Chapter 35

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"Hey," a voice interrupted your sleep rudely, but instead of opening your eyes, you simply rolled over. "Y/N!"
"The fuck you want?" You snapped angrily, rubbing your eyes as you peered to the side of your bed. Clockwork was stood there, her hands on her hips. Her clock eye was returned, and she had stitched thread back into her face.
"Damn, this is how you treat me after seeing me for the first time in 4 weeks?" Clockwork joked, sitting on the end of your bed.
"Oh shit!" You leaned over and hugged her tightly, but wrinkled your nose and shot back, "Eww, you stitched your face up and put a clock in your eye but you couldn't shower," your gaze darted to her jumpsuit, "or change?"
"Sorry, I wanted to see you!" She chirped, then snickered, "damn, your hair is short as hell now."
Lifting a hand, you ran a hand through your chin-length (H/C) locks, your gaze going distant.
"Yeah. It felt weird killing someone after so long. It's like not having your favourite food for ages and then having a shit ton of it at once." You made stabbing motions with your hand, then paused, "you gone out yet?"
"Nah," she responded, "you should've waited a bit longer to get broken out. We went to get fast food before coming back."
"I had proxy shit to deal with, sorry." You lied, rolling out of bed and rustling through your wardrobe, searching for the familiar (F/C) get-up. You couldn't find it. "where's my creepypasta outfit?"
"Oh yeah, Slenderman wanted you to change it. Since you're pretty new compared to the rest of us and are a proxy, he didn't want you to stand out because your outfit was all over the news. You have to get a new one from Trender."
"Great," you tutted, sighing as you glanced out of the window to the stormy sky ahead, "just great."

After getting ready, you headed over to Trender's room wearing your pjs, so you could slip in and out more easy. As you arrived, you recalled the first time you ever came down this hallway. You were with the proxies, they were preparing you to become a rookie creepypasta. That's when Nasty and Louth were still around. Hesitating, you rested a hand on the wall where Louth had been leaning so long ago, barely days after your rescue from the woods. You still missed her. A lot. Her glimmering, platinum hair and medusa green eyes were still imprinted in your mind, along with the sight of her still body laid on her bed, bandaged and cloudy eyed. Squeezing your eyes closed, you shook the image from your head and knocked hard on the door, inhaling sharply as a shoot of grief ran up your chest. The music you didn't realise was playing paused from inside, and the huge door creaked open. The tall, well-dressed figure leaned over you, bending his huge body downwards to peer at you.
"Oh, Y/N," Trender's voice rang in your head as he rested a huge hand on your back, pushing you inside and closing the door, "finally, you're here. What have you been thinking?"
"I only found out this morning," you responded as music began playing once more, "so I haven't put much thought into it..."
"I was thinking maybe something less revealing and more practical. You are a proxy now, after all, not a casual rookie. You need to be equipped for extra activity, especially now Nasty and Louth are out of service."
You shuddered at his choice of words. Out of service? It sounded like they were injured, or retired. You wish they were, instead of rotting in the ground.
"Uh, ok, I have a few ideas then," you began, then glanced around the racks of clothing he had.
You exited the changing room wearing a black bodysuit, black cargo pants with a (f/c) heavy duty belt, (f/c) kneepads, elbowpads and heavy duty fingerless gloves, a (f/c) strap that ran below your bust, over your shoulders to your back to hold your crowbar, (f/c) army boots and a black mouthguard with (f/c) decorations. You turned to the mirror, doing a spin before hooking some small, black bags to your belt.
"That's a marvellous outfit!" Trender clapped proudly, "much more useful."
You fistbumped Trender with a grin, before exiting his room. You walked down the hallway, feeling a bit heavier in your gear. You passed Hoodie in the hall, and he did a double take at your new outfit.
"Yo, Hoodie! It's my new creepypasta outfit, what do ya think?" You did a spin, and he nodded and gave you a thumbs up. You rushed down the stairs, opening the kitchen drawers to find the first aid kit. You packed supplies into your belt bags, then a small bottle of water in your cargo pant pockets along with a few muesli bars.
"What's the rush?" Asked a voice. You turned to see Homicidal Liu sat there, arms folded. You stared at him hatefully. "Don't worry, I'm not my brother."
"I'm surprised he didn't take you with him." You responded bitterly, opening the fridge and opening a carton of (f/f) milk, hopping on the counter and crossing your legs. You took a sip of your milk, staring at him intensely.
