February 17th

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It's been over a month since the meeting at the big house, where a quest was announced for the prophecy of seven. Since then plenty of interesting things have happened; Leo started working on the Argo II and spending most of his time yelling about the wii controller, Piper and Jason have been showing wayyyyy too much PDA for my taste and we've started training like crazy. Oh. And my mother disowned me.

Yeah, she visited me one night, flicking between her Roman self, Minerva and her Greek self, Athena. She wasn't making sense she kept telling me to follow the mark of Athena, and to 'kill the Romans, kill them all'. After I told her that my priority was finding Percy, that her quest that has sent so many of my siblings to their deaths wasn't in my top ten to do list, she told me I'm no daughter of hers.

But now is no time to cry. Now is the time to find my seaweed brain.

My schedule has always been crammed with training session after training session, ever since I was 7 but the training I've poured into the last month is unlike any amount I've done before, and it's been beginning to take its toll. Each night when I return to Cabin 3, I haven't the energy to do much more than sleep. I'm now tired all the time and hungry more, but now is not the time to eat. Now is the time to prepare.

Despite my reservations on eating, Piper makes sure I eat every day, often with charmspeak. Now I love that girl but I'll be dammed if she isn't the most stubborn person I know.

Some people might say that I've poured all my energy into finding Percy but a large percentage of it has been spent vomiting Pipers food back up in the Poseidon Cabin toilet. If there has ever been a more irritating symptom of stress tell me now because whoever was inflicted with it deserves a funeral shroud like no other. I haven't told Piper about the vomiting and nor do I plan to. Like I said, she's stubborn, and I believe without a doubt that she'd convince Chiron (or otherwise charmspeak me) into working less.

Speaking of Chiron I haven't spoken to him since the meeting in the big house, in fact I've been actively avoiding him. Actually, I've been avoiding him and Will. At first it kind of creeped me out the way they were staring confusedly at me but ever since the meeting it's as though some realisation dawned upon them. I'm fairly sure they've interpreted the prophecy the same way I did; that my death is immanent, because they keep looking at me as though they're picking out what color would look best against my corpse for my shroud.

After finishing a rather intense and exhausting few minutes of puking in the toilet I flush it and it blocks. Of course. Could anything be more my luck? I really ought to talk to a Tyche kid about this...

And then the realisation dawns on me: I need to fix this without getting a camper here or else they'll stop me training until I'm better. No, no, no. No. That can't happen. Before I know it there are angry tears streaming down my face and I'm struggling to breathe. Once I've finally calmed down I start violent plunging the toilet, and my stomach threatens to expel the remained of my breakfast. Nothing appears to work. Finally I decide I need help, but not from Piper or Chiron, anyone else. Unfortunately the best person to help that checks all my criteria of
Isn't Piper or Chiron [✔️]
Won't tell Piper or Chiron [✔️]
Can fix a toilet [✔️]
Is Leo Valdez...

~Time skip~

Leo stands dramatically with his hand clasped over his mouth as he fiddles around with pipes below the toilet. Every now and then there'd be the sound of gagging as I stood above him. Who knew that a son of Hephaestus could be such a whiner when it came to plumbing.

As he stood up he gagged dramatically one last time, "Next time call Mario, not me."

I stared at him blankly, "Mario? I don't know a Mario-"

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