Chapter 12

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A/N: Last chapter was wild af lmao. But not as wild as someone certain coming ;)

You woke up, and immediately groaned in pain. It felt like someone had stabbed you in the forehead. So this is what a hangover feels like. Flipping onto your stomach, you flung open your sidetable drawer, and grabbed some painkillers. You shoved two in your mouth and sent them down your throat with some water. Laying in bed, you waited until your headache eased, and you got up. You grabbed your creepypasta outfit and went into the bathroom. Doing your usual routine, you walked out of your room with your black and (F/C) crowbar. Toby came out of Louth's room, and just stared at you. Your mouth dropped open, then you snapped it shut and grinned.

"Tell a-anyone and I-I'll kill y-you." He threatened. You pouted, then nodded. He turned and walked into his room as you walked down the stairs. You grabbed some cereal and poured some in a bowl, along with some milk. You threw a spoon in the bowl. You were about to have a spoonful, but Masky ran down the stairs and grabbed it.
"Thanks babe." He said. You growled as he put it on the coffee table in the living room. You grabbed a bowl and walked in.
"Hey asshole!" You yelled. Masky turned around, and was hit in the face with a flying bowl. He grunted as you bent over him and ate some of your cereal. "Make your own."
"Meanie." Masky muttered as he went to the kitchen. You turned on the tv and watched the news. Normally, the other creepypastas took spots around the world, and you took the towns close by. You were mainly killing in the city, and was known as The Crowbar Killer. "Wow, these guys are really original." Masky said when he came in and sat down with his own cereal. You nodded.
"In other news, Nicolas L/N is still missing." The reporter said. You thought back to when you kidnapped him with Jeff. That was fun. Suddenly, you remembered. That was your last name. You slammed your now empty bowl down.
"I'll be back. Is Nicolas still alive?" You got up, looking at Masky. He nodded. You ran up the stairs and put on some eyeliner, then tied a (F/C) bandanna loosely around your face so it hid your mouth and nose. You trotted back down the stairs and into the basement. In the middle, there was a rusty metal chair, and the aged man was strapped to it with thick leather belts. He slowly looked up at you, his eyes dull.
"Who the hell are you?" He growled. You walked to him, and slammed your crowbar in his hand. He yelped.
"What's your last name?" You asked casually. You wanted to know. He just glared at you. "What? You're going to die here anyway." Nicolas still didn't speak. You slowly walked back up to him. You hit him in the stomach. He threw up as you took a step back and leaned on the wall.
"My last name is L/N." He grunted. Your head snapped up. You turned and ran up the stairs, and locked the basement door. You went into the living room and shoved BEN off the computer.
"What the hell, Y/N?" The small boy complained. You glared down at him, taking down your bandana. "Oh, Hello~." You grunted, then turned back to the screen. You searched in Lee's case. And checked his last name and your parents. L/N. You groaned, and kicked the chair across the room, then turned and punched the wall furiously.
"What's up with you?" Masky turned around, looking at you. You looked at him, your (E/C) eyes full of rage. Masky got up and grabbed you by the shoulders.
"That shithead downstairs? I'm related to him!" You groaned, then turned and went back down into the basement. You pointed your crowbar at the man, ignoring Toby who was in the corner sharpening his hatchets slowly. "You!" Nicolas looked away from Toby and looked up at you. You slammed your crowbar on his shoulder, and you heard a small snap. Nicolas yelped. "Your son? Remember him?" Nicolas nodded, breathing heavily. "Well, guess what? That absolute, shithead, left me in the woods when I was 9! I'm sure he'll love to see your head on his doorstep, yeah?" Your voice began sounding more crazed.
"What? What do you mean?" Nicolas glared at you, but looked pretty scared. A spark of realisation flew across his eyes, then it disappeared. "I don't have a granddaughter!"
"Not that you know about!" You stood back, throwing your arms into the air. "And guess what! Your grandson is here too! This is fabulous isn't it, it's like a goddamn family reunion, except your in the basement of the Slendermansion surrounded by killers!" Nicolas just stared at you. Toby twitched and got up.
"C-calm down Y-Y/N." Toby said firmly. You stared at him, then sighed and collapsed in a chair.
"When are we killing this asshole?" You grumbled. Toby looked at him.
"When Louth wants him to die. She's still having her fun." Toby replied. Nicolas looked angry. Surprising.
"You guys are insane! It was self defence!" Nicolas yelled. Toby turned to him, lifting up his face with the end of his hatchet.
"No. It. Wasn't. She was just letting off steam, like she has the right to do, and you, being the asshole you are, interfered. You hurt her." Toby growled. Nicolas shrunk back from the blade. You heard someone coming down the stairs, and someone came up behind Toby.
"Thanks, Tobster." Louth ruffled his hair. You grinned as Louth swerved to Nicolas. "Hello, Nicolas." Louth put on her killer voice. Nicolas stared up at her. From the look on his face, you could tell that the only person he was scared of in this house was Louth. Toby directed you to leave, and you did so. As you closed the basement door, you heard Nicolas screaming in pain and fear. You sighed, then leaned against the wall.
"Why does life hate me?" You complained. Sure, your life had been turned around in a snap by a bloody little killer girl, and you had a home, and a family, but now two of your friends were basically lost because you were stupid enough to lead them on. You needed to kill. Now. You got up, charging towards the front door. You flung it open, and almost had a heart attack to see Shattered Sam standing there. He looked shocked too. "Jesus, Sam, you scared me to death!" You whined. Sam just smiled.
"Sorry, Y/N! You w-wanna go killing?" Sam offered. You nodded, then walked out and shut the door after you.
"I was just about to go anyway. You know that guy we have in the basement?" You looked at Sam as the two of you walked. He just nodded, turning his head to you, his mirror eyes reflecting you. "Turns out he's my grandfather from my father's side." You told him, then sat down next to a tree, sighing. "This is so stupid." Sam squatted in front of you.
"Hey, it's O-OK. Don't get s-so frustrated. At least Lee isn't a d-dickhead." Sam grinned at you, revealing his pristine white teeth. You smiled back, then leaned to him, hugging him. Without hesitation, he hugged back.
"Thanks a bunch, Sam." You thanked, feeling him grinning on your shoulder. You looked up at saw Hoodie walking back to the house. He stopped and turned his head towards the two of you. Silence. Then he just continued.
"Speaking of Lee, Slenderman's c-coming over with h-him." Sam pointed out, standing up with you still in his arms, lifting you onto your feet. You frowned. Everyone was taller then you except the kids, BEN, and the animals. Oh, and Louth. She was a bit bigger then BEN. You pulled away from the hug, flashing Sam another smile, then looked up at Slender.
"Yo. Wassup? Hi Lee." You ruffled your brother's (Y/H/C) hair. Lee giggled, hugging your leg. You noticed he had a pair of scissors. Big ones. "Uh, why do you have scissors that sharp?"
"Child, you know the cost that Lee and you have to pay for him to live with us." Slenderman reminded you. You sighed, hesitating, then nodded. He had to become a creepypasta. "Correct, child. And this is the best age for him to start. Early. So please take him with you on your killing spree. I will see you at dinner." And with that, Slenderman left.
"Slender never comes to dinner." You said suspiciously. Sam nodded, but Lee ignored it, tugging on your sleeve.
"C'mon! I wanna go killing and be cool like you!" Lee demanded. You sighed, then nodded. Sam picked up Lee, putting him on his shoulders. "Yay!" Lee giggled. Smiling, you led your friend with your brother on his shoulders towards the city, thinking over what your life used to be like, and how it is now. Your life was amazing.
"Slender told me that there is gonna be new creepypastas." Lee's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You tilted your head as you looked back at him.
"Who?" You asked suspiciously. Geez, these creepypastas were showing up fast. Lee shrugged, and you sighed. Slenderman had probably told him not to tell. "Ok. Can you please tell me where the closest house is, Sam?" Sam blinked then took out his phone. After a couple of minutes of walking, he finally responded.
"The closest one that isn't a crime scene and most likely are asleep is just past the abandoned building." Sam responded, putting away his phone. You nodded, and the three of you were silent the rest of the way. As the sky went from day to night, indicating you had went through the creepypasta portal, you heard a group of teenagers nearby. You looked at Lee, who was squirming with excitement. Suddenly, he jumped off of Sam's shoulders, scissors in hand, and zoomed to the noise.
"Lee! No!" You cried, racing after him. You watched in horror as he dug his scissors into a teens leg as they screamed and the rest ran. "Sam! Get them!" As soon as those words left your mouth, Sam shot after them, and soon five lifeless bodies were piled up in the middle of the road. Turning to Lee, your eyes blazed. "Don't ever do that again! If we weren't there or you had just ran off, those other kids would have escaped and called the cops! You would be taken away!" Lee frowned, his eyes turning sad.
"Sorry, Y/N... I just wanted you to be proud." Lee whimpered, holding his bloody scissors. Your heart melted and you hugged him.
"It's ok, Lee. You can make up for it in this house." You told him, and he immediately perked up. You took his hand and led him down the street, avoiding stepping in the pool of blood. As you walked down the street, you wondered about these new creepypastas. What were they like? Continuing to think about this, you made your way towards the house. Breaking open the front door quietly with your crowbar, you entered.
"Sam, take the girl's bedroom." You ordered him, and Sam cringed, then slowly nodded before slipping into a mirror. Turning to Lee, who was looking up at you with excited eyes, you pointed towards the parents room.
"You can take the adult room with me." You whispered to your brother, and he beamed, then quietly rushed in. Following, you saw him leap on the father and brutally stab him. He had clearly been practicing with Jeff. You did your usual routine with the mother, waking her up with a smash to the ribs, then to the shoulders, then just continue smashing until death came. Walking out of the bedroom, you saw someone at the stairs. Assuming it was Sam, you walked over.
"Hey Sam, you d- HNGH!" You were cut off when a gunshot sounded and you were thrown backwards. A large pain hit your stomach and a warm liquid ran down your legs before you collapsed. As your vision went blurry, you saw that it was really a boy, about your age. Before he could grab you, you saw Sam fly at him and push him down the stairs, then pick you up.
"Y/N!" You heard Lee's muffled cry, before you fell unconscious.

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