Chapter 38

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You and Toby entered the living room where everyone else was attempting to organize the car arrangements. Toby looked at you and opened his mouth to say something, but Masky grabbed his arm before he could.

"Toby! We need another person to drive, c'mon. Oh, hey Y/N." Masky then pulled Toby away into the crowd, leaving you alone.

With a sigh, you headed off to the side and leant against the wall, deciding that whoever had a spare seat you'd go with. As you pulled out your phone, you opened it up and saw you had a few texts from Clockwork, all asking if you were coming to the party. As you looked up to find her, your vision was blocked as someone pinned you against the wall.

"Wanna ride with me? Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Homicidal Liu grinned at you, and you grumbled.

"You really don't like leaving me alone, huh? I'll ride with whoever is free, thanks." you responded.

"How lucky, the car I'm riding in as an empty spot. C'mon." he grabbed your wrist and your eyes flamed up, but he didn't seem to care as he dragged you into the crowd. He stopped in front of Masky and pulled you into him, "Oi, Masky, this one will ride with us."

"Cool, I think we're ready to go then." Masky looked around as people started exiting the living room. You saw Toby look at you briefly, almost a bit disappointed, then left.

Liu led you outside and opened the car door for you. Rolling your eyes, you slipped inside next to Clockwork and Liu wedged in next to you. In the passenger seat sat Sam, who turned around and beamed when he saw you.

"Y/N! You're riding with us!" Sam seemed to get excited, because whenever he did the surrounding area would get cold. You smiled.

"alright Sam, calm down. You don't want to freeze us to death in here." You giggled, and Sam awkwardly smiled and turned back around.

"What's his deal?" Liu grumbled, and you glared at him, "I'm just saying. He acts like a child whenever you're around."

"It's because he doesn't suppress his feelings and knows how to convey them, you dickhead. It's nice, especially in this shithole. We're best friends." You snapped at him as Masky got in and started the car.

"Everyone got their seatbelts on?" Masky asked, and you all let out a chorus of grumbles, "they better be on."

The car pulled out and began driving down the dirt road, and as Masky's car took the lead, you saw Toby in the driving seat of the other car and attempted to wave at him. He didn't see. As the cars began to make their way out of the creepypasta realm and down the streets of a city you didn't recognise, you couldn't help but think of Jeff. It wouldn't be too long until he tried to come back, and Toby had promised you that one day the two of you would find him and kill him for what he had done. You wanted to get to him before he got to you.
The car pulled up into the parking lot of the club, and the five of you climbed out just as the other car pulled up. Toby exited along with BEN, Hoodie, Jane and E.J. Toby immediately made his way over to you and took you slightly away from Liu.

"Party buddies," he reminded you, and you nodded.

"Do I look dumb to you? I may have hit my head a few too many times in my life but I'm not a fucking goldfish. I remembered." You rolled your eyes, and Toby clicked his tongue at you angrily.

"Whatever. Come on." he headed after the others as they walked towards the club, then shoved past the security guard and entered.

The familiar smell of alcohol, sweat and the sickly mix of assorted perfumes and calognes hit you as you walked in the door. The usual smell of clubs and parties. You headed towards the table the other creepypastas had snagged, and sat down.

"Hey, Y/N. Better keep yourself between me and Toby. Liu's watching you like a hawk. He might take some ideas from that pyscho brother of his." E.J snickered into your ear, and you looked over to where Liu was ordering drinks. You felt slightly bad, but giggled.

"No shit, I was basically held at gunpoint to sit next to him in the car. I'm just saying I won't do anything incriminating around him, he might get us all arrested again as a declaration of love or something." You replied, and E.J cackled and took a sip of his drink, slightly moving his mask to reach his mouth.

You looked back over to see Liu was walking towards the table, and glanced at you. He seemed a bit angry you had put up a barrier that was Toby and E.J, but sat next to Jane and gave her a drink.

"Hey, wanna go to the bar to get ours? It's a shit feeling getting drunk with creepypastas only, we normally come here to get away from everyone." Toby asked, and you raised your eyebrow.

"I would argue against that logic, but it's true. Come on." you replied, and Toby slid out and helped you up. The two of you headed towards the bar, and you slid onto one of the stools.

"Apple cider with ice for her, and I'll just have ginger beer with rum." Toby ordered, then looked at you.
"how do you know my order?" You questioned, and he shrugged.

"I didn't. You just seem like someone who likes to start off delicate. Fuckin lightweight." He teased, and you gave him a shove.

"Asshole! I'll show you lightweight." Your drink arrived, and you downed it then looked at the bartender. "Give me a row of shots, please."

"Fuck, c'mon Y/N. I was joking." Toby protested, but snickered.

The shots were laid out in front of you, and you downed half before starting to struggle. You finished off the last one and wiped your mouth, and grinned.

"See! I'm no lightweight." You said as Toby had just finished off his drink.

"That's because it hasn't kicked in yet." He grumbled, then glanced at you out of the corner of his eye and smiled. You smiled back, and the two of you sat there in silence for a few seconds, as if you were bonding.

"Okay," you cleared your throat, suddenly feeling a burning sensation in your face, perhaps embarrassment, and wanting to escape the silence, "you wanna dance?"

"I'm not really a dancer." Toby's smile dropped and he seemed to go back into his dark cloud of gloom.

"Oh, come on! Live a little, Tobsters." You hopped up and dramatically held your hand out to him. Toby looked at you with his grim eyes, then rolled them and took your hand.

"Okay, only because I want to see you fall on your face when the drink kicks in." Toby mumbled as you dragged him into the swarm of dancing bodies.

"Sure sure, whatever makes you happy," you found a spot and turned to him, flicking his nose, then started to move your hips to the music.

Toby awkwardly stood there, watching you dance. You paused and sighed, grabbing his hand and continuing to dance. He looked at you, then grunted and moved along with you, not seeming to enjoy it as much as you though.

After a few songs though, he seemed to loosen up and eventually let go of your hand. You smiled as you watched him dance along to the music, and continued dancing yourself. As you two were dancing, E.J cut through the crowd and handed you both a drink before retreating again.

"Well, that was nice of him." You grinned at Toby, stumbling slightly. The shots were starting to hit, but you didn't care. Toby looked at you oddly, almost concerned, but clinked his glass against yours anyway and you both downed them.

"Wanna go get a refill?" Toby asked.

"Don't have to ask." You took his arm and pulled him out of the crowd, towards the bar once again.

You slipped onto a stool and Toby onto the one beside you, and you slid the glass across the bar. As you watched the alcohol fill the glass, you felt your head swoon. It was all kicking in now. Picking up the now full glass, you clinked it against Toby's and let it slip down your throat.

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