Chapter 30

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You shot awake, and immediately your head was pounding and aching.
"ugh..." You groaned, covering your eyes from the light. After your meltdown, you stormed to your room and cried until you got a headache and fell asleep.
"Y/N!" You felt someone take your wrists and remove them from your face. You looked up to see Toby. "a-are you OK?"
"apart from the fact my head feels like a volcano and my friend is dead, I'm just dandy." You said sarcastically, and Toby glared at you.
"I'm j-just trying to h-h-help you out, why a-are you being so h-h-horrible?" Toby gripped your wrists a bit tighter, before letting them go. You opened your mouth to snap at him, then realized that you actually didn't have a reason. You let out a sigh and sat up, barely caring that Toby was inches from you.
"Toby." You said, and Toby looked up at you. "I'm sorry. I just miss her, and I keep lashing out at everyone. Pointing fingers, I guess."
Toby nodded, agreeing with you. "I w-wish she was here t-t-too. But she m-made that choice. I j-just h-h-hate the f-fact she d-d-didnt reach o-out." Toby's twitches got progressively worse as he became more emotional. You grabbed your covers and wiped the tears from his face with it.
"don't cry. You'll make me cry too." You smiled. "hey, notice how the only times we've spoken is when she's not here?" Toby looked up, seemingly guilty.
"s-s-sorry. I should've tried t-to talk t-to you m-more." Toby relaxed slightly. You ruffled his messy brown hair.
"hey, why are you here anyway?" You asked, then noticed you was in your pjs. "wh-?!"
"i-i didn't d-d-do that!" Toby quickly reassured you, his face going red. "I think C-Clockwork came i-in and helped y-you out. And I-I'm h-h-here because I thought y-you might need s-s-some water and m-medication. Crying for that l-l-long gives you a h-headache. And I wanted to t-talk to you."
"oh, thanks." You took one of the headache pills from the packet and slipped it in your mouth, then gulped down the entire glass of water. "hey, Toby?"
"y-yeah?" Toby perked up, glancing away from your window.
"thanks for coming to talk to me. Nobody else really understands. They just moved on with it like it's normal." You pulled your knees up to your chest, resting your chin on them. "I guess I still have some feelings left."
"actually, e-everyone else j-j-just doesn't f-feel empathy. If w-we were all e-emotionless, every... Er... Some people w-w-wouldn't have feelings for... O-others." Toby grinned at you nervously, but you were too tired to put it together.
"OK. Well, I'm gonna get breakfast." You slid out of bed, and Toby stood up from his spot near your feet.
"Y-Y/N?" He turned quickly from where he was in the doorway a few moments later. You paused from walking. "c-can I have a h-hug?"
"oh, sure." You walked forward and wrapped your arms around him. Toby hugged you back, surprisingly warm. A good hugger. You stepped back, then saved at him. "see you later, Toby." You shut your door, then walked down the hallway towards the stairs. Toby turned to his room, then entered.
You walked down the steps, then entered the living room. Sporting E.J on the couch, you walked over to the back of it.
"morning, E.J." You leant over him, peering at him. "where's your mask?"
"here." E.J held it up as he lifted his face to 'look' at you. "how are you?"
"good. I took some medicine for my headache." You moved to the side and leapt over the couch, then sat down beside him.
"did you get it out of your system?" E.J asked, moving his head in your direction again.
"I guess so. I'm feeling less sad." You said, then almost pissed yourself when you saw a white flash from beside you.
"sup, crybaby." Jeff said, glaring at you as he sat down.
"shut up, chucky." You smacked him across the head. "go make me breakfast. I want some poptarts, stat."
"ow! That hurt. Fine, but I'm not making your breakfast again. And don't blame me if you find a slug in it." Jeff grumbled as he got up and walked over to the kitchen, then began making a loud racket.
"God, what is he cooking them in, a fucking tractor?" You commented, getting a splutter of laughter from E.J. You turned to see he had put his mask on. "aw. That sucks."
"sorry." E.J shrugged. Gonna have to deal with it, honey."
"don't call her honey." something hit E.J's head, and you turned to see it was Masky.
"You don't get to have an opinion on it, Mr. I-call-my-girlfriend-a-slut." You told him, taking what hit E.J and throwing it back at him. With a wonderful and juicy combination of your brutality and horrible aim, you hit him right in the crotch. Masky fell with a groan, and you turned back to the TV. "thank me later, E.J."
Jeff came back in and gave you your poptarts. You looked down at them, then back up at him.
"how the fuck do you burn only ONE of them? The toaster has two slots." You laughed, and Jeff smacked you, then shoved the burnt poptart in your mouth. "ow."
"don't be ungrateful next time. And stop hitting people in the dick." Jeff directed to Masky, who groaned while Hoodie poked him with a stick.
"You aren't the boss of me." You stuck your tongue out at him, then inserted the poptart back in your mouth and demolished both of them in a minute flat. You passed the plate to Jeff, then looked back at the TV. "they seemed to have forgotten about me, huh?"
"we could go out today." E.J suggested, and you turned to him with a bright look on your face. "I'm gonna take that as a yes."
"The duo reforms!" You cheered, then got to your feet and dashed up the stairs.

"Last house?" E.J asked you, huffing as he looked at his phone. "it's 3am."
"oh, yeah, sure. I can see you're getting tired." You grinned at him, and he frowned at you. He had taken off his mask and shoved it in his backpack, since it was just you two. You climbed up the drainpipe and slid across the windowsill, then stuck your crowbar in the gap of the window. You managed to wrench it open, and slipped inside. E.J followed you quietly, scalpel in hand and crowbar in yours.
"where are we?" You whispered. E.J looked around.
"a bedroom. Looks like a guest bedroom. It has a lack of character." E.J said. You nodded in agreement as the two of you moved into the hallway, then looked around. You turned and opened a door that had the light on inside. Your jaw dropped. The walls were covered in posters and drawings of the creepypastas, and the wardrobe was open, revealing clothes that looked like the creepypastas. Hoodies, jeans, dresses, wigs, shoes... even fake weapons.
"E.J? What is this?" You walked in, then got distracted by a small poster of... you!
"It's a fan's room." E.J told you, then suddenly ducked inside, grabbing you, and hiding behind the door. A girl with black, short hair entered, carrying a glass of water.
"Hm. I didn't leave my door open." She muttered to herself, then set the glass of water down on her bedside table and turned towards her wardrobe. Her hands drifted towards a white hoodie. "Hm."
"I don't feel comfortable here." You whispered as quietly as you could to E.J, just as the girl began playing music. You grabbed E.J's wrist, then ducked out from behind the door and into the hallway. You then snuck into the guest bedroom, just as the girl shut her door. "Phew."

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