Day 13: AM

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Accumulating grey-ish clouds gently dulled the sunlight, casting slight shadow upon the crumbling structure emerging through the woodland ahead of the adventuring group. The forest's vegetation was swallowing the stonework. Moss and weed vines creeping up the damaged walls and seeping into the deep cracks, becoming one with the architecture before them. Though mostly intact from outside view, the building materials had visual evidence of aging. It left an interesting multi-layered texture, exposing the insides of some rock and stone, juxtaposed next to more sturdy outside shells. Weathering had stained many parts, such as the corrosive water marks vertically dripping down from the tip of one of the tower turrets. 

Ella and Arya approached first, careful to stealthily travel up the steps to a raised small courtyard area. Their light feet were expertly placed as if to avoid a wrong move that could cause the whole castle to come crumbling down. They peered through the open wooden gate doors, scouting for enemies. The others cautiously watched from their positions at the wall slits and gaps between the towers' turrets for any prying yellow goblinoid eyes. 

The light-brown-haired 20-somethings female human, Ella, glanced back at her other companions. The golden-skinned elven eyes intensely focused into a void of thought as the dwarven cleric posed readied, repositioned backpack and Warhammer weapon selected with a strong grip. Ella met eyes with her youthful teenage apprentice who was anxiously twiddling a string of ashen hair around her delicate fingers. Lilly raised her eyebrows and communicated through a gestural head tilt to ask what was going on. Both Ella and the auburn-haired slim built Wood Elf slowly shook their heads and actioned a wary shrug. But, they both drew their bows from upon their backs with anticipated precaution. According to accounts from Erevan's trance visions and the interrogated hobgoblin the day prior, this place should have been swarming with the infestation of Cragmaw Goblinoid tribes and all members of the group expected to be met with considerable resistance. 

Lilly began slow advancement up to the base of the front steps. Ella whispered to her that they were going further in, ordered Lilly to hold back for now. The teenager extended a thoughtful gaze down upon the handaxe she was holding, chosen for today's battles. Tapping her toes inside her shoes, she did not want to wait. This was her time to prove herself, after her hard work training in recent days. Blushing, she remembered how she had frozen at the approaching ogre back second night of camp. However, she reluctantly nodded agreement, trusting the expertise of her elder. 

As the other two females disappeared into the room, separating left and right to cover more ground, Lilly waved over at the men. Dain was already on his way forwards, followed closely behind. 

Peering through the archway of the open entrance, Dain could examine the area with more precision. There was no roof at this section of the castle - that began further back, covering other secret rooms probably housing the enemy. But the walls were decorated with metal contraptions that, at first, seemed like wall supports. The dwarf's inspecting eyes followed the metal brackets, up and to the tips of the inner wall and realised they were attached to cages, just hanging over the other side, only just revealing themselves. What were these cages for and how could they be released? Rope pulleys trailed down and around a set of steps that formed one of the two tower turrets at the front entrance courtyard of this castle they found themselves in.

"It's a trap!" He shouted, startling Lilly only inches to his side. "I think there's a goblin at the other end of that rope and when it pulls, those cages will be flung over that wall and trap any creature in that middle square area." His muttering was at such a high pace, Lilly struggled to comprehend his deep voice. This was helped by his pointing, though, were she saw the hidden trap with her own multi-coloured eyes. 

"Child, stay here. I am going in to help Arya." Said Erevan, not even turning to address the young human woman before dashing inside himself. Every letter of the word 'child' seemed to be individually sounded out and emphasised, to Lilly's ears. Dain grunted and followed suit.  

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