Chapter 1

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You were curled up in your rickety and old bed, your skin tingling in the cold that seeped through your thin blanket. It had been this way since you could remember, every night. You spent the nights laying awake, begging for sleep to take you away from the freezing air of the old attic. In the morning, you'd sneak downstairs and manage to grab some items for breakfast, sometimes barely missing a shoe that was thrown. Occasionally, your mother would come into the attic where you played with your rag doll, carrying a tray of a simple sandwich and some water. But after your mother's stomach had began growing, she had stopped.
Suddenly, you were snapped out of your thoughts by laughter. You sighed, grabbing your pillow and laying it on top of your small body, letting yourself go back into thought.
Your parents had started laughing again since they had been expecting. They were happy. Happy without you. You were just a ghost of a girl, and your parents preferred it that way. You had no idea why they hated you so much. One day, you had heard your aunt downstairs. You had pressed your ear against the trapdoor, listening carefully.
"What happened to Y/N?" Your aunt asked, her voice confused. Last time you had seen her, you had been running around after your cat, who had recently been hit by a car.
"Oh, I'll grab her now." Your mother had replied, then came rushing up the stairs. Sliding back, you grabbed your rag doll. Your mother flung open the trapdoor. "Y/N, I told you about playing in the attic!" Your mother had exclaimed loudly, just loud enough for your aunt to hear. She grabbed your wrist. "For gods sake, act happy for once in your miserable life." She had hissed, yanking you roughly down the stairs. Tears threatened to spill.
"Hello, Y/N!" Your aunt smiled at you, her face lighting up at the sight of you. You loved your aunt. She always showed something to you that your mother and father didn't. Love. You had ran into her arms, chatting and clinging to her the whole time. When she had to leave, you had wept, and your mother had to drag you upstairs so she can get out of the door. That night, your mother had told your father, and he had come and taken your blanket away. You had laid, freezing, teeth chattering, all night. Eventually, you had taken the old pillowcase off your pillow and climbed into it, shivering and crying.
You kept on thinking of all the times your parents had shown nothing to you, and eventually, your body gave up and let you slip into sleep.

"Y/N!" Your mother called. You shot awake, sending your rag doll flying. Your mother was.. calling you? Hesitantly, you climbed down the ladder, and slowed down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"Y-yes mummy?" You stuttered, terrified. You clutched your unwashed old nightgown. Your mother beamed down at you, holding out a bowl of cereal. You stared at it, surprised, before thanking her suspiciously and wolfing it down. You were starving.
"Finished?" She asked, getting up from the table. You nodded, and she dumped the bowl in the pristine sink. She took your hand and led you to the bathroom, revealing a full and inviting looking bathtub. Now you were extremely suspicious. You blinked up at your mother. "Bath time." She explained. Quickly, she helped you out of your nightgown and you slid into the bath. You watched her with your (E/C) eyes as she scrubbed your (S/C) skin and (H/L) hair clean. Surprisingly, you didn't have head-lice. She was being so kind.
"Mummy?" You asked suddenly. She looked up at you, tilting her head. "Are you having another baby?" Your mother bit her lip, then nodded, forcing a smile.
"Yes, it's a little boy." She told you, her smile becoming not-so-forced. You knew that this baby wouldn't be treated like you were normally, you had thought as your mother dried you, and surprisingly put you in striped tights, a denim skirt, Velcro pink shoes, a pink butterfly shirt, and a coat. Since when did she have more clothes for you? You stared down at your outfit as your mother brushed out your (H/L) (H/C) hair. They were clean. You felt... good.
"Let's go to Daddy now." Your mother scooped you into her arms. Freezing, you stared at the wall. You never expected this. She was being too caring. Something was happening. As she walked into the garage, you saw a glistening silver car. You had never seen a car before. As you brushed your soft fingers against the leather of the seats, your mother strapped you into a baby seat. With one glance, she slammed the door, making you flinch. Getting into the front seat, she looked at your father, who occupied the drivers seat. With (M/E/C) eyes, she said something that you couldn't hear. And with that, the car began moving. In confusion, you looked out the window. You were going faster then you had ever gone.

After a while, the quiet humming of distancing traffic put you to sleep. Unaware that your parents were driving into a forest, you dreamt of a little girl, probably a year younger then you, holding your large hand. Well, it was large to you. You looked as old as your cousin, the one who was 16. So old. You caught your appearance in a puddle as you slowly walked by. You were pretty. With (E/C) eyes, you examined your face, stopping. You had beautiful smooth skin, and soft lips. Your (H/L) (H/C) hair blowed in the wind, wafting some strands in your face. Eventually, the little girl tugged you back into motion. She was leading you somewhere. And before you could know where, you woke up to the sound of people talking.
"Did she wake up?" A female voice said. Your mother.
"Nah, She was out like a light after that cereal. Is good to get rid of that rat. Now we can raise our son properly." Your father responded. You could almost hear him smirking. Your mother giggled.
"Thank god. Now come on, let's get out of here." And with that, two car doors slammed, and tires screeched, and then the noise of the car was gone.
It was dark. And cold. And wet. And now you were alone.
"M-mummy? D-D-daddy?" You whined, even though it was pointless. Scanning the forest around you that your terrified (E/C) eyes were adjusting to, there was no answer. That car must have been theirs. Abandoned and scared, you began walking. Just trying to find the end of this thought back to the dream. The little girl that had lead you, this forest looked similar. The tall trees, the grassy floor... yet, you had ever been outside of the house except the back garden, so every forest looked to same to you. After walking for 4 hours, just before the light began to show, you collapsed, exhausted.

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