Day 2: Ella

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The tender rise of the sun pricked through my eyelids with an orange hue. The day was only moments new; I was first to wake. I sat contently, noticing the elongated shadows dancing from the trees. I walked a few paces away from the camp, so that it was still in sight, but with better view of the dawn over Phandalin. Our stop was on the edge, towards the mining trail and up a slight hill, only touching upon the borders of the small woodland.

 I roamed my eyes into the town, one building I could see from there was the Town Hall's top floor and roof above the surrounding settlements. I spat onto the grass beneath my feet at disgust of the cowardly town master whom I'd had the displeasure of meeting the day before. He was letting mankind down; he should have been proud to be responsible for this quaint town, and honour himself in doing his very best at protecting it. As a human, it is my duty to be valiant, protect others, especially of my kind - for staying and working together is how we have managed to survive as a species. 

It is a shame that in a world so beautiful, there are some among who's pure desire is to mutilate it to ruins. I wish there to be a time where all kind may strive together. May the old feuds of the ancient creatures be laid to rest - whatever they may be (I know that dwarven and elven history go way back to before humans were to ever have existed). 

It is with beautiful intrigue how varied the lifeforms of this world are. There are just as many differences within species as there are between them. Arya and Erevan is proof of that. Surely there must be benefits to the strengths and weaknesses of different kinds coming together in order to prosper in the harsh environment of these lands. It is a shame that not everyone is able to see the wonder of us all being together and having found each other.

Although Erevan sees himself as my superior, being a wizard and a high elf, it would obviously be a rare friendship but over the last few days we have proven that it is somewhat possible and I wish he will come to see me as an equal; different, but no lesser. I may not have powers of a magical kind but I know that some day I will be an achiever of many great things. 

My starting of cooking breakfast allured into the senses of Dain and he roused from his sleeping quarters. His hair and beard were all tangled, him needing to comb it out with his small-scale yet thick fingers. 

"Morning," I nodded my head.

"That smells nice, what is it?" He replied.

I gently gave a subtle shake of my head and chuckled inwardly. Dain was one I just could not figure out. How he came to be a cleric is beyond me, he looked more like a solider - his stern expression, decisiveness in combat, and skill with his hammer and axes would certainly suggest so. I thought him to be very peculiar. Although he did not present himself in a particularly friendly manner, seeming to only care for food and beverage, I could not help but feel that he had a hidden kindness. His heart was good natured - I was sure of it. Normally dwarves live in caves or hills with just a want for gold and jewels. But, Dain of Ironfist supports followings of life and healing, which I have great personal respect for. I would like to think that he could respect me, and we could have a mutual understanding for each other.

"Just some fish, I hope you all like it." I exclaimed.

"I'll knock the others to their senses out of their trances, with great displeasure." Dain grunted as he stood himself up and proceeded to their location nearby. 

"Why is it that they do not sleep?" I called after him.

"They can, they just have no need. They just meditate. Don't ask me, its just what their kind does. One of their many strange ways."

Strange, indeed. I wondered what it would be like to meditate and have trances, study magic and worship gods. But then than a few moments later, my attention was quickly diverted to thinking about the Bandits, how we must bring about justice for this town, and my arising suspicions with the town master -  but also Sildar. He must know more information about the happening involving the kidnapping of Gundren. He has to. I would be the one to find out - for the adventure and curiosity, but also for Dain. 

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