"I'm not a fan of him either. What he did was fucked up." He convinced you, "and all for you, huh? You must be an amazing lover." He sneakily laid his hand on yours, which you tugged away in response.
"I'm a virgin, I'll have you know. And I never had a thing with Jeff, and I never will!" You snapped back with a huff, taking three deep gulps of your milk.
"Drink too fast and you'll get gas. It's common sense." Homicidal Liu told you, adding the last part when you glared at him. "You're 19! C'mon, gimme a test run. I'll make it worth your while~"
You met his gaze suspiciously, then hopped off the counter, sipping the last of your milk and throwing it in the trash.
"What do you mean by test run?" You questioned.
"Well, we can date for a little while-"
"Don't lie to me, Liu. I see through that shit like glass."
"Fine, christ. We can hookup a few times."
"Whatever." You passed him and headed out the door, opening the front door and departing into the night.
You trudged through the forest, taking a deep breathe when the sounds of the forest chimed up and a warm gust surrounded you. You had exited the 'pasta realm. You took a look around to see where you had exited, wondering which portal you had gone through this time. The houses you didn't recognise, so you assumed you were in a new place. Excitedly, you pulled up your black metal mouthguard and dashed silently across to a house; surprised at how quick you could get there with your crowbar on your back instead of in your hand. Leaping at the house, you silently swung yourself up onto the porch roof, then grabbed a window-ledge and swung across, then dove through the open window. You grabbed onto the curtains and slid down to the floor. Taking a glance around, you got to your feet and went to work. The sounds of screaming and blood sloshing were drowned out by the words of Liu. You would be leaving soon to find Jeff with Toby, you probably wouldn't have another opportunity since the entire world knew you by now, knew your face and your name. Nobody normal would want to get with you. The built up bloodlust relieved itself as you snapped out of it and saw the state of the room, the aggressive, metal smell of blood coating your tongue and dancing around your nostrils. You turned back to the window and leapt out, running back towards the woods. There wasn't much else you wanted to do tonight, and you wanted to cut down on how many souls you captured for Slenderman to consume, since the organisation was bound to collapse soon anyway. Passing through the portal again, you approached the house and let yourself in, sighing as you glanced around. The mansion was quiet, the silent ticking of a clock interrupting your thoughts. This was weird, usually there were people around. Especially BEN.
"Hello?" You whispered out. Suddenly, you saw a dark shadow at the end of the hall. Dead, green, medusa-like eyes bore into you, a flat expression with blood splatters all over them, especially around their neck. Slowly, they approached you, their footsteps like explosives. Your voice caught in your throat, bubbling into a wad of horror and grief that suffocated you. "Louth?" You managed to croak out.
"Y/n?" She rasped out, pausing in front of you. The dead expression in her eyes didn't falter, but the emotion flooded across her tongue like saliva. Silence painfully swelled in the room, making you shiver. Reaching out, you took her hand and rubbed it gently, ignoring the freezing cold needles that shot up your limb and uncomfortably tingled around your shoulder.
"You're... here." You breathed out, tears welling in your eyes. Sure, she had been dead cold in the ground yesterday, but somehow, she was alive now. Pulling her into a hug, you squeezed her as tightly as you could without hurting her.
"Y/n," Louth quietly croaked. She sounded scared, human. Pulling back slightly, her shockingly green eyes met your (E/C) ones, still as dead as her sister. "Look out."
"Look out? For what? Look, we'll get you in a bath, you can sleep in my room until we put your furniture bac-" Louth's hand clapped over your mouth. It smelt like soil and blood.
"Look out." She repeated. Suddenly, the door behind you swung open. You turned to glance over, and saw Masky, BEN and E.J entering, takeaway in their arms. Turning back to Louth, you were horrified to see you were clasping only air. She was gone, if she was there in the first place.
"Uh, what's up with you?" BEN tapped your shoulder. Spinning, you stared at him like he had just stabbed you. "Woah, hey, chill." He slipped into the kitchen, glancing at you again before disappearing. Masky followed as E.J placed the two bags he had been holding on the coffee table and turned to you quietly.
"...are you okay?" He asked, his voice muffled by his mask.
"She was here." You responded, your voice hard and cold. The tears in your eyes spilled over, running down your cheeks like a tsunami. "She was right here, I could feel her."
"Who?" E.J approached you, sounding slightly concerned. Some silence responded back to him. "Oh. Listen, Y/N, I know it's hard for you. You and her were close. But she really isn't coming back this time." His voice was soft and soothing.
