Day 4: Everyone

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"Does The Shrine of Luck have any familiarity to any of you?" Questioned Erevan, packing the last of his items and securing his rolled-up tent to his adventuring horse-skin backpack.

"Don't know, don't care Elf... are you leaving us?" replied Dain, not long awaken from his drunken slumber.

"Indeed. Does that please you little dwarf?" 

"Erevan, companion, where is it that you intend to journey to?" enquired Arya, though spoken more like a statement than a question. 

"Very much so!" The dwarf sang, guzzling from his water pouch, the leftovers and last of the prized wine, "the best cure to the new dawn ills from wine, is more wine," he proclaimed, stretching and proceeding to reach for half of his clothing and armour he had taken off the night before.

Erevan frowned and grimaced as he muttered under his breath, though deliberately loud enough for Dain to hear, "disgusting."

At the same moment, Ella noted that The Shrine of Luck was situated in Phandalin, to which they had passed a few times in the previous days.

"I will be going to this Shrine of Luck, and from there on, I expect my duty to lead me afar, Arya." Erevan replied.

"There is no need to travel alone," she stated in return.

Nodding, Ella agreed. Her intensifying sapphire irises glistened in her widened eyes.

"What idea do you have Ella - you are doing your look." Dain rolled his eyes.

"What look?" At that the camp commenced into gentle laughter. "We will come with you to the Shrine if you let us Erevan?" She continued, hastily beginning to clear up their camp.

"Will we now?" Dain raised an eyebrow.

"I have no need of companions on this quest, I should already be on my way." His tone stiffened with irritability.

"Perhaps whatever priest resides at this shrine knows information about Black Spider and the Wave Echo Caves, and Gundren's whereabouts?" Began Arya.

"All of little importance," interrupted Erevan.

Arya abruptly turned her green gaze into his eyes. Her expression plain but Erevan's gulp was audibly heard in the silence.

"It is of rude custom to interrupt another while they are speaking."

"My apologies, please continue." Erevan spoke quietly. Ella and Dain exchanged glances.

"We could travel to the shrine together, we collect information regarding our matters, you collect information regarding yours," finished Arya.

"Indeed, and then we could go on our separate ways - although you might find we could be of use, including the local girl whom I wish has decided to accept my offer to join our team." Added Ella, eagerly.

"High Sun Elves do not join little adventuring teams. But as you wish, we will attend the shrine together."

Ella had a grin smothered across her face. She tied back her mid-length brown hair, pulled upon her leather armour, and splashed a drizzle of water upon her face with cupped delicate human hands. Erevan poised upon the hill, glancing across the town with his back turned to the rest of the group while they hastily stuffed their bags and satchels, and put out the gently glowing fire. 

The Shrine was a single story building with a high arched wooden double door, aligned by a stone frame - Erevan's towering 6ft2 physique would pass through easily with a straightened back. Its misshapen stone walls were a mixture of materials, as though carved together through the salvages of multiple other aging buildings. Hanging loosely a metal sign engraved in an elegant font, the words Shrine of Luck.

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