Chapter 34

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After the bathroom incident, you had been thrown into MAX, locked in isolation. You sighed, dropping your head into your hands, your now short, (H/C) locks falling through your fingers. You quickly retracted your hands in disgust. Your hair was oily as hell. Getting up, you trudged over to where the tiny window in the thick, deadlocked door was, banging on the hard metal as you peered through.
Oi! Let me out!" You barked at the guard, who just ignored you. "I have friends who can get you back for this."
"Sure, inmate." The guard responded, clearly amused, as he closed the shutter on the tiny window.
"FUCK YOU THEN!" you kicked the door, pain bursting through your foot. You let out a yelp, hearing a laugh from the guard. "I bet your wife cheats on you, ugly ass." You mumbled, crossing to sit on your extremely uncomfortable bed. You paused, glancing up at the ceiling as the lights flickered. "Wow, can't even get proper lightning in here."
As you stared at the light, light rubble and dust fell on your face from the ceiling. Was it going to collapse? You slowly backed up to the wall as a crack formed, then another, then another. Suddenly, a large boom could be heard, and a cackle, as the ceiling exploded. You reflex covered your face from the rubble, and heard the hurried fumble of keys from the guard. You moved your hands to see a figure stood upon the rubble, cackling and twirling a rope around their arm.
"Y/N! C'mere then, we ain't got all day!" The figure yelled, holding their hand out to you. The voice was extremely familiar, feminine.
"Slinky!" You cheered, running up the pile of rubble and giving her a big hug, just as the large door flew open.
"Whoopsie!" Slinky moved you to the side, her back crackling as she leapt at the guard, her body moving around his neck in unhuman ways that almost made you queasy. She grabbed the rope and spun, a large crack echoing through the air as the guard screamed, Slinky holding his spine in her hand. "Gotta borrow this hun! Hope ya don't mind!" She kicked off of the falling guard and grabbed you around the waist. "Lift us up then, Jack!"
The rope suddenly jerked upwards, lifting you out of the prison. Your stomach knotted in excitement. You were escaping! You wouldn't die in prison! Slinky released you as you both were lifted onto the roof of the prison. Laughing Jack stood there, clapping and laughing.
"There she is! Y/N!" His smile twisted, if he could frown, he would be. "What happened to your hair?"
"Oh, some bimbos cut if off. I killed em though, it's alright." You glanced around, but Laughing Jack picked you up.
"C'mon, we gotta dip sweetheart!" Slinky burst into a run across the roof. You waved goodbye cheerfully to two guards who had ran into the cell that once was yours, blowing them a kiss as you disappeared from sight.

