Chapter 24

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You woke up to see Slenderman leading Lee out. You sighed, realising he was being taken back to his new home. You got up and stretched, then almost pissed yourself when the door slammed open. You turned to see a very irritated K.C. She didn't even greet you, she just opened her mouth, revealing her black tongue.
"MARLEY!" She yelled, and a huge black dog pushed past you and ran to her, leaping up at K.C. You watched, amazed, at how she could keep up that huge dog. She then turned and left.
"Morning to you to, emo." You muttered, then walked to go get a shower. Once you was all clean, you closed your door and changed into a black tartan skirt, a cream jumper, black tights and cream kitty heels. (Look above) You tied your hair up in a ponytail with a black and cream bow, put on the necklace Sam got you for Christmas, then skipped out of your room. Sam came out of his room and saw you, and stared. You waved and gave him a twirl, then walked down the stairs. You sat at the breakfast table and tapped your feet as you dug into your breakfast. You looked up and saw all the guys staring at you, except Toby, who was busy watching Louth play cards with Nasty.
"What? Is there something on my face?" You wiped your cheek, and looked at your hand, frowning.
"No... its just-" The Puppeteer started, but BEN cut him off.
"YOU LOOK REALLY HOT!" BEN finished, then awkwardly cleared his throat.
"And I don't look hot every day?" You leant towards the table to look over Jeff and glare at BEN.
"Smooth, BEN, smooth." Louth muttered as she placed down a card. You finished off your breakfast as BEN looked down at his cereal.
"Hey guys." Said an unfamiliar voice. You turned and watched a girl with black hair sit down.
"Who are you?" Everyone demanded, but Slenderman just sat there.
"This is Lilly. She arrived last night." Slender explained. Everyone grunted and just finished off their breakfast. You got up and stretched. "Well, I'm just gonna-" then you ran to the living room and sat down, grabbing the remote.
"HEY!" BEN yelled angrily.
"BEN STOP YELLING BEFORE I. RIP. YOUR. EYES. OUT!" Jinx angrily yelled. BEN went quiet after that. You turned on the TV and watched the recent news, sighing when you saw they were still talking about that night when you killed Nathan. You looked down, and turned off the tv. Sam flopped next to you and surprisingly, wrapped you in a hug.
"I know y-you miss h-him." Sam whispered, and you nodded, hugging him back and let some tears fall. "C-come on, let's go s-somewhere. To c-cheer you up." He smiled at you, and you smiled back, ruffling his white hair.
"Ok frosty." You giggled, wiping your cheeks. Sam ran off, and came back with a basket. He grabbed your hand and led you out into the morning air. A boy who looked a lot like K.C was walking in and blew a kiss at you, and you looked up at Sam in confusion.
"A-Adrian. K.C's o-older brother." Sam growled, then led you into the forest and through the trees. "Ok, w-we're here!" He pushed aside some bushes and you gasped softly to see a little waterfall, which filled up a crystal clear pond. It had marble stones at the bottom and there was a little wooden porch beneath your feet, going all the way up to the water. Little glass charms and chimes hung from the willow trees above. A mirror hung from once branch, just low enough for Sam to walk through. Sam stepped forward and laid the basket down, then took out a picnic blanket and laid it out on the porch. He began laying out food as you sat down, admiring the place. He flopped next to you and you grabbed some food. You and Sam talked, joked and laughed for hours.
"Thanks Sam, this really cheered me up." You smiled, and Sam flushed slightly as he gently smiled back.
"O-only the b-b-best for my f-fairy." Sam chuckled and you giggled with him. "Seriously, Y-Y/N, you d-deserve the w-w-world." Your eyes widened slightly as Sam kissed your forehead, and this made you blush slightly. But you were interrupted by the sound of someone walking by. Sam put his finger to his lips, and looked towards the bushes, which were the only things hiding the beautiful secret and the two of you.
"We've been walking for ages, when can we go back?" You heard Smiley Lilly complain angrily.
"When we've found Sam and Y/N. Now stop complaining and hurry UP!" K.C snapped angrily.
"Don't worry, I can carry you~" Adrian purred to Lilly, their voices getting distant. Sam looked at you as he quietly started packing back up, and you stood up and folded the blanket. You shoved it in and Sam gave you the basket, then picked you up and dove through the mirror. The freezing cold air hit you like a brick and you shivered, clinging to Sam. He smiled to himself as he floated to a mirror and slid through, coming into the kitchen. He shoved the food into the fridge, the blanket and basket into a cupboard then turned to you.
"I w-wonder why they w-were looking f-for us. It's been 3-30 minutes since w-we entered the m-mirror."
"Geez, mirror realm does go fast." You chirped just as K.C kicked open the door and walked in, dragging Lilly by the collar, who was protesting. She threw her on the couch.
"Act or speak to me like that again and I swear to god I'll gut you alive." K.C snarled, getting an angry glare off Lilly as she stormed off. Adrian walked in and shut the door.
"Don't worry babe, we can always go on a walk together, up to your room~" Adrian breathed, and Lilly flipped him off as he walked up the stairs. You shrugged to Sam and hugged him, then walked up the stairs to see Leo chatting up Clockwork, who seemed to be entranced as she fiddled with the collar of Leo's leather jacket collar. You turned and saw Adrian blowing a kiss to Jane.
"Jesus, guys are turning into douches." You muttered to yourself and Liu came down the stairs and leaned into you as he walked by. You sighed and walked up to your room, waving at Zero as she was sat next to the wall with Judge Angels. You entered your room and shut the door behind you, flopping on the bed. You jumped when you saw Coldsteel sitting on your windowsill. "Holy shit, Coldsteel! What are you doing in here?!"
"I can't believe I'm doing this." Coldsteel muttered. "Y/N, I need your advice."

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