15 1 1

I woke up due to the turbulence, I honestly thought I was going to die. It's been three hours I guess, damn I can literally sleep anywhere. I sat up straight and the pilot announced that we will be landing in fifteen minutes.

I used my phone, I took pictures of the sky and sent it to Gerald, there's no connection up here I just hope that when we land it will send cuz damn the sky looks good.

After for a few minutes, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the George Bush Intercontinental airport. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened. Thank you." the flight attendant announced.

We landed for a few minutes, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to George Bush Intercontinental Airport. Local time is 10:26 am and the temperature is 24°C." the pilot said. Oh my god I'm in Houston!

"On behalf of the Airlines you have chosen and the entire crew, I’d like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice stay." the pilot added.

I heard the passengers on board started to unbuckle their seat belts so I did too. I recorded few clips and immediately connected to the airport's free wi-fi. I messaged Gerald, "We just landed!" The pictures and videos I took were able to send as well.

He replied, "Welcome to Houston, Texas baby! 😎" I chuckled and the plane stopped moving which I assume we can go out of the plane and breathe the air of Texas.

I stood up and got my luggage from the overhead bin. I also wore my backpack and since my seat's near the cockpit, I got off the plane right away.

I went to the immigration and it was pretty quick too. The airport isn't that packed up unlike in New York. We also got our temperature checked, and they let us pass.

I sanitised my hands right after and  went outside of the airport and got in the cab. I told the driver where to drop me off, I got really excited.

I'm planning to surprise them, and I can't wait man. I feel like I'm going to ball my eyes out or something. I looked at the window and the beauty of Houston welcomed me. I don't know how but I started to feel nervous, or maybe I'm just too excited.

I don't even feel tired at all! three nearly four hours of non stop flight? Nah too easy, just take a nap then you're good. After for a few minutes, the cab stopped to this kindergarten school which I know is few blocks away from my parents' house.

I don't want to let someone I just met know where I live or my family lives for privacy reasons, Prim taught me that when we were in Japan. I paid the driver and started to walk with my luggage. I passed two blocks and stopped in front of our house.

My hands started to shake, it's now or never winter fricking rose. I stared at our house, damn I'm at home. I'm literally breathing the same air with my sister, mom and dad.

I walked to the front porch, I placed my luggage a little bit far from the porch. I decided to record it, my phone's leaning on the handle. I took a deep fucking breath and knocked on the door. I looked at the camera and posed for a second.

The door opened, I gulped. "HOLY SHIT" Prim shouted. She jumped at me and hugged me, "MOM! WINTER'S HERE!" She screamed. Tears started to stream down my face, crybaby. "Oh my god you're a mess don't cry you short fella" she hugged me tighter. Mom came from the back.

She shrieked, "Winter!" she hugged me and kissed me on the cheeks. It was a lot, like a lot lot lot. "MOM!!!" I shrieked, really happy. "Oh my! How are you? You look healthier!" my mom screamed. My old man showed up, I didn't say anything and just jumped at him.

I started to get flashbacks of my childhood, I would hug my dad after school. It's just like the same thing. "You still look like just your mother!" my dad tightened the hug. Prim got my luggage and started blogging with my phone. Just a reminder, Prim's in her late 20s

I went inside the house and removed my shoes, Asian house? Asian Rule. I smiled when I see a huge Welcome Back! Sign taped on the wall, I put down my bag and my mom hugged me, "How are you? Oh my gosh you look healthier!" she repeated while she panted.

"Thank you mom! I missed you so much" I tightened the hug, She wiped my tears away. "I cooked your favourite food! Let's eat!" she said. Oooh yes mom's cooking is the best.

Mom and Dad made their way to the kitchen and Prim hugged me, "You look so much better!! I gotta tell you a lot of things" she shook my shoulders, "Can't wait to hear those" both of us giggled.

We washed our hands and sat on our chair, we started eating. "How's your flight?" Dad asked, putting some food on my plate. "It's good and quick. They checked our temperature and that's it" I said smiling to all of them.

"Your hair! Who cut it?" Mom asked, happily. "I did!" I grinned. Mom muttered japanese sentences. We all talked about my life in New York, Gerald and job. They also told me that we will be having dinner at grandma and granddad's house! I moved to New York to live with my grandparents and when I reached 16, they moved here, in Houston.

We finished eating and handed them their gifts, Mom and Prim loved the perfume I bought for them. Dad really loved his new wallet too! Prim and I went upstairs, we went inside our room.

"Remember this room?" she closed the door, I rolled my eyes, "Of course, duh!" I plopped on my bed next to Prim. I closed my eyes, memories started to play inside my head. I sighed, smiling.

My phone vibrated, I checked it immediately. "Heeeeeey who's that?" Prim sat down beside me, wiggling her eyebrows. I moved to the other side, trying my best not to show the screen of my phone.

to be honest.. I KINDA MISS U OMG?

I chuckled, reading Gerald's message. I replied That was funny lol, Prim grabbed my phone and read it, "AHA! Who is thi— oh Gerald" she gave me my phone. She sat up straight, playfully punching my thighs.

"Do you still have the guitar I bought for ya?" she randomly asked. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah" I sat up straight. "I doubt that you're not going out with someone" she said out of the blue. "Seriously, Prim?" I said.

She cleared her throat dramatically, "I mean look at you, I may be messing around with you and tell you're an ugly prick but holy cow you look so much better now. Your short hair suits you, a lot! You're smart and really hard working" she said. I giggled, this moment is really rare.

"What should I wear later?" I changed the subject, she got distracted by it. "Wanna match clothes?" she stood up and opened her wardrobe. I stood up and opened my luggage, looking for some cute outfit for tonight.

I pulled a dress with sunflower prints, I looked at it. Imagining myself as if I'm wearing that dress. Too short! "I'm gonna wear my jeans and this cute white top with puff sleeves" I stood up, and looked at Prim.

"Mkay I'll wear this, then" she pulled out a black blouse and a pair of black jeans. I slowly shook my head, Prim's trying her best to match out our clothes, huh?

Someone knocked on the door, the door opened. "What are you guys up to?" Mom peeked. "Oh, We're just deciding on what to wear for dinner" I said. "Ohh I see, okay. Prim, let your little sister rest. She must be tired from her flight!" Mom smiled at me.

She sighed, "Yes mom" Prim said. Mom nodded and closed the door, I sat down on my bed again, "Go get your beauty sleep, I'll wake you up." Prim said and left the room. I changed into my oversized t-shirt and took a nap.

I can't wait to meet Grandma and Grandpa.

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