Laughing Jack set you down outside of a forest, giving your hair a ruffle then standing back for Slinky. The dead performer grabbed your shoulders and gave them a squeeze.
"See ya later, orright sweetheart?" Slinky grinned at you. You tilted your head, confused.
"Aren't you two coming?" You questioned.
"Nah, not us, hun. We're spirits, yer flesh n bone! We gotta go back to Slender. Go live the rest of yer life, kiddo." Slinky tapped your chin with a nod, then turned to a Laughing Jack and the two walked away seemingly into nothing.
You paused, then slowly approached the forest. It was only now that you realized you were truly alone. You could go back to Slender, you were a proxy after all, he would find you one way or another. But everyone else was in prison. Slowly, you walked into the forest, the branches and darkness embracing you lovingly. As a child, you would've been afraid of such darkness. But the darkness had been your friend for a long time. You trudged through the forest in your prison jumpsuit, letting out a sigh as you did so. Time passed, and you were exhausted, barely being able to move your legs. You rested your palms on your knees to catch your breath.
"Y/N?" Said a voice. You stood up straight, confused and tired, to see the beaming face of... Toby!
"Toby?" You exclaimed. "How are you here? I thought you were in jail!"
"Slender busted out his proxies. Masky and Hoodie are further down the track. He went for you but someone else already did the job! That's why we're here, we're looking for you!"
You let out a relieved sigh, and couldn't help but lurch forward and hug Toby tight.
"I thought I was alone." You sighed. Toby patted your back then took your hand. "Come on, let's get you back to the house."
You suddenly paused. You didn't want to go back. You wanted to be free. No, it wasn't living in that house or being free that bothered you. You knew what you wanted.
"I'm not going back." You said firmly. Toby turned to look at you with a confused look in his eyes. "Not yet. Not until I kill Jeff."
"...we've already tried looking for him. It's like he's a two steps ahead of us all the time." Toby protested.
"So then I'll walk faster. I'll find that motherfucker for what he did." You growled, then hesitated. "Come with me. I'll be better off two against one."
"I don't know, Y/N..."
"I'm killing Jeff first anyway. Would you want me to die doing it and not come back at all?"
Toby stared at you, then sighed.
"Fine, I'll come."
You paused and looked down the trail, pulling Toby in the shadows sharply as Masky and Hoodie's figures appeared.
"Where are they?" Masky huffed, getting a shrug from Hoodie. Masky turned his head to glance around, and you sighed. Even though you didn't want to admit it, you missed him a little. You felt Toby's gaze on you as you stared at Masky, and you just turned your head away as the pair walked past, not spotting either of you.
"We can still go back, you know. Gather resources and stuff. It'll be wiser. Plus, it's not smart walking around wearing prison clothes." Toby reasoned, and you sighed.
"Alright." You walked out from the shadows and yelled to the two. "You two are blind as shit!" You laughed. Masky and Hoodie turned and looked at you, then walked over. Masky's mask twitched, indicating a smile.
"We were right here." Toby joined in, stepping out from the darkness to stand beside you. Masky flashed his flashlight into your eyes teasingly.
"I knew you'd pull some crap like this." He snickered. "Come on then, let's go." Masky turned back to the way they came, and walked back down the trail, Hoodie patting your shoulder happily. As soon as they weren't watching, your smile dropped and you followed them, bending your head. Toby rubbed your back as you did so.
'This is why I wanted to leave straight away' you thought with a frown as you walked.
"So what's it like in a woman's prison?" Masky asked, turning to glance at you. You looked up with a grin.
"Of course you'd want to know, pervert." You stuck your tongue out at him, then giggled.
"Just askin." Masky lifted his hands defensively, then turned his head back to the trail.
Soon, the four of you arrived at the large creepypasta mansion, a welcoming feeling washing over you. You burst through the door to see Ben Drowned on the couch as usual, Eyeless Jack watching him.
"Y/N?" Eyeless Jack sat up straight, catching Ben's attention. Ben dragged his gaze from the screen to look over at you.
"Yo! Y/N!" Ben waved, then snickered. "Nice outfit."
"I know right? It's the new style." You did a dramatic spin, flicking your short hair with a grin. "I call it prison bitch."
Toby walked to the kitchen and looked in the fridge.
"You must be hungry, Y/N" Toby looked up at you. Suddenly, you remembered the crappy food you had been eating while in prison. With a running leap, you threw yourself over the counter and halfway into the fridge, grabbing a chocolate bar and ripping it open, shoving it in your mouth. You noticed some sliced watermelon and began shoving it in your mouth as fast as you could.
"Jesus Christ, is prison that bad?" Ben questioned.
"Yeah." Responded Toby and Masky in sync.
You exited the fridge with a relieved sigh and walked to sit down. Suddenly, Slenderman teleported next to you.
"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" you stumbled back and fell to the floor, staring up at Slenderman. "Stop fucking doing that! One of these days I'm going to just have a fucking heart attack and how you gonna explain that to everyone? You're gonna have to tell them I was poisoned or some shit you faceless freak!"
"Please calm down! Y/N." Slenderman's voice echoed in your head, and you sighed, sitting up. "I'm glad you have returned. But get back to your duties quickly please. I'm off to collect Jane and Clockwork before people begin realizing who they are." And with that, Slenderman disappeared.
Ben and E.J were laughing their asses off on the couch, the proxies snickering.
"One word and I'll crowbar all of you." You threatened, standing up and walking up the stairs to change into your clothes. As you did, Shattered Sam exited his room.
"Y/N!" He cried happily, his mirrored eyes gleaming.
"Oh, hey Sam." You waved your hand at him. "Just off to get changed!" You entered your room and locked the door, breathing in deeply. It was so good to be back.
Your hands danced over your furniture happily as you twirled, then across your facemasks and hairbrushes as you entered the bathroom. It was good to be back. You undressed and leapt into the shower, scrubbing the dirt and grime of prison off of you with (F/S) body wash, then washed your hair with (F/S) shampoo and conditioner. You rinsed off then exited the shower, rubbing your short hair with a towel and drying your body. You opened your wardrobe with a satisfied sigh, then slipped on some soft underwear, much better than the prison stuff, some black shorts and a random shirt that belonged to one of the boys. Curious, you smelt it. Yeah, that was the Bloody Painter. You closed your wardrobe and fondled your hair happily as you exited your room. Suddenly, you stopped. Right in front of you was Louth's room. The paint on the door was faded and falling away, barely even visible. You approached the door and rested your forehead against it, letting out a small sigh. If only you could've protected her. Slowly, you opened the door and looked around to see the dusty, bare furniture, the once clean and happy room gone. Along with it's owner.
"Are you ok?" You turned to see Masky. You sighed and shrugged.
"I just... I still miss her." You stepped out and shut the door, facing the proxy.
"Understandable. You were close." Masky turned his head to the chipped door, then back at you. He opened his arms awkwardly. You hesitated, then stepped into them, feeling his arms wrap around you tightly. You let out a sigh.
"Sometimes I think I'm finally a real creepypasta, and then I still feel things." You said.
"We all still feel things. Just some feel more than others." Masky responded, then let you go. He ruffled your damp hair. "You need to sleep."
"I know." You sighed, resting your forehead against his shoulder, then turned back to your room. "See you later." You opened your door and glanced back at Masky, then shut the door. You approached your bed and slipped in between the covers. Your feet met something furry. Wait, furry?
"WHAT THE FU-" You short out of bed, slamming against the wall. Footsteps approached your door, and Masky burst in.
"fuck, not the furries."
"No, not FURRIES. an ACTUAL FURRY THING." You pointed accusingly at your bed. Suddenly, a face popped up from beneath your covers. Not a face. Smiley panted at you in confusion. "Oh."
"Y/N, you really are something else." Masky sighed, then shut the door. You looked at Smiley and burst into laughter. You approached Smiley and rubbed him behind the ears, slipping back into bed. Smiley curled up beside your hip as you pulled your covers up to your chin, closing your eyes gratefully, almost immediately falling asleep in the soft covers.

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