Chapter 7

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Rolling over, you slung your arm over who you assumed to be Jack. Instead, it was Smiles. Oh well. You tried to bury your face into his fur, but groaned when he slipped away and out of the door. Memories of yesterday flooded in, and you shuddered. You silently cursed Jack for leaving. You really needed someone to hold right now. Suddenly, a smash came from downstairs. You, clearly being curious, made your way towards the sound, and saw a very angry slenderman standing in front of Louth. Next to her was a smashed glass vase, and in her hand was her axe. Making your way to stand next to Toby, you leaned in.
"What's happening?" You whispered, to not distract Louth. You didn't want to die today. Toby jumped, and twitched, before responding.
"L-Louth is really u-upset over something. T-this morning she g-got up and decided to a-argue with S-Slender." Toby stuttered in response, twitching a few times. You looked back over at Louth. She looked ready to cry.
"Look what you've done now." Slender said calmly, even though you could tell from his body language he was furious. Louth glared back fearlessly, completely lost in anger.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise a fucking replaceable glass vase was more important than me." She yelled sarcastically, her normally happy brown eyes gleaming with tears. Before Slender could answer, she spoke again. "Wait, nevermind. That vase was expensive! And anyway, you don't care about me, do you? You don't care about anyone. Not Toby, not Nasty, not Y/N, not even fucking Sally! We're all just puppets you use to keep yourself alive. You wouldn't be anywhere without us. You need us! YOU NEED ME!" She was screaming at this point, shaking with anger. Taking a step back, you grabbed Sally.
"Go to L.J and play, ok?" You told her in a small whisper. The scared little girl nodded, then dashed up the stairs. You turned back to the argument. Slender had tried to explain to her that she was important, but she didn't listen.
"Then why the FUCK am I always the one getting punished? Oh, Louth, look what you have done! That blood splatter isn't in the right place! And why is that person in that position? Oh, this is a catastrophe! YOU'RE SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT!" Louth turned and kicked a chair so fiercely, that the leg snapped off. BEN took off his headphones.
"Louth can you shut the fuc-" BEN was cut off when Louth turned to him and grabbed his shirt. Then he was thrown in your direction. You pounced behind Toby to avoid the shocked boy, and he smacked against the table. Toby twitched and stared when the table snapped in half. BEN groaned, and you helped him up, wiping the blood that trickled out of his mouth off his face. "Thanks babe." BEN coughed, slithering an arm around your waist.
"No problem, Link." You grinned, even in the situation you were in, you never passed up an opportunity to be sassy. BEN shot you a glare, but then grinned. Louth was yelling again by this point. Nasty came dashing down the stairs, fresh out of bed. E.J slowly followed.
"Louthie.." She said in a soothing voice, her usual giggly tone gone as she took her best friend's face in her hands. Louth stared into her eyes, and from hers tears spilled. "Calm down. It's alright." Louth's tense body relaxed, and her fists uncurled. You saw that her nails had dug into her palms so much that blood dribbled down her fingers. You shuddered.
"Yes, it's alright. You are important." Slender said, assuming that Louth was snapped out of it now. He was wrong. So very wrong. Louth turned to him, and Nasty stepped back.
"SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" She screamed, her brown eyes firing up again. And with that, Slender finally let loose.
"Don't speak to me like that, you useless human." Slender's voice boomed around the house as he picked her up with a tentacle and flung her across the room. Before you realised Toby and Nasty were no longer beside you, you saw them bending over Louth. Toby brushed his twitching hand over her shoulder, but then Louth got up and shot out, leaving the blood from her palms and tears behind.
"Louthie!" Nasty cried out, running after her. You watched as Toby ran out too, leaving everyone else behind, stunned into silence. Slenderman fixed his tie then let his tentacles slip back inside his back, then he walked to his office. You glared after him.
"Well, shit." Jeff rasped out from the couch. When everyone turned their glare to him, he shrugged. "What?" BEN grunted, still an arm around your waist, recovered now from Louth's attack.
"When she comes back don't make it awkward. I don't think I can deal with a repeat of last year." He said, and everyone muttered in agreement. You narrowed your eyes.
"This happened before?" You ran your fingers through your (H/C) locks, pushing back some stray strands. E.J looked at you. Well, if he could.
"Yes, but it was worse and it was in between her and Masky." E.J explained. When I tilted my head, he sighed. "Masky and Louth used to be good friends, but after she crossed a line he accidentally hit her, and that set off something." Now you were even more confused.
"But Toby likes both of them, but if Masky hurt her why does he not hate him?" You asked, your (E/C) eyes full of confusion. This house was full of more drama then Keeping Up With The Kardashians. People had relaxed and got back to doing their thing, so you and E.J were talking. (Well, after E.J had shoved himself between you and BEN. The elf was pretty pissed).
"Well, Louth was mostly the one who got hurt last time, and she left for a while. Toby found her when he was on a mission, and they got pretty close. Eventually he convinced her to come home, since Nasty was a mess without her." When your eyes gave away another question, E.J gave a sigh of irritation. You were starting to annoy him. But hey, it's ok to be curious. "No, Nasty and Louth aren't like that. Well, not to Louth anyway. They would die for each other. Just being apart from each other for a day makes them both distracted and nervous." You shuddered, realising that if Louth had run far enough and Nasty and Toby had given up, who knows how long she would be gone for.

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