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I looked at her and scooted for her to sit, "You're Winter right?" she asked. I immediately turned my head to her, my eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah.." I said quietly. She doesn't look familiar to me though, how did she know my name?

She extended her hand, "It's nice to meet you!" she giggled.

"I'm Audrey, Audrey Smith!" She smiled. I smiled awkwardly, "H-hi?" I said. "Do I know you..?" I asked under my breath. She let out a squeaky laugh, I sat there confused. I don't know anyone named Audrey Smith, do I?

 I don't know anyone named Audrey Smith, do I?

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(© to avasambora)

"I don't know how to say this in other words." she tilted her head, she put her straight blonde hair to the other side.

"I'm Apollo's ex-girlfriend" she cleared her throat and looked away. "Don't worry, I was also called here to examine him. I knew you were coming today and kinda wanted to meet you." She said, I stared at her greyish blue eyes.

"When I was inside the observation unit, he asked me what I was doing there" she looked down, letting out a tiny laugh. "He just started talking about Winter, and told me how in love he was with her" she looked at me with her eyes curved upwards.

"I knew he's not going to act up to anyone unless it's the girl he's looking for so I talked to Carol that Winter would be a great help to the doctors inside" She said, and tucked her hair behind her ear.

I looked at her, not saying anything. "Don't worry! I won't break your relationship with him!" She reassured and shook her hands.

"Actually, I'm a single mom!"

My eyes widened, she sighed. "Do you mind if I tell you a little bit of the past?" She asked, scratching her nape.
I shook my head and smiled at her, "I don't mind at all." I told her.

I sat up straight and faced my body direction towards her. "We broke up two years ago.." she let out a sigh.

"We broke up before he left and moved to New York for college" She paused. "I told him I was pregnant" she caressed her stomach.

"I said I wanted to start my own family with the real father of my child" she smiled. "It was difficult for the both of us but he knows it's for the better" She slowly looked down.

"We ended in good terms, and now I'm a single mom!" She looked up with her eyes glossy. She sighed with a huge smile on her face, "My son is truly a blessing I've never been this happy my whole life." she looked at me.

"While he was telling me about you, I got so happy for him that he finally found someone that's good enough for him and I'd like to thank you for that." She patted my thighs and smiled at me. I smiled ear to ear from her jolly and sweet personality.

I bit my lip and got shy, I looked down. We both giggled together, "Oh and by the way you're really pretty!" She complimented me. My jaw dropped and I knew I have to say something, I shook my head. "No you're pretty! I love your eyes!" I said to her and we both laughed.

The nurse came back, "Ms. Winter-- Oh! Hello Audrey!" She greeted the both of us. The smile on my face faded realising that "He's awake now, you can come in" the nurse said. I looked at Audrey once again, she smiled and nodded. "You got this!" She whispered and patted my shoulder.

We both stood up and followed the nurse from behind. We got inside the room and saw Carol standing beside the doctors, staring at the glass pane once again. The nurse talked to the doctors.

"Yeah! We checked the hidden cameras inside his room and it's working pretty good" she said and went back infront of the door to the observation room. She held the door knob, "You'll be fine this time" she reassured and twisted it, opening it for me. I took a deep breath and went inside. I heard the door close, Apollo turned his head.

My eyes widened seeing him wearing straight jacket, "Winter, are you okay? I'm sorry I did that to you I was-- I was just really surprised" he bombarded me with questions. I removed my mask and put it inside my pocket, I sat across him.

"Winter, I'm sorry for being aggressive. Are you okay? I won't hurt you anymore I'm sorry" he said once again and wiggled his shoulder, clearly obvious he's uncomfortable.

I sighed and stood up, I started to unwrap his straight jacket myself, the doctor pressed a button, "Ms. Winter, you can't do that" One of them say, the voice echoed around the room. I pretended like I didn't hear anything and continued to do my business while Apollo watched me.

"Again, you cannot do that. You'll get yourself Injured." They raised their voice making my blood boil. I still didn't give a shit, "at the count of three we'll have to get you out!" They threatened. Carol, Tanner and Audrey watched.

"One.." they counted. "Two!" They shouted. I sighed and glared at them,

"What's the point of observing your patients then?" I gave up and fixed my gaze to all of them.

"How will you know his breathing patterns? Or his body language if he's all wrapped up like this?" I sighed as I felt a huge lump in my throat.

"He won't hurt me this time" my voice softened, rubbing my temples.

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