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The day has finally come. Today's my last day in Houston, the more I think of the number of days left saddens me so much. I just wish time would slow down. My parents decided we'd go fishing by the lake this afternoon.

Prim's sitting on her bed, fixing her things. Gerald rang my phone, "Hey Winter!!!!" Gerald shrieked, his face on my screen. "Oh god, calm the heck down, Gerald!" I said, really annoyed. I rolled my eyes and sat up. "Oh no! I'm sorry!" he sarcastically said.

"Why'd you call me? What's up?" I asked him

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"Why'd you call me? What's up?" I asked him. Prim started to make noise with her things. I glared at her and she just grinned. I put my phone on loud speaker mode and laid flat on my bed again. "Nothing, just wanna check up on you." Gerald said. He's probably in the coffee shop right now. I could hear the ambience.

"Oh and Apollo's here... Say Hi Apollo!, It's Winter" Gerald said, happily. My eyes widened. "Hey Winter!" Apollo greeted from the other line. He waved to the camera and his eyes were shining. I quickly focused my camera to the ceiling. I probably look like shit right now.

Prim looked at me and stared at my screen, eyes furrowed. "Hi Apollo" I said, shyly. I looked at Prim and her eyes got big, she got her laptop and smashed her keyboard. I got confused and shrugged it off. Gerald's face welcomed me again. He went inside his office.

"Anyway, I just wanted to see how you're doing. We got some customers right now. Oh and see you tomorrow maybe! Bye Winter!" He ended the call. Prim shut her laptop. She looked at me, she stared right into my fucking soul. What the heck is going on?

"So that's why you bought that lyre necklace, huh?" she said, she raised her eyebrow. I got this massive adrenaline rush. My cheeks felt like they're on fire. I gulped.

"Who's Apollo?" she asked and crossed her arms. I stuttered, "Well uhh he's a f-friend." I cleared my throat. I am trying my very best to act normal.  "A friend" she squinted her eyes trying to test me.

I bursted out laughing. What? She look so stupid and funny. She furrowed her eyebrows, "What's funny?" she asked. I shrugged it off, "Nothing" I said.

"So he's the guy you've been talking to. What a pretty boy" she said, smiling. This is her second time calling him a pretty boy. I mean, I know right? "How old is he?" she asked. I thought of it. I never knew that guy's age. I bet he's around my age. "I don't know" I simply said.

I stood up and decided to pack my things, I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning. I started to fix my clothes and things. I got my outfit ready for later and tomorrow too.

After for a few hours of organising and packing, we finally left the house and made it to the lake. The sound of birds chirping echoed through the place. Mom and Dad bought a pail of minnows.

We got on a medium sized boat, big enough for us to fit. We took our own fishing poles. The boat moved and stopped in the middle of the lake. "Whoever has the most fish catches wins!" Mom said and put her line in the water. We all did the same.

Time ticked and ticked and I only caught four fishes. Prim got three, and Mom got six. And of course, Dad caught the most. He caught eighteen fishes. The day is done and darkness filled the place.

We decided to eat our dinner at the same place, of course we ate what we caught. As Dad drives our way home, sadness started to fill inside me. All the happy moments with my family has come to an end.

I watched the beauty of Houston. I took a glance to Prim and Mom, they were asleep. Dad looked at me from the rear view mirror, "Tomorrow's your flight, I guess you're thinking about it." He said.

I sighed, "Yeah, Dad. Two weeks and three days passed by so quickly I didn't even notice it." I said. He chuckled, "I know. But hey, don't be sad! We can still video chat each other." he reassured me, it made me feel a lot more better.

Soon after we reached our home and Prim helped me pack my things for the last time. Since today is my last day, we had some family talk or meeting, I don't know. All of us are just in the living room, discussing about life. Lessons here and there. Wise Lessons.

After that, everyone got ready for bed. Prim and I have been laying down on our bed for about fifteen minutes. We can't sleep. The singing of the nightingales echoed and the moon shined so bright.

"Can't sleep?" Prim said, turning towards my direction. We made eye contact. I nodded, "Yeah." I muttered under my breath. "Me too." she faced the ceiling, sighing. "Tomorrow's going to be a sad day, I can feel it." she laughed, bitterly.

"I know..." I cleared my throat. The more that I think of it, the more tears form in my eyes. She looked at me again, "Ooh don't cry" she grinned. I covered my face with my blanket, crying even more. I heard  her standing up from her bed, "move" she said. I moved over to the other side and she laid next to me.

She hugged me, "You crybaby, stop crying! Your eyes might fall off. Mom and Dad would scream at me" she joked. I chuckled and patted my back. "I'm going to miss you" she tapped my shoulders with rhythm. "Me too." I said, sniffing.

"Now go to sleep"

I looked at her and she smiled, her double chin covering most of her face. I chuckled, hoping I don't look like that from this angle. I closed my eyes and she made sure my whole body is covered with my blanket. Just like the old days.

I opened my eyes and saw her with her eyes closed, I stared at her face. "Stop, I know I'm pretty" she mumbled and opened her eyes. I rolled my eyes and we laughed. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

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