April 14th

199 5 2

"Through actions of a careless date."

"Through actions of a careless date?"

"Through actions of a careless date."

I wake up shivering. I went for a swim last night before I came back to the Athena Cabin. I guess I'm still used to Percy's touch drying me out.

Malcom is sitting across the room staring at me expressionless, as I continue to pretend as though I'm asleep.

"You're up." He said it like a question but there was a certainty behind a voice. He looks determined, a little defiant and a little mad. I sit up and look at him in concern.

"What's wrong Malcom?" It meant to come out like a worried statement but I'm shaking and my voice is filled with tremors. It did nothing but harden the emotions I could see in his eyes.

He didn't respond, he just started aggressively filling away books and sheets.

After a few moments of silence he spoke in a piercing, aggressive voice.

"You slept here last night. You didn't change clothes. You could have gotten pneumonia."

He doesn't turn to face me, but he shakes with anger as he speaks. I'm taken aback by the way he is speaking to me: I'm still the Head Counsellor, he usually has such respect for me.

"That's my responsibility, not yours Malcom." I reply, my voice matching his coldness. I don't know what came over me, but suddenly whatever anger he was feeling, for whatever reason I feel it times 1000.

"I don't need a babysitter for Hades sake. I'm a grown woman and I can do what I fucking please."

It was his turn to be taken aback, I rarely swear and I think it took him by surprise. He blinks a couple times before his cold, stony expression falls back into place.

"You're not the only person you need to worry about Annabeth." He takes a deep breath as though he's deeply contemplating something.

"I know. I need to worry about Percy. I'm not worried about myself. I'm worrying about him."

"Well that's the problem Annabeth. You're not worrying about yourself. You need to start looking after yourself. Your health is important. And you need to start looking after the kids in this cabin, instead of leaving me here by myself to look after them. Why don't you worry about your friends here."

What I said before about being 1000 times angrier than him? Scrap that. Make it a million times angrier than him.

"Because. They're here. I don't need to worry about them. What I need is to find my stupid, idiotic, frustratingly brave, imbecile of a boyfriend. His fatal flaw is loyalty Malcom. We don't even know what the Romans might be doing to him if they find out he's Greek. The Roman Empire obliterated the Greeks. He won't give us up, and that's if he remembers us at all. He might not even fucking remember me. He could be fucking broken. I'm fucking broken Malcom."

I spit every single word like it's acid that's been burning my mouth for the past few months. I'm trembling with anger and I can feel the tears burning their way down my cheeks. With every single word my nails dig deeper into my palms until I can actually feel blood dripping off my hands.

Malcom's face still doesn't change. He still stares at me coldly. He still looks angry.

"You're not help to him if you die trying to save him. You're no help to him if-"

He chokes back the words.

"Either start looking after yourself or I'm telling Chiron you're a danger to yourself and others and he'll stop you from going on the quest." He looks so confident in his threat, but his face wavers when I step forward.

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