January 12th

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After the quest to find, shudder, Hera, Jason started to recover his energy. With Thalia away working with Lady Artemis, he had become the head counsellor for the Zeus cabin, just like Percy had 4 years ago. With that responsibility, he had gained the ability to call an emergency meeting in the big house, and this morning, that's exactly what he did.

Of course I didn't find out until five minutes before the meeting. Honestly communication at camp needs to get better if we're ever gonna find that seaweed brain.

I wasn't looking forwards to that meeting, I knew that Piper had been looking for me everywhere and so I had been avoiding her everywhere. She thinks she's able to convince me to eat if she pours enough charmspeak into her voice, and she might be brilliant at charmspeak, but I am, as Percy would have put it "The most stubborn wise girl in all of chaos."

Another thing I wasn't looking forward to about that meeting was seeing Will. Ever since New Years Eve he's been studying me every time I walk past and it's beginning to freak me out. I don't know if it's his Apollo senses telling him how mentally unhealthy I'm being or something worse but I have no intention on finding out.

All these thoughts were buzzing through my head as I walked into the big house, apparently late. Even Travis and Connor had beat me which stung a little if I'm being honest. I actually think I saw a little bit of steam coming out of Pipers ears as I sat down and both Will and Chiron were giving me a sad, sympathetic look, which scared the Hades out of me.

Jason coughed, taking charge of the room, and everyone looked up to him like he was some kind of hero. It gave me a sad sense of nostalgia to when everyone looked at me and Percy that way...

"So..." he began to explain how as more and more of his memories came back he could see where he came from. Apparently there is some Roman camp in California that no one ever noticed, and he had been taken from there by none other than Hera, goddess of kidnapping-and-being-horrid-in-general.

"Wait-" the idea engulfed me like fire, making every inch of my skin burn with need, like thinking about finding Percy brought on some kind of Percy-withdrawal. "If you were taken from the Roman camp- and- Jason were you taken in your sleep?"

His cheeks went bright pink.

Piper spoke next. "Were you asleep with someone?" She said, a mixture of fear, curiosity and anger evident in her voice.

His cheeks burned a brighter shade of pink, "I- uh- no-" he struggled to get the words out.

"IwaswearingmyTinkerbellboxersthatIsleptinwhenIwokeupsoIthinkso" he mumbled all in one breath. Everyone in the room blinked, so he had to repeat it clearer.

"I was wearing my Tinkerbell boxers that I slept in when I woke up so I think so." He repeated, slightly too loud. There was some snickering from the Stoll brothers, and Jason's cheeks burnt so bright I could almost feel the heat from across the room.

"So- if you disappeared in your sleep and were sent here by Hera and- Percy disappeared when we were sleeping together-" I only heard what I said when I saw the faces of everyone else in the room.

Again Piper interjected, "You slept together?!"

"NO- THATS NOT WHAT I- WE WERE ASLEEP IN THE SAME BED BUT- NOT-" now I was the one with the bright pink cheeks. I looked at Chiron but his face was expressionless.

After looking at people's faces and decided there was nothing more I could say to convince them we weren't... sleeping together... when he disappeared I continued.

"If Percy disappeared when we were asleep separately maybe he's been sent to this Roman Camp. If you think about the prophecy, it makes sense. Me, Jason, Piper and Leo-"

Leo interrupted, "I think you meant 'Leo, you, Piper and Jason'"

"Why does that make a- never mind," I continued, "Me, Jason, Piper and Leo are the first four of the seven. And then it makes sense for the other three to be Percy and two Roman demigods."

"Makes sense. Four Greeks and three Romans." I'd almost forgotten that Will was there.

Rachel recited the prophecy for us.
"'Seven halfbloods shall answer the call'
Annabeth, Percy, Leo, Piper and then Jason and two Romans,
'To storm or fire the world must fall'
I guess storm could either be Percy or Jason, and fire," she glanced at Leo, "must be Leo...
'An oath to keep with final breath'
That could be anything...
'And foes bare arms to the doors of death'"

I twisted the promise ring around on my finger. An oath to keep with final breath. What if by taking that promise ring I'd doomed Percy...

"So we need to get to the doors of death?" I asked, "Where are those?"

(This may be a little inaccurate to the books) At that second, Rachel's head flipped backwards and green smoke billowed out of her mouth.

"Wisdoms daughter walks alone,
The mark of Athena burns through Rome,
Twins snuff out the angels breath,
Who holds the key to endless death,
Giants bane stands gold and pale,
Won through pain from a woven jail,"

She collapsed, and no one had written it down but it didn't matter. The words had been engraved into my brain. It was almost a death sentence. A funeral song written by Apollo himself to send me marching to my death.

But if that's what it takes to save my seaweed brain... bring it on.

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