"But she came back last time!" You wailed back at him. You heard BEN mumble from the kitchen, but you ignored it. "She always did! No matter how many times she went away, or she almost died, she still came back to us!"
"But this time she's really gone. You held her after she died, didn't you? Y/N, she's not coming home."
"Home." You repeated gently to yourself. This wasn't her home. If it was, then she would still be here. E.J lifted his mask slightly and planted a comforting kiss on your cheek, then set it back in place.
"Come on, we got food." Taking the bags, he walked into the kitchen. You paused, staring down the hall where Louth had appeared once before. Nothing. Wiping your face furiously, you entered the kitchen and dug your hands into the bag, finding the burger and fries you always got. Grabbing your drink, you hopped on the counter and shoved a fry in your mouth. Even the greasy scent of fries couldn't cover up the rotting, bloody, earthy smell of Louth's hand. Your gaze drifted across the kitchen as Creepypastas who had seemingly disappeared flooded in to claim their food, giggling and chattering. You caught Jane's stare, and she glanced away quickly.
"Hey kid," Clockwork approached you, sipping on her drink, "yo, heard from E.J you saw Louth. Toby isn't gonna handle that well, huh?"
"He didn't see her." You pointed out. Clockwork shuffled a bit. "Why do you care so much about Toby anyway?"
"Well, we've sort of been having a thing-"
"Leave her be, Clocky." Jane appeared beside her, taking her arm and pulling her away. Hold on a damn minute. Clockwork and Toby?
"Just because I saw my dead best friend doesn't mean someone can't talk to me." You snapped in your iconic, sarcastic tone. Jane glanced over a little uncomfortably, then faded into the crowd with Clockwork. As you were left alone again, another figure approached, orange goggles gleaming in the light.
"Hey." He twitched, leaning on the counter you were sat upon. "Are you ok?"
"I'm eating." You responded bluntly, taking a bite from your burger.
"Fair.." he glanced away, then moved his goggles into his forehead to look at you properly. "You know, just because you miss her doesn't mean you have to be a bitch about it. Other people knew her too."
"You don't have a say in that." You snorted. Toby looked at you oddly. "Louth died like, a year ago. And you're already slipping in with someone else?"
"You act like Louth was my wife or some shit. We only hooked up a few times." Toby stuttered, leaning back off the counter and glaring at you.
"What?! She adored you!" You slammed your cup down.
"Uh, no, she didn't adore anyone. She used me, just like I used her. Slenderman wanted a better future, so he combined our genes in a tank." He responded sharply. You paused, looking down at the cold, blood-splattered floor. Everything that your life had been built on since you came here was crumbling.
"You're wrong. She adored people. She was the only one who felt human emotions still!"
"Y/N, you never knew how Louth became a creepypasta, huh?" Toby crossed his arms. He continued when you fell silent. "Louth was abused, you know that, by her step-dad. Soon enough, Slenderman started... Interfering, as he did with yours truly. She started having 'mood swings', and one day it got bad. She axed her step-dad to death, and then someone else. Someone more important than Nasty, than me, and you."
"who?" a weird clump of grief laid at the bottom of your stomach. You never knew what ended Louth up in here, you just knew it was bad.
"Yeah. Her girlfriend. She came over to check on Louth because her 'mood swings' had gotten worse, and she was dead by the time Louth snapped out of it. She didnt feel like she had any reason left to live, so she found Slenderman in the forest alongside Nasty. He made them creepypastas and then they went pyscho and torched their town."
You paused again. Alice... You never knew Louth had a girlfriend before this, or that her story was a lot less pyschotic than Nasty described it. Louth was a victim to Slenderman, and he must've slipped up during her transformation, because she still felt like a human. You remembered the day Louth ran away and almost died, her argument with Slender. That wasn't about what she made it out to be, it was about Alice. And the reason she gave up her life. Living without her became too painful.
"I'm... Sorry." Toby suddenly said. You snapped out of it and glanced at him. "I just... The atmosphere lately has been different. You're different. You used to be so happy."
"Life changes. Especially here." you replied, forcing your tone to be a bit softer. "I feel like the world's against me."
Silence fell over the small spot you and Toby were in, until he lifted his hand and brushed something away from your face with a chuckle.
"you had dirt on your face."
"dirt?" it hit you like a brick. Dirt. Louth. Her hand. Her clothes. You forced yourself to laugh along, then said your goodbyes and departed to your room. Dirt. Had she been there? Was the warning real? If so, what was about to happen was big enough for the spirit of someone who despised the mansion she was tied to to return?

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