Day 3: Dain

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Seeing such poor and innocent victims, trapped for no good reason, angered me to levels I could never find the words good enough to explain. Humans are youthful and innocent - for that they have many disadvantages to this world - but nobody deserves to suffer at the hand of greed. I knew that all too well. Having pledged to the gods my allegiance with the ways of a cleric, I was determined to get rid of these unlawful bandits, even if my cousin was not to be found.  After a well deserved snack and break, and a chance to patch up my wounds from combat with a Nothic and the Undead, it was time to face what ever other strange creatures that might lie ahead, as well as crush some red brand ruffians. Then, last but not least, we could leave this dreadful manor, claim our reward and see some justice at last. 

Moving on, proceeding down the darkish corridor, we entered into a room identifiable as barracks; simple sleeping facilities scattered the room, along with basic supplies, simple clothing and weapons... and three bandits. The men promptly stood up straight and flashed perplexed glances between us and themselves. We perched menacingly in the doorway, Ella with a satisfied hunger spread smiling across her lips and alight in her eyes. Erevan deliberately coughed, waved his golden-skinned hand and joyfully greeted the enemy, "good afternoon, humans." Shortly afterwards, the men quickly jumped upon their swords resting beside them and readied themselves.

I clasped a tighter stocky grip around my hammer handle and charged in, Ella following at my side with her sword readied. She successfully sliced up one of the men that were seemingly surprised at the impressive skill of the female before them, after some duration of clattering weapons and swooping body movements, delightfully dancing footwork keeping her balanced. He became bloodied and showed signs of clear suffering as he much deserved.  

The elves were muttering madness and launching spells into the room, whizzing  over my head and colliding with the other bandit members, including the man I had just knocked flying. As Ella plunged her sword through the chest on one, I hindered the escape of the other I had just hit, smashing his skull again and ending his life. The cracks of his bones could be heard in between the grinding release of Ella's sword, as we swapped endorsed looks of appease. We gladly left the fate of the remaining human in the hands of the elves, knowing full well that Erevan, especially, would not even consider sparing his life. 

He released a Magic Missile spell, again, whereby all three darts pierced the bandit aligned in his chest. After stumbling back upon a bed, he observed the four of us one by one as he gasped in pain and defeatedly dropped his weapon. It was the tree monkey who concluded the combat by shooting an arrow from her bow that lodged just above the bridge of the nose, right in between the eyes. 

"You have incredible precision, Arya, I congratulate you." Said Erevan, receiving only a simple thanks in return from the Wood Elf, not even a smile. 

The High Elf ignored my inquisitorial gaze from below as I witnessed another failed attempt at gaining her interest. This creature had awful communication and social skills - that is coming from a dwarf who spent the first half of his life within mountains and hills hidden away from the rest of the world and only surrounded by his own kind! 

Progressing through another door, we cautiously investigated the next room. In its centre stood a considerably large table elevated to the height of my protruding nose, covered with scattered paper, containing illegible scribbles of ink in Common scripture, small pottery trinkets and boxes stacked with numerous glass potion viles of varying shapes and sizes. Spoons, wooden and metal, spatulas, simple knives and feathers with ink pots also cluttered haphazardly across the workspace. 

Lit candles on the naked and partially crumbled brick walls illuminated more stacked viles in the cabinets and shelving units that surrounded the room's edges, along with a range of other magic-aiding equipment and supplies. Numerous books sat crammed upon wooden shelving furniture that ranged from floor to ceiling. Some were outstretched and overhanging the shelf edge, with visibly cracked spines and faded printed images reading as such: A Mage's Magic, Staff of Defence, Wonders of the Weave and more. 

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