May 3rd

139 3 0

When I woke up it took me a few moments to recollect the events that had occurred earlier. Sally knows. Kampe knows. All the monsters would know soon, they might even already for all I know, I don't even know how long I've been asleep.

How long have I been asleep-

I rip the tubes out of my arm and go to stand before remembering the state my leg was in. After forcing myself to slow down I notice my surroundings: I'm in the infirmary. Then I noticed the date. Third of May. It's been two days since I went to the Jackson apartment. It's also been 20 weeks since Percy disappeared. The third thing I noticed was the way my stomach had swelled. I'm unsure if it had happened after Sally's house or after Kampe but I no longer looked subtly pregnant.

Now everyone would know. No, now everyone would know that I know.

Propping myself up on one leg against my nectar IV I scan the room for my clothes.

Of course they're covered in blood. I wasn't gonna get enough stares being the pregnant prophecy girl with a missing boyfriend and a taped up leg.

With a tremendous amount of pain I change into my clothes, which contradicts my earlier thought that my stomach had ballooned. Maybe it's because I've been suppressing the possibility that the cluster of cells is developing into something I won't be able to ignore or reduce for much longer.

When I look in the mirror I do look as though I've gained weight, however anyone that knows me would have thought I was smarter than that. Annabeth Chase, famed daughter of Athena, pregnant?! An unlikely scenario to say the least.

Relative possibility I guess...

After making myself look questionably presentable I hobble my way to the nearest doorway. As I take my small steps I begin to compile a list in my head of people to avoid:
Definitely coach hedge
Travis and Conner but those are always on the list of people to avoid
And probably Leo Valdez

So that leaves........ nobody.
New plan: head straight to the big house ignore any statement or question regarding my condition like a crazy woman and demand we send demigods to California to retrieve Percy.

That one sounds more like me.

I'm not going to pretend people didn't look at my funny as I practically dragged myself across camp however people whispered much less than I'd have expected them to if they suspected I was pregnant. A funny look or two could easily be explained by me hoping past the front of the cabins covered in dry blood and  sporting many new injuries I don't think I could excuse with Mrs O'Leary.

I could already hear yelling coming from the big house before I approached it. I don't doubt that it was over the events of the past two days. Some part of me feels somewhat guilty for hiding my knowledge of my pregnancy from everyone until this point; maybe it would have been better for Solace to lock me up in some bed where I couldn't cause harm to others. On the other hand, I think I may have been more directly linked with the harm if I'd been pregnant, hormonal and locked away.

The moment I opened the door the room fell silence. Everyone stared at me sporting different facial expressions. Everyone except from Will, who of course looked horrified at the state of my cast after dragging my foot through mud and sand.

"Solace if you say a word I swear to Hades I will rip the entire cast of right here and now."

He jaw fell shut and he sat slowly back into his chair while holding his eye contact with the monstrosities I've turned his handiwork into.

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