Day 1: PM

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Upon arriving in Phandalin, the group followed their path towards the town square. A well-mannered establishment on their left read Stonehill Inn on the metal sign above the entrance attached to the stonework. Wood beams embraced the building along with partial cladding, topped with a combination of thatching and slated tiling roofing. Children playing on the nearby green supplied merrymaking shrieks and innocent laughter to the fruitful air. Some of the citizen's attention was directed to these newcomers as they turned for the entrance of the Inn. A human mother and her child gawped at Erevan whilst they secured the cart to post outside the building entrance. Inside the adventurers were met with a warm air and smiling pleasantries from a middle-aged-looking lady behind a large solid wood bar to the immediate left. 

"Hi there, my name is Trelina Stonehill, wife to the Innkeeper here at the Inn of Phandalin, can I help?"

Sildar Hallwinter strode forth and leant against the wood panelling with comfortable form. 

"Ah, Mr Hallwinter, your usual room, sir?" Her facial expression perked up at recognition of Sildar, although her eyebrows came to a slight knot as she examined his dirty state.

"Indeed, kind Trelina, and please, call me Sildar. My friends are, I believe, looking for food and lodgings," He turned to the others and informed them to come and find him later in room number 1 if they had any desire to discuss any trepidation. 

"What's your price?" blurted Erevan, to which Ella hastily interrupted and took over with the social interaction. 

"Excuse us, we have just come to an end of a few days travelling and I am sure are all both hungry and exhausted. I see you serve food here? May we take a seat?"

Ella and Trelina looked as though they could be related. They had the same shade of brown hair, and similar slim body build. Perhaps it was Ella's female human likeness that allowed her to connect and talk to the locals with such ease and honesty.

"Sure, sit anywhere you like - perhaps put your feet up by our fire - I will be over in a moment to see to you. Welcome to Phandalin." Trelina started to finish off her chore at hand, surrounded by tankards and other dining implements. Her cautious gaze hovered upon the High-Elf as they turned to find a seat.

"And what about a room, and a bed to rest ourselves?" proclaimed Dain of Ironfist, sharp in tone.

"We have the camping equipment we need to make lodgings of our own, no need to take up beds that others might need more, or waste currency for that matter. Let's at least treat ourselves to a nice meal and a drink from this place before me must proceed. I, for one, would like to ask a few more questions to Sildar in regards to your cousin, and we need to go to the mining exchange to hand in this equipment - for it was the reason for our journey after all." Responded Ella.

Dain grunted as he clunked onto a large wooden chair at one of the tables, close to the fire as recommended. 

The Inn was decorated with various ornaments upon shelving as well as some parchment and ink drawings and chalk on slate artwork of the surrounding areas. There was a light buzz of conversational chatter from other beings in the rooms. The metal ornate candle holders on the walls were supplied with fresh wick, ready to be lit for the approaching evening. Some teenage halflings were challenging two dwarf men to an arm wrestle with the victor receiving another pint, adding to the collection of tankards already crowding the table. This was being watched with amusement by other groups of humans sat close by. A few beings noted the newcomers from across the bar, and swiftly leant in to close conversation with one another upon Erevan's returned glare. The establishment seemed to be a cozy space with mutual appreciation for food and drink amongst Phandalin's mixed community. 

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