but I still had a bad feeling.

Suddenly, two hands covered my eyes, and a sing-song voice said "guess who wise girl". I already knew it was Percy, but I decided to respond with the answer he so clearly wanted.
"Well, logically speaking, it could only be Perseus Jackson" (I felt him flinch at the use of his full name) "Clarrise La Rue, and Grover Underwood, frequently call me wise girl. Then by the process of deduction, Clarrise is never that happy, so it can't be her and the last time I checked Grover is out of camp, spreading the word of Pan, sooooo." I judo flipped him into the ground in front on me, "I'm thinking it's a seaweed brain."

"You know if you keep doing this you'll take all the fun out of flirting with you." He said straining his voice to feign annoyance. "It's like I told you Percy, I'm never going to make this easy for you." I kissed him. "You know, in five days we'll have been dating for seven months! Statistically, that's longer than any other Athena-Poseidon relationship." He rolled his eyes at me. "Oh I know, and it's been torture!"
"Oh yeah?" I said, pretending to be offended.
"Yeah! You know how intimidating it is to be dating a girl who is better than you in ever conceivable way?!" He replied, layering on that signature Percy goofiness.

"Well, you're laying it on thick seaweed brain, what do you want."

He put a hand over his heart and faked his best hurt face, "How could you wise girl, I am just a nice person!" I didn't buy it for a second. Here it comes... "but know that you mention it," told you, "meet me at Thalia's pine tree at 7 o'clock, don't be late!" Before I had a chance to reply he planted a kiss on my cheek and ran away at lightning speed.

For someone who can't even outrun a dryad in tree form when he needs to, that boy is great at running away from me to annoy me.

Instead of bothering to run after him, I walked down to the arena and trained for a while. After repeatedly beating a cocky new Hermes camper, I figured out that he had stole my watch, and it was 6:30. I hadn't showered yet, and I was sweaty as the Styx!

I managed to convince Drew to loan me her hair dryer in exchange for 2 drachmas, and just managed to get ready in time.

I walked to the beach, where Percy was sat watching the waves hit the sand, skimming stones across the water and totally not using his power to keep them bouncing.

"Hey seaweed brain, waiting for someone?" I said plopping myself down gracefully next to him (slipping but making it look purposeful).
He looked super nervous, like his dad was gonna drag him into the ocean and ruin our date.

"Uh hey wise girl, I wanted to ask you something earlier, but then I thought it wasn't special enough, and then I chickened out and told you to meet me here, and I've kinda just been wandering around freaking out a-"
"You're spiralling Perce, is everything ok. Oh gods you aren't breaking up with me are you?! Holy Hephaestus! Is it because I keep flipping you over my shoulder? Oh Hades?! Is it because I keep screaming and scaring you when I see a spider? OH GODS!"

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