Chapter 28

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Water dripped down your bruised arms as you sat on the alleyway floor, the rain pouring down like an water avalanche. You couldn't open your left eye; you could feel the blood from the gash on your forehead dripping down over your eyelashes. You had scratches all over you, and they were stinging like hell. But you didn't complain. Who did you have to complain to? You slowly wiped your left eye and then opened it hesitantly. Once you had, you looked up at the sky. Where was Sam? The huge buildings of London towered above you like skyscrapers. Probably because you were on the ground.
"Y/N." A serious voice said, and you looked up. A pale hand was stretched out to you, and the face was one you recognized.


Taking the hand, you let the newcomer heave you easily to your feet, rain running down your face.
"why are you here?" You asked. "where's Sam? How did I get here? Wh-"
"Louth's dead." Crow said flatly. You suddenly felt like a weight had been dropped up on your chest.
"W-what?" You stammered. "you're joking, right?" Crow's face remained completely emotionless. Suddenly, you were on the ground, and you didn't bother to register how you got there. Rain ran down your arms as it continued to pelt the earth, your cry of grief barely audible.
"would you like to see her?" Crow asked bluntly, barely a question. You nodded, and Crow grabbed you.

You barely remembered how you got back to the mansion, but suddenly a blanket was on your shoulders and Nasty was on the couch beside you.
"Y/N?" You turned to see the face of Jane, her cheeks wet. You felt her hand clasp yours. "she's over here." leading you into Louth's room, you saw her on her bed. Jane watched you, gulping down a sob. Slowly, you made your way towards her, the now wet blanket sliding to the floor.
Louth's mouth was partly open, lips chapped and a trickle of now dried blood down her face from her mouth. Her eyes were still partly open, sage irises empty and glazed over. Silence. Normally, Louth snored, you remembered that.


"Y/N!" Louth snatched up a pillow and chucked it at you, hitting you in the face. Flopping back onto the bed from impact, you let out an oof. You heard the tinkle of laughter from Louth as she leapt onto the bed beside you, barely making any noise from her light weight. Pale locks fell into her pale face, her cat-like eyes glittering like a pool of dark pine.
"why you do dat." You demanded, not even a question. Louth laughed again, yanking up the covers and scurrying beneath them.
"move over, its freezing." Louth indicated this by slapping her cold hands onto your stomach, which was bare since your t-shirt had ridden up. Shrieking, you scrambled away, almost falling off the bed. The two of you laughed, Louth in amusement and you in shock. Once you had regained yourselves, Louth spoke.
"isn't that Sam's T-shirt?" She inquired, indicating to the cloud pattern which seemed to be the shy boy's favourite.
"oh, yeah. I just steal people's clothes cus I don't have pjs." You admitted, and Louth giggled.
"nice tip. I'll be sure to use that in the future." Louth snuggled down and let herself ease, her usual tense and cruel features easing out. Once all the hatred was gone from her face, a mask she put on to make herself look fierce, Louth was actually pretty, which was something nobody really noticed. You stared at her in confusion for a while, surprised by this new Louth, when a sudden loud snore came from her mouth. You giggled, and laid down beside her, snuggling into the curve of her neck for warmth.


Almost immediately, you rushed to your friends side, falling to your knees. You snatched her up and held her close, letting out a wail of despair. The slice on her neck had been patched up, most likely an attempt at saving her life. But the pale girl laid stiff and cold, eyes distant. Her relaxed features weren't pretty this time, they were sad and empty. Tears rolled down your cheeks and splashed onto her face, but she still didn't budge. No twitch, groan, not even a mutter. Suddenly, you saw something black flash down from the window. A scream came from downstairs, sounding a lot like Lilly.
"oh my god!" Jane cried out as she peered out the window.
"what is it?" You sniffled, still clutching Louth.
"Nasty, she-" Jane swallowed.
"what? What's wrong?"

"they were like sisters." Sam muttered, surprisingly without his cold chattering. The two of you were stood in the rain, an umbrella held above your head by Sam. Both of your gazes were set on the two tombstones, reading Nasty and Louth. You slowly nodded, and turned to look at Sam, who's snowy-white hair was messy. Turning, he looked back at you, and slipped his cold hand into yours, sending a shiver down your spine.
"what happened to them?" Sam asked.
"Louth... She was sane, the entire time. She got Crow to kill her, and Nasty couldn't deal with her being gone. So she..." You paused. You hadn't been necessarily close to Nasty. "she got into an argument with Crow, and Crow pushed her off the roof. Nasty ran off and... We don't know what happened after that. We just found her in a ditch." You hadn't realised you were crying until Sam hastily wiped a tear from your cheek.
"don't cry. I-it makes me w-w-want to cry t-too." Sam frowned, squeezing your hand. Slowly, you nodded then stepped forward and looked at the tombstones once again. Louth's had her axe molded into it, and Nasty's had her dagger pressed into it beneath her name. Sam suddenly pulled you back into shelter from the rain. "y-you're getting w-w-wet. Let's head b-back." Sam walked you back towards the mansion, out of the woods. Toby stood leant against the doorway, and he was twitching aggressively. He looked at you, and frowned.
"where have you been?" You asked.
"Forest." he responded bluntly, his eye twitching.
"oh." You turned and walked past him, only for him to suddenly grip your arm, immensely tight.
"why d-d-didnt she tell me?" Toby demanded violently, his eyes flashing. You ripped your arm away, rubbing it angrily.
"shut the fuck up. If you cared, she wouldn't be dead." You shoved past him once again, Sam following quietly. Masky paused from where he was lifting his mask to take a swing of a beer, and looked at you.
"You good?" he asked.
"I'm fine, now leave me alone." You snapped.
"jesus, I was just asking, you bitch." Masky muttered. You grabbed a very well placed vase from the counter and threw it at him, hitting the fridge instead. The vase broke into little pieces, and Masky flinched away from the bullets of rubble.
"Y/N!" Sam gasped, and you ignored him, storming up to where your room was. Pausing beside Louth's room. Entering, you saw a box in the middle of the room, which you hadn't seen a week earlier when you first saw her dead. How did it get there? The door suddenly slammed behind you, and you felt a hand on your shoulder.

Living With The CreepypastasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora