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"Finals will come soon" I said as I munched on my salad. "You got to focus and study hard okay?" Mom said from the other line. I drank a glass of water, "Yes Mom" I placed the dishes in the sink and washed my hands. "We're proud of you Winter" Mom said. I stopped from my tracks and a smile formed on my face.

"I'm glad, Thanks Mom" I said while heading to my room. "Alright, I'll get going now. Love you" she said. I looked myself at the mirror, "Love you too" we ended the call and I sat down on my bed. Finally, finals are coming soon. This school year will come to an end. The best feeling ever.

Also I got the vaccine, nothing big. I still have to wear my mask though. I sighed and got myself ready for work. I took a shower and decided to straighten my hair. They grow so fast, they're like really long. After doing so, I wore my outfit and headed to work.

I got inside the coffee shop and Nathan greeted me, "Hello Winter!" He said waving at me. I waved back at him, "Hey how are you?" I smiled and placed my things inside Gerald's office. "I'm great, how about you?" Nathan followed me from behind.

"I'm good too, can't stop thinking about the finals though" I let out a small chuckle. I wore my apron, "You got this! Ace that test!" he cheered me up. We laughed and began doing our job. I noticed Gerald isn't here, it's just the three of us. Brian, Nathan and I.

Brian came up to me, "Hey Winter, Gerald went home early today" he said. I looked at him while washing the dishes, "Oh yeah? Why?" I said and looked back at what I'm doing. Gerald never told me anything though, he's probably busy. "It's his Dad's birthday" he chuckled. I nodded, "alright, thanks for letting me know" I smiled at him. He nodded and left.

I started humming as I started to take out the trash, after that I got in and washed my hands. Having a side job not pretty bad though, I get to earn money enough for me to save. However, dealing with shitty customers can be really tiring and annoying. Some will test your patience that it's making me lose my mind.

I straightly went to the cashier register, taking in charge. I was about to go inside the office to grab my phone when I noticed my shoe laces are everywhere. I bent down and tied them neatly. I stood up and a customer scared me. I looked up to see who it was and my jaw clenched. My heart pounded faster as I saw him again, face to face. Fuck. I cursed under my breath.

"Nice to see you again, Winter" He said with a disgusting smirk on his face. I clenched my fists, "What the hell do you want, Robert?" I glared at him. This guy right here? He's my ex, we used to work here together. He cheated on me and tried to cover it up. I fucking hate his face, never thought I would see him again.

He looked down chuckling while shaking his head, "If you're here to mess around, get the fuck out of here" I said coldly. I didn't move an inch and stared right to his soul, "Whoa whoa, chill. You haven't changed" he put his arms up. I rolled my eyes, "I knew I bumped to you. Your eyes, I know them so much" he said, his smile fading.

I looked away and the tension between his face and my fist's just strong. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" He said softly. I looked at him in disbelief, "Even just for five minutes, please?" He pleaded. I sighed and nodded. I walked to the back door and he followed from behind. We got out of the shop and I leaned myself to the wall with my arms crossed. "What is it?" I asked him blankly.

"I missed you" he sighed. My eyebrows crossed slowly while my lips parted. "I completely regret all the things I've done before" he looked down. "Give me a chance, please?" He looked up again, making eye contact.

"Have you lost your mind?" I raised my voice at him, he flinched as he was surprised. "You don't know the shit that you put me through Robert" I said out loud. He did not move, he let out a crazy grin. "Just trust me on this, I've completely changed. I can treat you better than any guys out there" he backfired.

I laughed sarcastically, he looked at me confused. "I still love you, Winter. Please come back to me" he mumbled getting close to me. I pushed him away, "Stay away from me" I yelled. He acted as if he didn't hear me and continued to mumble things. He stepped closer to me as he attempted to hug me, he put my hands away.

"Robert, stop!" I shouted. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his forehead on my shoulder. I tried to push away, I couldn't move my body, he's holding me really tight. I gasped for air.

I saw someone coming from behind, he pulled Robert away, "What the hell man?!" Brian said pushing him away from me. Robert looked at him, surprised and laughed. He looked at me again, he pointed to Brian. "What? Is this your new boyfriend?" He laughed.

I gritted my teeth, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed and had enough of his bullshit. I ran to him and raised my fists until Brian stopped me, holding my wrist. I looked at him and he sighed.

"I'll do that for you" Brian smiled at me. He threw a strong punch to Robert's jaw, he groaned from the impact. "Don't play with girls' heart dumbass" Brian mumbled.

Robert held his jaw and slowly walked backwards, "You don't know anything" he said while pointing to him. He fixed his gaze to me, "I'll see you again.." He walked away and disappeared from our sight.

I sighed, "I'm sorry Brian" I apologized to him. This isn't his problem, I could've handled it myself. Geez, If Gerald's here, he's going to be really mad. Gerald knows how messed up I was when I find out he cheated. Brian shook his head and patted my back, "It's okay, Winter. Is that guy your ex?" He asked.

I nodded, he nodded back in response. We got inside the coffee shop. I also thanked him for punching him for me. I got inside the washroom and got my shit together.

As Long As I Am With YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora