Day 7: Lilly

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Before, I envisioned myself joining my father in carpentry, travelling to  Neverwinter and meeting new people in the city - but Phandalin would always be my home. I was so sure of myself and my plan for my life. But those fantasies of an easy life died brutally along with my father. Ella gave me reassurance that I could have her counsel but whenever I began to think about that night, I began to lose control again. I was not ready. Ella understood that, I think. I wonder, what might be her story? 

I observed my other quest mates, merely strangers, as we walked along together. Erevan barely looked me in the eyes. I felt drawn to stare at his glistening golden skin, so smooth. I had never even imagined of a being to look that colour, and I could not resist - I had to stare. Earlier, he had caught me gawping at his form. He looked me in the eyes then ... but with an arrogant distaste. So, I did not particularly mind the fact that he chose to mostly ignore my existence. I could not be comparable to him anyway - the wonders of the world he must have seen being an elf, living to hundreds of years. It is difficult to imagine. Arya had a kinder face. Though she was a creature of little words, I admired her beauty and felt strangely comfortable with her presence.

I had never personally spoken to a Dwarf. My father worked with them from time to time. In common clothes I had not paid much attention to our differences. I had imagined them a lot less intimidating in looks, less stern and assertive. But, I had a suspicion that Dain of Ironfist was more than first impressions, more than meets the eye. I smiled at being reminded of his kindness of sparing a hand-axe. Perhaps I can entice him away from studying spells, drinking or insulting Erevan to teach me a few tricks. It was bizarre, being amongst such company. 

And while I felt more alone than ever, more unsure of the world than ever, I somehow knew this was where I had to be. My mother knew it too - I could see in her eyes and feel it in her hug. She would never have let her child go if she did not see my greater destiny. Whenever my stormy mind tried to play tricks with me, I had to cling onto that thought and try to have an ounce of belief left in me. I would not let my father's murder go unheard. Those were the only things I could be sure of.

We had enjoyed a gentle rain in our travels amongst the Eleasias midsummer days. Its sounds were calming and made the grass and the trees sing with fresh fragrance. Days were long and we walked almost from dawn until dusk. But our journey to Conyberry was almost complete. The previous evening, I had shot my first bullseye target with bow and arrow, dead centre of the circles Ella had engraved in the trees. We fished together using a spear from a nearby off-trail stream. Her high proficiency was almost hypnotizing.

The night-camp routine was put into place with Arya casting illusion spells to mirror cloak where we lay. Its the first time I had seen real magic in action. The concept of the Weave is practically unimaginable, amazing but also frightening, that there are invisible forces compelling such power. In addition to that, Dain laid out caltrop traps nearby. Though, having heard about Orc attacks around the town, I wondered whether this would be enough to stop one ... or more than one. Or the gods knew what else was out here. I had been camping before, I had travelled out of the village at times, but I always had a home to come back to. Nothing like this. I had to stay calm because I was terrified of what might happen if I didn't. I sometimes forget or convince myself I never set my house on fire, it was all the Bandits as far as everyone else is concerned. But then I see strands of my ashen hair flying stray in front of my eyes. Do I suit the white-grey pigment?

Darkness set in and I had myself comfy upon my back, analysing the woven fabrics of the tent and how it swayed lightly in the wind that was darting between the trees around us. I must have been lost in my thoughts because at first I didn't hear it. Arya and Erevan were taking it in turns to keep watch - seeing as they didn't need sleep to the same degree as the rest of us, and even then they would just meditate, I think Erevan said. He talked a lot about his great important religious quest, and how it was beyond human understanding. Although, I think I understood just fine. 

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