December 31st Part 2

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"...Luke Castellan? Dead.
Perseus Jackson? Dead.
Whose next huh? Who'll drop dead for the 'Almighty Annabeth Chase' next?"

I took one more step, the red finally engulfing my entire vision. I reached for my dagger

Then it happened. I don't remember how, all I remember is everything going black.

Will Solace's POV:

One Thursday. Thats all I wanted. One Thursday without some poor victim of Travis and Connor running into a wall and knocking themself out. Or some Gods forsaken quest that sends three demigods bleeding into the infirmary. Or even some Aphrodite kid crying over a broken nail.

One Thursday to myself is all I asked for. But noooooooooo.

My day started going wrong when my Cap'n Crunch cereal had ran ou- oh. You want me to start from when Annabeth came in? Ok.

It'd been a relatively quiet day, give or take a few stitches for the newbies. I had just sat down and I was resting my eyes when Clarrise and one of the new kids stormed through my door, forgetting to open it.

Honestly some people.

So Clarrise and her new camper crashed through the infirm door, and the new kid was screaming "SHE STABBED ME SHE STABBED ME" and tears were streaming out of his eyes.

I took his arm and examined the cut, it went fairly deep, enough to need stitches but not enough for the performance he was giving. I looked at Clarrise like "Why'd you stab him" and she rolled her eyes at me.

"It wasn't me sunshine boy" She said boredly, while staring at her dagger like whatever dried blood she saw on there was 10x more fascinating than the art of medicine. Like I said, some people.

"YEAH," The sobbing Ares kid cut in, and honestly, some people say Apollo kids are dramatic. I try not to roll my eyes at him befote he continues, "IT WAS HER" He said, pointing with his supposedly agonising arm towards the middle of the crowd of people.

"Alright, out out." I said to the herd of Ares campers in my tents. "This is a five person tent sheesh."

Clarrise stayed, no surprise there. But what was surprising was that once the crowd had dispersed there was a body in the middle that they'd dragged there.

Now I hadn't seen Annabeth Chase in weeks, but I have seen her lose her temper with the odd cocky Ares kid. Yet between the state she's in, malnurished pale and evidently unconcious, and the wound she's left on the Ares kid, something didn't add up.

Clarrise saw my confusion and decided it was time to elaborate, "She didn't stab James Will, she looked like she was going to, she looked livid but that's not what happened. Is it James"

The kid stared at the floor "...No"

"And what did happen. James." Clarrise gave James a death stare befiting for Hera herself.

"I tripped backwards and fell on my sword." He gulped and looked ashamed. I almost felt bad for the kid but something in my amazing Apollo-ness told me that he didn't deserve my sympathy.

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