Day 1: Continued

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Whilst approaching the bridge, two more goblins emerged from the other side. They seemed to briefly commerce before assailing forwards. They both pounced on Erevan, scratching up his limbs with their claws. Dain grabbed one, effortlessly picking it up, off of the elf. Whilst in his hands, Ella's arrow projected into its stomach. The dwarf rendered a disapproving look at the human, not pleased at her risking her shot and potentially hitting him instead. Erevan tackled his arms to the neck of the one left on top of him, choking its neck. As its last breaths of life escaped through its teeth, Erevan rolled it off him and stood up.

He grunted at the pain from some gaping wounds. Immediately, Dain of Ironfist instructed the elf to stand still, as he muttered some words in an unrecognisable language; it was a spell of healing. Some of the bigger cuts shrunk dramatically in size, and the small ones disappeared entirely; his skin engulfed the wounds, fixing back together without any trace or mark. Ella watched in awe, bewildered by the impossible ability of her fellow adventurers.

"How can someone who looks so mean, actually be as kind as you are.? Laughed the elf, though with a tone of gratitude.

The dwarf shrugged, grunted and replied "Let's go."

Nodding in agreement, Ella and Erevan followed Dain over the bridge and into another compartment of this labyrinth of a cave. This room was dimly lit by flame like the first meeting room had been. However, here, there was no sign of any more creatures or monsters, except three wooden and shabby tables. The ceiling was low, Erevan needing to slightly bow down his head. Despite appearing like a dead-end, the three entered the room for further inspection.

Approaching the far end, Ella heard voices, and noticed a step up to a large gap in the wall revealing another area - although she could not see much without going in herself. Turning back and seeking cover behind a boulder, she concentrated on eavesdropping into their converstaion.

The bugbear growled, and some goblins mewled. Ella reminded her thoughts about what the guarding goblin had informed about the number ten; they had already faced seven goblins, so there must be at least three in there.

"Very sorry Klag," spoke one.

"Shut up," Klarg clamoured in reply.

Erevan and Dain turned their heads and made eye contact with Ella. She brang a finger up to her lips and then made notion to the tables. They were not alone and the males sensibly took her advice on flipping the tables to use as an extra defensive shield.

"They are here, you pathetic animals. Kill them." The order had been spoken.

Ella flung herself back, attempting to reach the third table for protection, but three goblins came rushing down the step and engaged in combat quicker than she could have anticipated. She drew her greatsword out of its scabbard by her side and slashed through the arm of one of the creatures. Easily ripping through its flesh, blood trailed on the floor in a circular pattern; it swung around to retaliate with a shortsword of its own. Managing to dodge, she struck again.

Meanwhile, Dain used a thaumaturgy spell to send tremours across the floor. This caused a goblin to stumble over, where he then jumped over the table and brought down his hammer. Unfortunately, first time he missed. The goblin swung his sword at Dain's armour before attempting to get up again, causing a loud clang but as little damage as a small scratch in the metal. The goblin did not make it far, as the dwarf ended his scrawny life soon after.

Ella finished off the one she had been in direct combat with, before dropping her sword and quickly taking her bow and arrow from upon her back. The last goblin running for Erevan was killed with one shot before he could send a warning cry to Klag.

Faerun's Heroes and The Lost Wave Echo CavesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora